Application for Adventure Sport Tutor Training
The role of the tutor within the Adventure Sport Framework is an extremely important one. Such tutors will educate instructors/leaders and help them attain the goals identified at each level of the Adventure Sport Framework.
Those wishing to be trained as tutors should complete Section 1 of this form. The form should then be sent to the relevant NGB which is responsible for completing Section 2 and for forwarding the completed version to Coaching Ireland.
The next stage will see potential tutors considered jointly by the NGB and Coaching Ireland. Successful applicants will be invited to attend the tutor training course which will run over four weekends.
Tutor training will involve attendance at four contact weekends and any NGB tutor-related workshops, distance learning tasks, presentation tasks, observation tasks and delivery of instructor/leader education courses. On successful completion of the necessary assessments and graduation, tutors will be asked to commit to the delivery of instructor education courses within their NGB.
SECTION 1 - To be completed by applicant tutor. (Please PRINT or TYPE)
Personal Details
1. Name:
2. Address:
3. Telephone:
4. Email Address:
5. Male Female(Please tick)
6. Date of Birth:
7. NGB through which the application will be processed: ______
Skills/Proficiency Awards Held
8. Identify skills/proficiency awards held
Instructor/Leader Qualifications
9. Identify instructor/leader qualifications held
10. Identify number of years as an instructor/leader: ______
11. Please identify your experience as an instructor e.g. individuals/groups worked with, centres/clubs worked
Tutoring Experience
12. Identify levels within your sport at which you have previously tutored (please fill in the title of the level as used by the sport and the number of years experience at each level). If you have not been involved in tutoring in your sport, please leave this section blank.
Level/CourseNO. Years
Tutoring this Level/Course
Other Qualifications
13. Please identify any other relevant qualifications or experience e.g. sports science/PE qualification, teaching experience, experience presenting at conferences/seminars, experience in a regional or national instructor or instructor education position
14. Personal Statement:
In your own words, please indicate the role which you feel you can play as a tutor in your NGB, indicating the areas in which you feel you can make a strong contribution to the education of instructors/leaders
The tutor course entails attendance at contact /weekends, distance learning tasks, presentation tasks, observation tasks and delivery of instructor/leader education courses. Full attendance at the course and completion of all assessment requirements is compulsory. A commitment to be available to deliver coach education is required.
Signature of Applicant: Date:
SECTION 2 - To be filled in by the National Governing Body in sport.
The officer/committee responsible for processing this application is asked to comment on the application here, indicating the level of agreement with the tutor’s self assessment and proposed levels for tutoring.
Signature of NGB Officer______
Position with NGB______Date: ______