Middlefield Board of Selectmen

November 15, 2016

Regular Meeting


  1. Call to Order

Ed Bailey called the meeting to order at 7 PM.

  1. Members Present

Ed Bailey, Taryn Ruffino and Jon Brayshaw

  1. Approval of Agenda

A motion was made by and Bailey to approve the agenda with the following additions:

under New Business add:

  • The Triangle “A” Ranch license to use town right-of -way on Jackson Hill Road
  • Approve meeting dates for 2017
  • Appointment of Peter Tyc as Fire Marshall
  • Acknowledgment of election workers.

This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.

  1. Public Comment

Nancy Hersey discussed the watering system for the dogs in the pound. Mr. Bailey thanked her for her donation.

Taryn Ruffino stated that she received an email from Robert Johnson that he requested to be read into the record as attached.

Ed Bailey explained that when he became a Selectman they received a legal agreement that a member of the Board of Selectmen could serve on the WPCA and he has asked the Town Attorney to issue an opinion on the matter. The WPCA is an enterprise that is a separate entity from the Town. Last time Mr. Bailey was appointed, he abstained and the other two Selectmen made the appointment. The WPCA operates under a separate ordinance and may supersede the Town Charter. The board members continued to discuss the history of the WPCA. Mr. Bailey stated that by State Statute, if you are a Town employee, you cannot be on the Planning and Zoning Commission. There is no such State Statute governing the WPCA or other boards and commissions.

  1. Approval of minutes of the September 6, 2016 Regular Meeting, the October 13, 2016 Special Meeting and the October 18, 2016 Regular Meeting.

A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to approve the minutes of the September 6, 2016 Regular Meeting, the October 13, 2016 Special Meeting and the October 18, 2016 Regular Meeting. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino And approved by all voting members.

  1. Old Business
  • Community Center Use Policy

Ed Bailey stated that he will be speaking with Jaclyn Caturano about some details pertaining to scheduling for the Senior Center.

Taryn Ruffino explained that she received an email from the Girl Scouts and they are having a hard time getting on the schedule to access the building. Taryn noted that she will forward the email to Mr. Bailey. Mr. Bailey stated that he will do his best to resolve the issue.

  • Elderly Nutrition Program Funding Cuts

Ed Bailey stated that he met with the Senior Advisory Committee. Buddy Altobello attended the meeting and noted that the funding cuts have not affected Meriden. Mr. Bailey and Mr. Altobello called Senior Resources, which runs the nutritional programs in the area, and learned that funding has stayed at a flat level but prices and needs have increased. Members continued to discuss the issues of the funding cuts. Mr. Bailey stated that he is meeting with Senior Director Jaclyn Caturano tomorrow to discuss the situation. Taryn Ruffino suggested contacting Mark from the Town Times to write up an editorial on Jaclyn explaining everything she has to offer for the seniors. Ed Bailey noted that he will disgusted the idea with Jaclyn during their meeting tomorrow and agreed that they need to do more out reach in the community.

  1. New Business
  • Annual Tree Lighting on Sunday, December 4th, 2016. Levi Coe Library Event starts at 4:30 pm. Town Green and Community Center Events are between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm.

Members discussed the events that will take place at the tree lighting. Park and Recreation will be running the event.

Mr. Bailey stated that there will be an Emergency Management Drill in Middlefield on Saturday, December 3rd.

  • The Triangle “A” Ranch License to use Town right of way on Jackson Hill Road.

Ed Bailey stated that the Town Attorney recommended that they issue a license to allow them to use the Town land for agricultural purposes and have a business sign no greater than 24 sq. ft.. Mr. Bailey explained that it is a strip of land alongside Jackson Hill Road.

A motion was made by Taryn Ruffino to grant permission to authorize the First Selectman to execute a certain license between the Town and The Triangle “A” Ranch LLC to utilize the Town's right-of-way on Jackson Hill Road for the purpose of farming use including livestock and also license to place a sign on the west side of Jackson Hill Road right-of-way not to exceed 24 sq. ft. This motion was seconded by Jon Brayshaw and approved by all voting members.

  • Approve Meeting Dates for 2017

This item was tabled until the December meeting.

  • Hannah Malcolm entered the meeting and presented flyers of the Tree Lighting Event for the members to distribute.
  • Appointment of Peter Tyc as Fire Marshall

Ed Bailey stated that Peter Tyc is a member of Planning and Zoning. By State Statute, you cannot be a paid employee of the Town if you are on Planning and Zoning. Mr. Bailey will be discussing this matter with Peter Tyc. Mr. Bailey suggested tabling this topic until the next meeting. Jon Brayshaw suggested having a Fire Marshall and a Volunteer Deputy as they have had in the past. Mr. Bailey stated that the Fire Marshall in the past had medical benefits and the position going forward will not offer medical benefits.

Mr. Bailey also plans to create a Vehicle Policy for Town employees.

  • Acknowledgment of Election Workers

Ed Bailey explained that they had a very different kind of election this year and the morning at the polls seemed to be the busiest. There were 17 people working at the polls and 60 election day registrations. Mr. Bailey wanted to thank all the workers for their efforts that day.

  1. Executive Session For Purposes of Discussing Draft Documents Exempt from Disclosure Under Connecticut General Statute 1–210 (Attorney Client Privileged Work Product) And Strategy for Collective Bargaining and Pending/Threatened Litigation.

A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to enter Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Draft Documents Exempt from Disclosure under Connecticut General Statute 1–210 (Attorney Client Privileged Work Product) And Strategy for Collective Bargaining and Pending/Threatened Litigation. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.

A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to exit Executive Session at 9:18 PM. No votes were taken and no motions were made. This motion was seconded by Ed Bailey and approved by all voting members.

  1. First Selectman's Report

Ed Bailey noted that everything went well at the Town Drug Collection Event that was put on by the Resident Troopers last Saturday.

Mr. Bailey stated that the Town is preceding on putting a fence around the animal shelter.

Mr. Bailey explained that there is going to be a 3 foot draw down at Lake Beseck. Mr. Bailey noted that Randy Bernotas from the Inland/Wetlands Commission will be taking over the position of Inland/Wetlands Agent.

Mr. Bailey announced that Middlefield CPA will be taking over the Finance Director position.

Taryn Ruffino noted that the directory on the website needs to be updated.

Mr. Bailey noted that the salary adjustments were passed at the Town Meeting.

Mr. Bailey stated that there will be an Emergency Management exercise from 8 AM to about 2 PM on Saturday, December 3rd.

Mr. Bailey stated that Lee Vito retired and they will be looking to replace the position of Sanitarian Health Official. Jon Brayshaw suggested meeting with Middletown to discuss the Town's options for the Sanitarian position.

Mr. Bailey met with a vendor from Eversource to discuss energy updates for the Town buildings using LED lights.

  1. Adjournment

A motion was made by Ed Bailey to adjourn at 9:40 PM. This motion was seconded by Jon Brayshaw and approved by all voting members.