Social Media: What We Need to Do with It, What We Can Do with It


Michael J. Powers

Director of Web Services

Office of Communications

April 2, 2009

Slides and this handout available at


What Is Social Media?

Social Media Goes by Many Names…


Web 2.0

Read/Write Web

Social Computing



...and Has Many Definitions


“Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.”

—Tim O’Reilly

The groundswell is a “social trend in which people use technologies to get the things they need from each other, rather than from traditional institutions like corporations.”

—Charlene Li and Joshua Bernoff, in Groundswell

“People having conversations online”

—Brad Ward,


A Working Definition

Social media is aboutcomputers talking to computers, andpeople talking to people,to get things done.

Computers Talking to Computers




Open APIs

Facebook Applications


People Talking to People


Blogging:Blogger, LiveJournal, Wordpress

Social Networking:LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook

Media Sharing:Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, Ustream

Microblogging:Twitter, Yammer

Social Bookmarking/News:Delicious, Digg, Reddit

Social Calendars:Upcoming, Eventful, Meetup

Social Reviews and Opinions:epinions, Yelp

Other: eBay, reviews


Who’s Talking?

Social Media is Big and Growing

35% of adults have a profile on a social network site

75% of adults 18–24 use social networks

—“Adults and Social Network Websites”
Pew Internet and American Life Project (December 2008)

What We Must Do with Social Media

We need to talk—they are already talking about IUP

  • Sometimes It’s Good
  • Sometimes There Are Questions
  • Sometimes Bad Things Happen

“Punk’d”:“companies that were blind-sided by the internet, they didn’t understand the impacts of the power shift to the participants, or how fast information would spread, or were just plain ignorant.”


What We Can Do with Social Media

Social media presents a huge marketing opportunity for higher ed


Web 1.0: About links

Web 2.0: About conversations and community


Social Media & Integrated Marketing

Allows everyone—students, faculty, parents, staff, alumni—to be a messenger

Can allow us to get our messages out to more people

We need a strategy for a many-to-many world: POST Planning Process



  • What are students, prospects, parents, alumni ready for?
  • What do they want?
  • Remember that they don’t use social media for our benefit.


  • What are our goals?


  • How do we want our relationships with our students, prospects, parents, and alumni to change?
  • What will that look like over time?
  • How will it change us?




September 2007:

77% of IUP students were on Facebook at least once a week

51% were on YouTube at least once a week

December 2007:

93% of all teens use the internet

64% of online teens create online content

55% of online teens have a social networking profile


  • Attract the best students we can
  • Help them get a great education
  • Find donations to help us do 1 and 2

We might measure that by:

  • More inquiries
  • Higher SAT scores
  • More diversity
  • More applications
  • Better yield
  • Better buzz
  • More donations


How do we want our relationships with our constituents to change?

  • We want people to become advocates for IUP
  • We want students and alumni to be proud of their school
  • When couches burn, they need to be able to talk about their great education

What will that look like over time? We may be:

  • Providing content for constituents to advocate with
  • Building social media with our constituents
  • Empowering active members to better advocate for IUP
  • Keeping in closer contact

How will it change us?


Tools will change. The community remains.

Use what they use:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Sharing/collecting tools like Digg and Delicious


What We’re Doing Now

News and Events


Getting us out there on Google & RSS

Making the website more useful and credible

Added sharing tools last month


YouTube Channel


1,222 views, weekly content updates

Exclusive content that reinforces our message pillars (we can go over 10 minutes)

Not much dialogue yet

Need to get more media from students and faculty


Facebook Page


982 fans, weekly content updates


Virtual tour

A few comments

User-generated content possible, but we don’t yet allow it.


Class of 2013 Facebook Groups


Official: 460/Unofficial: 606

  • Members are mostly accepted students
  • Viewers probably include others
  • Web Team hasn’t had the time or knowledge to intervene
  • But doing so could pay off


Entire IUP Campus Facebook Group

Ideas and Demos

Encourage student and faculty production of more online video

Invite all prospects to join an online community

Continue that group into freshman year to aid in retention

Open office hours



Encouraging alumni networking on LinkedIn

Facebook Connect for our iModules community


Limiting Factor: Time

Students Can Help


  • Make it part of their job
  • Give them the flowchart
  • Have them log what they find
  • Don’t expect them to see the big picture


Choose a small project and grow it


My ongoing collection of links on social media

What Is Social Media?

O’Reilly, Tim. “Web 2.0 Compact Definition: Trying Again,”

Li, Charlene and Josh Bernoff. Groundswell. Harvard Business Press: Cambridge, MA, 2008.

Ward, Brad J. “Implementing Social Media on your campus”

Who’s Talking?

Owyang, Jeremiah. “A Collection of Social Network Stats for 2009.”

Lenhart, Amanda. “Adults and Social Network Websites.” Pew Internet and American Life Project.

What We Must Do with Social Media

YouTube - Rats Take Over KFC/Taco Bell

Owyang, Jeremiah. “A Chronology of Brands that Got Punk’d by Social Media”

YouTube - Unsanitary living conditions in Lawrence and Scranton Halls, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Pipes: Social Media Firehose

IUP Social Media Tracker


What We Can Do with Social Media

Joly, Karine. “It’s the Community, Stupid!“

Owyang, Jeremiah. “Social Media Marketing Storyboard #1: Fish Where The Fish Are”

Lenhart, Amanda, Mary Madden, Aaron Smith, Alexandra. Macgill “Teens and Social Media.”Pew Internet and American Life Project.

Ward, Brad J. “Have you checked your foundation lately?” SquaredPeg.

What We’re Doing Now

IUP’s YouTube Channel

IUP’s Facebook page

Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Class of 2013 Official Group

IUP '13

The Entire IUP Campus

Ideas and Demos

Café New Paltz

Stanford’s Facebook Page

Stanford’s Open Office Hours

Ward, Brad J. “Implementing Social Media on your campus.” SquaredPeg.