Journalism Syllabus

Long Branch High School

English Department


Instructor:Ms. Greene

Contact Information

(732) 229-7300

Room #:427

Teacher Website:Located under “Teacher Pages” on the LBHS website

Extra Help:Immediately after school or by appointment


Daily Materials Needed:

  • Three-ring binder
  • Notebook
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Journal

Classroom Rules:

✓Be on time and prepared.

✓Be respectful.

✓Be cooperative.

✓Be positive.

✓Believe in yourself!

In addition to the above, all school rules, policies, and procedures will be adhered to at all times.

Policies and Procedures:

•ABSOLUTELY no cell phone usage in class. Please refer to the student handbook for cell phone policy and consequences for violating this policy.

•Students are to be in class on time. An assignment will be posted each day and students are expected to begin working before the late bell rings. Tardiness is unacceptable without a pass.

•No student will be permitted to leave the classroom for any reason (other than a true emergency) the first or last 10 minutes of the class period.

•Homework and any other assignments are due at the beginning of each class period. You will receive further instruction as to how this will be collected.

•All students are expected to participate in class and group discussions.

•Assignments are to be completed ON TIME. If, for any reason, you encounter a problem completing an assignment, all efforts should be made to contact me in person or via email BEFORE the assignment’s due date.

•All students are expected to show the teacher, fellow students, and themselves the utmost respect.

•Proper language will be used while speaking and in written work (no slang/swear/text words will be acceptable).

•If you are ABSENT it is your responsibility to find out what was covered during your absence and what assignments you will need to make up.

•Students are to REMAIN SEATED until class is over. (I will dismiss you, NOT the bell.)

Grading Policy

The grade for each marking period will be determined by the following:

Category / Example Grades / Percent of Grade:
Summative Assessments / Unit Tests, Long-term projects, Journals, Major Writing Assignments / 80%
Formative Assessments / Quizzes, Class work, Class Participation, / 15%
Homework / Daily homework assignments / 5%

Midterm10% of the final grade

Final10% of the final grade

Extra Help: I am available for extra help whenever you need. Please feel free to talk to me and let me know what days/times are convenient for you and I will make sure to be available. I’m here to help you succeed!

Attendance Policy: Please refer to the student handbook regarding the attendance policy.

Homework Policy: Homework will be given as reading assignments, journal entries, or extensions of the unit or lesson being taught. Students are expected to study for all tests and be prepared for all quizzes. Group projects and individual essay assignments will be given as long term homework assignments with clear due dates.

Journals: In an effort to help you practice and improve your writing skills, daily “Do Now” assignments will be posted for students to complete at the beginning of each class period. These journals will be reviewed and graded at my discretion and will count as two test scores at the end of each marking period.

Quizzes: There may be surprise quizzes given to ensure students are keeping up with the reading assignments given as homework. There will also be other quizzes given that students will know of beforehand.

Deadlines: We will be working as a class to create publications for schoolwide distribution. As such, individual responsibility must be taken to ensure deadlines, editing, drafting, and other aspects of publication that we will learn and discuss are crucial. Students will be expected to meet any and all deadlines set forth by the teacher. If there are extenuating circumstances, all efforts should be made to contact the teacher via phone, email, or in person PRIOR to the deadline to discuss.

Class Resources: Please refer to the student handbook regarding textbook policy.

Academic Integrity Policy: Students are expected to avoid any and all dishonest behavior in relation to academic work. Such behavior may include (but is not limited to) failing to document borrowed words or ideas from research sources, handing in the work of another, or copying during a test or quiz. The consequence for this behavior is a ZERO on the assignment for all students involved as well as possible disciplinary actions.

All policies, procedures, and rules outlined in the student handbook will be strictly adhered to in this classroom.


Signature Sheet

I have read the contents of Ms. Greene’s class syllabus and I understand the expectations and policies outlined herein.

Student Name (Printed): ______

Student Signature:______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Best phone number to reach you: ______

Email address: ______

I’m looking forward to meeting you at Back to School night on Monday, September 24th!