Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology



Statement by Executive

Independent Audit Report

Summary Operating Statement

Balance Sheet

Notes to the Financial Report

Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

Statement by Executive

1.  The names of the persons on the Executive at the date of this report are:


Dr Peter Grabosky, Australian Institute of Criminology, ACT


Professor Ross Homel, Griffith University, Queensland

Professor Allison Morris, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Honorary Secretary

Ms Jenny Mouzos, Australian Institute of Criminology, ACT


Dr Heather Strang, Australian National University, ACT

Members of the Executive

Dr Janet Chan, University of New South Wales, NSW

Dr Gayre Christie, Queensland University of Technology, Queensland

Dr Fiona Haines, University of Melbourne, Victoria

Dr David Indermaur, University of Western Australia, Western Australia

Dr Mark Israel, Flinders University, South Australia

Dr Russell Smith, Australian Institute of Criminology, ACT

Professor William Tyler, Northern Territory University, Northern Territory

Mr Reece Walters, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Professor Kate Warner, University of Tasmania, Tasmania

2. The operating deficit of the Society for the year ended 30 June 2000 was $8,598 (1999: $2,980 deficit).

3 In the opinion of the Executive, the financial report as set out on the following pages is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the income and expenditure of the Society for the year ended30 June 2000 and the state of affairs of the Society as at that date.

4.  In the opinion of the Executive, the Society will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Executive Committee.

Signature ......

(Executive Member)

Signature ......

(Executive Member)


Independent Audit Report

To the Members

Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology


We have audited the financial report of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology for the year ended 30 June 2000, consisting of the summary operating statement, statement of cash flows, balance sheet and accompanying notes. The Executive of the Society is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial report and the information contained therein. We have conducted an independent audit of the financial report in order to express an opinion on it to the members of the Society.

Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance as to whether the financial report is free of material misstatement. Our procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial report, and the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether, in all material respects, the financial report is presented fairly in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views and other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, so as to present a view of the Society which is consistent with our understanding of its financial position and the results and cash flows of its operations.

The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.

Audit Opinion

In my opinion the financial report of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology is properly drawn up:

(i) so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Society as at 30 June 2000 and of its result and cash flows for the financial year ended on that date; and

(ii) in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views and other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board.

Inherent Uncertainty Regarding Continuation as a Going Concern

Without qualification to the opinion expressed above, attention is drawn to the following matter. There is inherent uncertainty whether Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology will continue as a going concern and therefore whether it will realise its assets and distinguish its liabilities in the normal course of business.




1 February 2001

Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

Operating Statement for the year ended 30 June 2000

2000 / 1999
$ / $
Membership subscriptions / 23,924 / 18,625
Bank interest / 9 / 11
Other income / - / -
TOTAL / 23,933 / 18,636
Audit fees / 985 / 500
Bookkeeping / - / 75
Bank charges / 32 / 26
Merchant fees (NAB) / 590 / 250
RPT STMT fees / 21 / -
Postage and stationery / 3,215 / 1,115
Printing -Journal / 27,135 / 19,650
Other Expenses / 553 / -
TOTAL / 32,531 / 21,616
Operating Result / (8,598) / (2,980)
Accumulated Funds as at 1 July 1999 / 7,339 / 10,319
Accumulated Funds as at 30 June 2000 / (1,259) / 7,339

The Operating Statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes to the

financial report.

Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2000

Note / 2000
$ / 1999
Cash / 3,241 / 7,339
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS / 3,241 / 7,339
TOTAL ASSETS / 3,241 / 7,339
Accounts Payable / 3 / 4,500 / -
NET ASSETS / (1,259) / 7,339
Accumulated funds / (1,259) / 7,339

The balance sheet should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes to the financial report.

Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

Notes to the financial report for the year ended 30 June 2000


This financial report is a special purpose financial report prepared in order to satisfy the financial reporting requirements of the constitution of the society. The Executive Committee has determined that the association is not a reporting entity.

The financial report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the following Australian Accounting Standards:

AAS1 Profit & Loss or Other Operating Statements

AAS8 Events Occurring after Reporting Date

No other Australian Accounting Standards, Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views or other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board have been applied.

The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs and does not take into account changing money values, or current valuations of non-current assets.

The following specific accounting policies, which are consistent with the previous period, have been adopted in the preparation of this financial report.

(a) Income Tax

This financial report has been prepared on the basis that the Society is exempt from Income Tax.

(b) Membership Subscriptions

Membership subscriptions are brought to account as revenue when received by the Society.

$ / 1999


Operating income comprises:

Member subscriptions 23,924 18,625

Interest received 9 11

Other income - -

23,933 18,636

Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

Notes to the financial report for the year ended 30 June 2000

$ / 1999


Australian Academic Press Ltd 4,500 -


The Society plays a role in advancing knowledge of criminology by convening conferences and publishing a journal. It carries out these activities throughout Australia.



The names of each person who held a position as a member of the Executive of the Society at any time during the year ended 30 June 2000 were:


Dr Peter Grabosky, Australian Institute of Criminology, ACT


Professor Ross Homel, Griffith University, Queensland

Professor Allison Morris, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Honorary Secretary

Ms Jenny Mouzos, Australian Institute of Criminology, ACT


Dr Heather Strang, Australian National University, ACT

Members of the Executive

Dr Janet Chan, University of New South Wales, NSW

Dr Gayre Christie, Queensland University of Technology, Queensland

Dr Fiona Haines, University of Melbourne, Victoria

Dr David Indermaur, University of Western Australia, Western Australia

Dr Mark Israel, Flinders University, South Australia

Dr Russell Smith, Australian Institute of Criminology, ACT

Professor William Tyler, Northern Territory University, Northern Territory

Mr Reece Walters, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Professor Kate Warner, University of Tasmania, Tasmania

No remuneration was received from the Society by any member of the Executive during the year ended 30 June 2000.