8 August 2003


In an effort to further ensure that the working draft of the CAP Notification protocol is validated prior to its delivery for public review, as required under OASIS guidelines, the EM-TC provides, herein, a "basic" interoperability test plan.

Since there shall be further reference/example implementations required for final ratification as an OASIS Standard, the CAP test continuum defined hereinis intended as a supplement to those requirements. However, since those tests require considerable additional thought regarding the methods and infrastructure required to deliver CAP messagesfrom Point A to Point B, the test program defined herein MAY be used as a first step in that process.


To prove that a supporting application can output a CAP alert which can be imported into a second application, while maintaining the structure and intent, as required by the standard, of the original alert.

Test Details

  • The test scenario shall involve interoperability and CAP delivery between a minimum of 2, but no more than 5, reference sites. Of these, at least 2 MUST be able to export AND import the standardized CAP formatted alert as defined in 0.9a1 as attached.
  • For the purpose of this test the communications and transport mechanism for the alert shall be limited to either FTP or email attachment.
  • Import and export can occur as a manual rather than an automated process, since the goal is to test the format rather than the transmission process at this time. Transmission capabilities shall be tested in follow-on, formal reference/example tests.
  • Recognizing that time is of the essence the test program shall be completed in no more than 5 business days. Start-End dates for the program are to be determined.


The following evolutions define scenarios meeting the functional capabilities necessary for successful validation of the CAP protocol:


  • One of the output supporting applications (App-O) shall export a CAP alert and one of the input-only supporting applications (App-I) shall then import and process the CAP alert
  • Both App-O and App-I parties shall evaluate if the original intent was maintained in App-I. Successful completion of these transactions shall constitute validation.


  • One of the input and output supporting applications (App-IO-A) shall export a CAP alert and a second import and export supporting application (App-IO-B) shall then import and process the CAP alert.
  • App-IO-B shall then export their version of the same CAP alert and App-IO-A shall then import and process this second CAP alert.
  • App-IO-A shall then compare the original alert it exported against the one App-IO-B relayed back to it to ensure the original intent was maintained. Successful completion of this transaction shall constitute validation.

Test Sites

The following companies have requested inclusion as reference sites during the test program:

1. Jerry Weltman

Innovative Emergency Management


2. Brian Pattinson



3. Fred Simonet

Ship Analytics

(his number is back on my desk at the office)

4. Gary Ham



5. Ory Warshenbrot

Blue292, Inc.


6. Cathy Subatch

E Team, Inc.


Test Schedule

To be established and ratified within the plenary committee.