Session Outline Template
Diplomas Now Sub-Track
PurposeThis Session Outline Template will help you design/develop your session for Summer Academy.
It has been created to:
- streamline the content development process; work in conjunction with and supplement the information you submitted on the session & events formon cyconnect.
- be simple, user-friendly.
- walk you throughthe key components of your session, the considerations of an ideal learner-experience (e.g., flow, adult learning principles, approach) and helpyou trouble-shoot.
- serve as a shared reference point between you and 1) Content Coordinators, 2) Facilitators/Presenters, and 3) Future/peer content developers.
The Basics
Session Title: DN 101
Session Information:Most of thisInformation should already be submitted to the sessions & events formon the SA2013 working site on cyconnect (e.g., intended audience/size, room/technology requirements, etc.). Feel free to include additional information not captured on the cyconnect form and be sure to communicate specific needs to your Content Coordinator.
Learning Objectives:Click herefor guidance on how to write complete, effective learning objectives.
- By the end of the workshops participants will be able to
- Explain the basic history of Diplomas Now and I3 Grant.
- Describe the targeted tiered supports that DN provides a school.
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of each DN Partner
- Differentiate the different team levels within the DN Collaborative
- Describe and articulate the DN Model
Pre-work.Intent & Instructions:What is it? Why is it being assigned? How will it be used in the session? When/where will it be made available? Translate answers to these questions into specific instructions and expectations (e.g., review, read, fill out a survey, complete a form/template, prepare ideas/thoughts, deadlines, etc.).
Before you start to build, keep in mind:
- Less is more. Keep it simple.
- Repetition is king! Tell them what you’re going to tell them; tell them; tell them what you told them.
- String the pearls.Continuity is important. Purposely connect content sharing, stories, exercises etc. to the learning objectives.
- Shift gears to accelerate learning. Use various content delivery methods.
Now We Build!
This part of the outline template will help you be deliberate and purposeful as you build out each part of your session. To start, there are at least 3 main parts to every session:
2)Meeting objectives | Scaffolding the learning
Sub-parts of “the opening” can include:
- Introductions
- Logistics (e.g., restroom locations, water fountain)
- Learning objectives
- Agenda for session
- Session norms/ground rules
- Reference to learning evaluations*
- Icebreaker, warm up activity, thought-provoking/reflection point, assessment or temperature check of participants.
- Welcome and Introduction!- Jess- 2 mins
- Review logistics of the room and space
- Review Learning Objectives- Jess 2 mins
- Get a scope of who is in the room- (stand up sit down? Raise hand?)- Jess- 3 mins
- First year working on DN?
- Second year working on DN?
- More than 2 years?- If anyone has been working on DN for more than 2 years I would like to lean on them to provide support for the presentation
- TLs?
- PMs?
- Directors?
- First Day of CY?
- Warm-Up Activity- Nicole- 10 mins
- Within the DN Collaborative what is the role of each partner?
- Split the room into for groups- each group focused on a different partner (CIS, TD, CY and School)
- Have each group spend 5 mins to answer the question?
- Report out
Meeting objectives | Scaffolding the learning:
Design the instructional flow to hit each of your learning objectives.
1)Build content based on the desired outcomes of each learning objective(i.e., are you facilitating the acquisition of knowledge, skill, or behavioral change?).
2)Choose methods (e.g., lecture, demonstration, pair-share, case study, etc.) that will guide participants towards successfully meeting the learning objective.
3)Solidify your learning pointand consider how the participants can demonstrate to you that they are grasping the content (e.g., pop quiz, section in workbook, present back, etc.).
Suggested methods:
Use of videos
Case studies/team problems
Writing assignments
Snap debate
Role play
Action learning
Checks for understanding
Build in how much each learning stop will take: / Learning Objective/Learning Stop 1
- By the end of the workshops participants will be able to
- Explain the basic history of Diplomas Now and I3 Grant.
- Using the powerpoint high light the basic history of DN.
- Built on the research of Dr. Balfanz- 10 year study – EWI
- Initiated by talent development- searched for partners that fit the space to move on EWI
- Feltonville
- Pepsico, i3 and DN Expansion
- Slides 4-5- Jess
- Slides 6-7 Nicole
- By the end of the workshops participants will be able to
- Describe the targeted tiered supports that DN provides a school.
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of each DN Partner
- Using the powerpoint highlight the tiered supports DN provides and the roles and responsibilities of each partner
- Review each partner after each partner cross check with groups earlier work.
- After review of each partner have a volunteer read the earlier definition.
- Did we get it right? What did we miss? What did we learn?
- Slides 8-10- Jess
- Slides 11-16- Nicole
- Slides 17- 23- Jess
- Slides 24-26- Nicole
- By the end of the workshops participants will be able to
- Describe and articulate the DN Model
- Differentiate the different team levels within the DN Collaborative
- Using the powerpoint highlight the different team structures for DNs
- Slides 27-30- Nicole
- Slides 31-33- Jess
Sub-parts of “the closing”can include:
- Final reflection/debrief
- Revisit learning objectives
- Next steps and plans for follow-up
- Reference to learning evaluations
- Closing statement/final thoughts
- Appreciations for all involved (e.g., gifts for external speakers)
**At the close of each Diplomas Now session, we request that a few minutes are dedicated to participants thinking through how they can bring the content back to their sites for Basic Training Academy or throughout the year through individual reflection, pair shares, or a group brainstorm.
- Open up the room for questions?
- Revisit the learning objectives
- After revisiting the learning objectives what questions do you still have?
- How will you use this information over the course of Summer Academy.
Now that you have designed your session from beginning to end, consider the following:
What edits/additions need to be accounted for in the session & events formon cyconnect?
For example: how should the space be set up to accommodate the learning activities? (e.g., u-shape, classroom style, circle, pods, etc.), do you need additional or less materials?
What additional prep do you (or presenters/facilitators) need to do (e.g., agenda poster, print/copy hand-outs/worksheets, materials/supplies, put up props, set up equipment, etc.)?
What additional decisions do you need to make? Who can help?
-Content Coordinators
-Learning & Development Team/Learning Center
-Potential participants
-Presenters and facilitators?
-Peer Content-Developers
Your Participants Appreciates You!