Manual Handling Risk Assessment

Summary of operation - / Location(s) of move -
Load(s) being handled - / Assessors name -
Names of those involved – / Assessment date -

If the answer to a question is ‘Yes’ place a tick against it and note any remedial action that could reduce the risk.

Does the task involve - / Yes / Remedial action (incl. dates)-
Holding the load away from the trunk
Twisting / stooping
Reaching sideways / upwards
Large vertical movements
Lifting above shoulder height
Lifting below the knees
Change in posture / position
Long carrying distances
Strenuous pushing or pulling
Unpredictable movement of the load
Repetitive handling
Insufficient rest or recovery
A work-rate imposed by a process
Is the load - / Yes / Remedial action (incl. dates)-
Heavy / bulky
Difficult to grasp (large or unusual shape)
Unstable / unpredictable (fluids etc)
Intrinsically harmful (e.g. sharp /hot etc)
Going to cause obstructed vision
Able to be moved by one person
In the work environment are there - / Yes / Remedial action (incl. dates)-
Constraints on posture (due to lack of space)
Poor floors (uneven / slippery etc)
Variations in levels (slopes / stairs etc)
Hot/cold/ humid condition
Strong air movements (natural or mechanical)
Poor (or excessive) lighting conditions
Does the activity - / Yes / Remedial action (incl. dates)-
Require unusual (physical or mental) capability
Create a hazard to those with health problems (including expectant mothers)
Call for special training / information etc
Involve hindered posture by clothing or personal protective equipment
Involve prolonged or repetitive actions

Other relevant comments (including further remedial actions)

Date by which above action is to be taken:Overall priority: High / Medium / Low(Circle relevant level)

Date for re-assessment:

Assessor’s Name:Signature:

Guidance -

The responsibility for undertaking the assessment lies with the HOD / manager -

  1. Consider alternative methods of movement (mechanical aids etc)
  2. Reduce the - weight / distance / repetition of the movement
  3. Where possible, involve a coordinated team lift with a named supervisor
  4. Ensure all involved are trained in the appropriate kinetic techniques
  5. Ensure all involved have the appropriate (and identified) personal protective equipment available, and use it
  6. Ensure adequate planning has gone into any manual handling activities, as detailed above in this assessment
  7. Communicate the findings of this assessment to all involved in the activity

Further support is available from the Health and Safety Dept.