Waynesburg Youth Baseball
Constitution and Bylaws
Article I Name of Organization
The name of this organization shall be “Waynesburg Youth Baseball”, hereafter referred to as the “Association” or WPBA.
Article II Purpose
The purpose of WYB shall be to encourage and promote baseball activities for youth ages four to fourteen residing in the Central Greene School District. The purpose is also to develop citizenship, sportsmanship, development and a spirit of competition, to provide adequate facilities, to encourage and maintain a healthy interest in athletic activities of all types, with the ultimate purpose of developing in our youth a sense of responsibility. All children of the Central Greene School District shall be eligible to participate in the activities conducted by the Association without regard to race, creed, color, religious affiliation, physical or mental impairment, or sexual orientation.
No part of the net earnings of this Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its Officers, Directors or other private persons. However, the Association may be authorized and empowered within these By-Laws to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered to the Association, and to make payments and disbursements in furtherance of Section 501(c)(3) purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the Association shall be the carrying on of propaganda or the attempt to influence legislation.
The Association shall not participate in any political campaign. Notwithstanding any other provision of these By-Laws, the Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by (a) an organization exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Article IIIMembership
Any citizen residing within the geographic confines of the Association as described in Article II who is actively engaged in activities directly supporting the betterment of the Association is considered a member of the WYB. The member is entitled to vote at the Association’s annual election for its Board of Directors provided said individual is not actively engaged in the promotion and/or operation of any other baseball program with interest in conflict with the WYB. Members are entitled to attend meetings of the WYB and may voice his/her views regarding an issue during any of those meetings prior to a vote by the Board of Directors on the issue under discussion. This policy withstanding, WYB will occasionally conduct "closed" meetings, at which only presently seated WYB Board members will attend. Such closed meetings will be held for purposes of regular and postseason manager selections, player and manager discipline, or as otherwise determined by the WYB Board President. Every member of the WYB is eligible to be considered for a position on the Board of Directors during the annual elections of the Board as described in Article V.
Article IVMeetings
The Board shall determine dates for regular and special meetings during the Business year to conduct WYB business. There shall be at least four (4) regular meetings of the Board during each Business year, in addition to the Annual General Meeting. The President, or Vice-President in the absence of the President, will conduct all meetings according to Robert’s Rule of Order.
A special meeting may be called upon written request of at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors. The special meeting will only address the item(s) in the written request. The special meeting must be held within ten (10) days of the request.
The Annual General Meeting of the Board shall be held during the month of January at a date and time determined by the Board. Notice of said meeting shall be given by an Officer to the Board not less than three (3) weeks in advance thereof. If necessary, the President may call additional meetings, and the Secretary shall give notice to each member of the Board of Directors not less than seven (7) days prior to the scheduled date of an additional meeting. The President, and in the President’s absence, the Vice President, shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
Article VGovernment
The WYB Constitution, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations shall govern the Association. WYB will also be an affiliate of Pony Baseball and will incorporate the Pony Rules into all Association Rules and Regulations unless a change is voted upon by the board of directors.
Article VIBoard of Directors
The composition of the Board shall be as follows:
•Officers elected at the annual General meeting which include:
• Additional board members may be selected from the eligible membership and confirmed by the officers above. Officers may serve in the following capacities in addition to their duties as officers:
•Webmaster/Technology Director
•Concession Stands Coordinator
•Field Coordinator
•Equipment Coordinator
•Registration Coordinator
•Others as approved by the Officers of the Association
•Board members, whether elected or appointed, shall serve from August 1 of that Business year to July 31 of the following Business year.
•The duties and responsibilities of the Board members both individually and collectively shall be as provided in the By-Laws.
•Any Officer or Board position that is vacated during the Business year shall be filled by appointment by the President, with approval by a majority of the Board. Such new Board members arising from vacancies shall continue in office until the next July 31.
•No member of the Board is jointly or severally liable for actions taken by WYB or for duties performed on behalf of WYB while acting in his or her official capacity.
Article VIIAmendments
The Constitution may be amended or repealed, in whole or in part, by a two-thirds vote of all voting members present at the meeting in which a proposal for an amendment to the Constitution is being considered. Proposals for amendment or repeal of the Constitution must be made in writing and submitted to the Secretary so as to allow thirty (30) days’ notice to all voting members prior to consideration of such proposals at any meeting.
Article VIIIBylaws
Bylaws not inconsistent with this Constitution may be adopted or amended by a majority of the membership voting at any general meeting provided that proposed amendments have been previously studied and that copies have been made available to members of the Association at least two (2) calendar weeks in advance of the meeting.
Article IXAdoption
This constitution shall take effect immediately upon the approval vote of a majority of a voting membership.
Article IBoard Authority and Responsibilities
The Board shall be responsible for and have final authority, except as otherwise provided herein, for the following:
•Enforcing and interpreting the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of WYB.
•Defining and establishing all rules and regulations for WYB.
•Creating special committees as needed.
•Establishing an approved budget and setting fees for each playing season.
•Establishing temporary rules and regulations for specific cases not provided for elsewhere, but which are deemed necessary for the Board to carry out the objectives of WPBA.
•Reviewing the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of WYB to ensure consistency with the provisions of affiliate organizations, to remedy inequities or inconsistencies, and to evaluate desirable changes to the Constitution and By-Laws.
Article IIBoard Member Duties and Responsibilities
Board members’ duties and responsibilities are enumerated and assigned to create a positive experience for each player and Member of WYB. Each Officer and Director of the Board contributes to a player’s positive experience by performing specified duties in a timely and conscientious manner and through effective communication and coordinated activities.
To ensure each player has a positive experience, the Board members will attempt to achieve the goals of ensuring that all players and their families:
•Learn about the activities, philosophy, and purpose of WYB.
•Receive sufficient notice and information about pre-season registration.
•Receive positive, skilled instruction and sufficient feedback from qualified coaches.
•Have a safe and well-maintained field of play.
•Are not harassed or abused by anyone during practices or games.
The Board will achieve these goals through the following Officers and Coordinators and their duties:
• President
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association membership and at all meetings of the Board of Directors; shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Association; shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees and shall perform such other duties as are normally associated with the office of President. The President shall not vote on any matter before the Board except in the event of a tie. The President shall have the authority to make executive decisions where a meeting to decide such matters becomes too late. The President may manage or coach in the Association but may not vote or make any league decisions on any matter pertaining the division he/she is managing or coaching.
•Ensure the integrity and future of WYB by administering the organization according to the guidelines of the WYBConstitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations and Rules of Pony Baseball
•Ensure the youth of the community a safe and fun environment in which to play and learn the sport of baseball.
•Ensure all officers, coordinators, and volunteers are aware of their duties and responsibilities and that these duties are performed in a timely and conscientious manner.
•Act as Chairperson for all Board meetings and all general and/or special meetings of WYB.
•Conduct all organizational meetings according to the established agenda.
•Assist with the development of the annual budget.
•Coordinate the planning, preparation, and organization of all activities necessary to conduct each playing season.
•Maintain relationships with local authorities (Borough, Townships, School Board, etc.) including communications, contributions, and recognition.
•Promote public awareness and support for WYBactivities.
•Act as the contact representative for WYBto PONY Baseball and ensure accurate communications to WYBmembership as applicable.
•Attend or assign a representative to attend all organization related meetings.
• Vice-President
The Vice President - shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President; shall otherwise assist the President in the performance of the President's duties and shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
•Assist the President with duties as needed and assume duties of the President in the absence of the President.
•Assist with the development of the annual budget.
•Resolve general complaints received by various means or refer complaints to respective Board Members as necessary.
•Will take the lead on baseball operations, including field preparation and maintenance, and distributing/replacing/upgrading/collecting equipment
•Periodically review Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations for continuity and suggest any needed changes to Board.
•Monitor and maintain information on the Association website or provide content to Technology Coordinator to be maintained.
• Secretary
The Secretary shall have custody of the Constitution and Bylaws, and all other records of the Association, shall compile the policies for each division and all standing committees, shall keep an accurate record of the meetings and other activities of the Association and of the Board of Directors; shall be responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the Association and shall transmit all records and correspondence to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office.
•Keep accurate minutes/records of all meetings and activities of the organization including financial data
•Draft and distribute agenda items to the membership prior to scheduled Board Meeting
•Draft and distribute meeting minutes and activity records as necessary.
•Contact the appropriate person(s) to obtain umpires for Mustang, Bronco and Pony divisions.
•Maintain all records and files for WYB.
•Coordinate and distribute correspondence as necessary
•Request and secure meeting space through appropriate channels (if applicable).
•Communicate changes in meeting times or places to all Members.
•Assist with the development of the annual budget.
• Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds with the approval of the Board of Directors; shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed for the Association; shall submit a financial report at all regular meetings and at such other times as may be requested by the President; shall compile an annual report of Association finances; shall provide the books of the Association and such other documentation as requested for the annual audit and shall transmit all financial records to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office.
•Maintain detailed accounts of all financial transactions of WYB.
•Present financial reports at organizational meetings as necessary or upon request of any member of WYB.
•Provide for deposits and prepare checks to pay bills and other obligations as approved by the Board
•Reconcile monthly bank statements.
•Obtaining sponsorships for each team
•Assist with the development of the annual budget.
•Coordinate a financial audit of all WYBtransactions as required by the Internal Revenue Service
•Work with Board approved accountant annually to prepare and file all required returns and reports in accordance with all provisions of the Federal Tax Code and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Tax Code as applicable to a non-profit corporation.
Article IIIFinancial Policy
• The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the league, bearing the responsibility to conduct the financial affairs of the league in a sound business-like manner.
• The Board of Directors shall institute policy relative to the preparation and acceptance of an annual budget, and periodic and annual presentation of financial reports, and an annual audit of the books of the League.
Article IV Association Rules and Regulations
•Minimum Inning Rule
1. Shetland
• All players shall play the field during each inning.
•Every player shall bat one time per inning.
•The batting order will include the entire roster.
•No player may sit out defensively for more than one inning per game. If a player sits out one inning, they must be reinserted defensively the following inning unless prevented by illness or injury.
• Every player shall play at least half of the total innings played in a regulation game. ONLY STARTING PLAYERS MAY RE-ENTER THE GAME
•PENALTY: The player(s) involved will start and play the next attended game, play any previous requirement not completed and the requirement for this game before being removed.
•The Coach/Manager shall for the:
•First Offense: Receive Verbal Warning
•Second Offense: Appear in front of the Board of Directors and one (1) game suspension
•Third Offense: Possible removal as Coach/Manager
•If the first or second violation is determined to have been intentional, the Board of Directors may assess a more severe penalty.
•Every player on a team must play in each game a minimum of six (6) consecutive defensive outs and bat at least one (1) time. ONLY STARTING PLAYERS MAY RE-ENTER GAME.
•PENALTY: The player(s) involved will start and play the next attended game, play any previous requirement not completed and the requirement for this game before being removed.
•The Manager shall for the:
•First Offense: Receive Verbal Warning
•Second Offense: Appear in front of the Board of Directors and one (1) game suspension
•Third Offense: Possible removal as Manager
•If the first or second violation is determined to have been intentional, the Board of Directors may assess a more severe penalty.
• Every player on a team must play in each game a minimum of three (3) consecutive defensive outs OR bat at least one (1) time. ONLY STARTING PLAYERS MAY RE-ENTER GAME.
•PENALTY: The player(s) involved will start and play the next attended game, play any previous requirement not completed and the requirement for this game before being removed.
•The Manager shall for the:
•First Offense: Receive Verbal Warning
•Second Offense: Appear in front of the Board of Directors and one (1) game suspension
•Third Offense: Possible removal as Manager
• If the first or second violation is determined to have been intentional, the Board of Directors may assess a more severe penalty
• Local rules for the WYBshall be as follows:
Local Rules for Each DivisionAges / 4-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / 11-12 / 13-14
Base path / 40 ft / 50 ft / 60 ft / 70 ft / 80 ft
Pitching Mound / N/A / 38 ft / 44 ft / 48 ft / 54 ft
Innings / 3 innings or one hour / 5 / 6 / 7 / 7
Pitching / StartCoach Pitch; end with tee / Coach Pitch / Player
Pitch / Player Pitch / Player Pitch
Teams FormedBy / Draft / Draft / Draft / Draft / Draft
Base Stealing / No / No / Yes / Yes / Yes
Leadoffs / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
Balk / No / No / Warning / Yes / Yes
Dropped 3rd Strike / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
Breaking Pitches / N/A / No / No / Yes / Yes
Article V Coaches and Managers
• Coaches/Managers shall be held responsible for the conduct of themselves, their teams and their player’s parents in accordance with Association By-Laws and the rules of PONY Baseball, Inc.
•The term for any Coach/Manager shall expire at the end of each season. He or she must reapply for consideration by the Board for any subsequent season
•All team Coaches/Managers shall be representatives of the league and shall act in accordance with all league policy.
•All managers and coaches must provide the Association with a Criminal History Background check.
•Coaches are responsible for collecting all equipment after each season and returning it to the Equipment Coordinator at the season’s end. Coaches should notify the Equipment Coordinator of any lost or damaged equipment so that replacement equipment may be obtained before the next season.