1.0Meeting called to order November 12th/2014 @7:05pm. In attendance Jeremy

Rehman, Kevin Ganser, Wendy Cindy Parkin, Gaylene Paulgaard, Kim Higdon, Wendy Kervenky, Nathan Aker, Sherry Parson, Daryl Israelson, Bryce Olson, Brad Hawken, Nicole Ganser, Dirk Brouwer, Kelly Waehrer

2.0 Monthly Meeting Question: Nicole to put a question on the internet regarding

Power skating.

3.0 Treasurers Report/Booth Report: October Month end left the Casino account at $4001.80. Flex GIC came to term and is now in the general account with a

balance of $106,796.09. PMH next scheduled to work a casino next fall Kevin Ganser moved the balances; Jeremy Rehman 2nd.

4.0 Reports for Officers:

4.1Registrar: Rosters are to be locked November 15/14. 146 players registered to PMH. Bantams, Midgets, Pee Wee Tier 1 and Atom Tier 1 all intend to go to provincials. The receipts have changed slightly to accommodate Canada Revenue Agency

4.2Equipment Manager: The locker signs have been hung up on the lockers. A few larger jersey sizes have been ordered for the Pee Wee Tier 3 team. Managers for the Initiation and Novice teams are to remind their parents that PMH jersies must be on hangers and not to be left in the bags as they are showing wear. All managers to remind players/parents that PMH jersies are to only be worn for games and not practices or to school. Six more jersey bags to be ordered for teams to use.

4.3Ref-in-Chief: We are done refs this year with only 6 seniors and 9 juniors. Macklin has plenty of refs so Jeremy had arranged for them to help us. Saskatchewan refs have to pay a $25.00 affiliation fee to go cross province.PMH to reimburse refs from Macklin.

4.4Ice Convenor: Kevin will post all available ice on the website. Managers are advised to only take the ice if they have a scheduled game.

4.5Advertising Representative: 35% of ads have been paid for. There are a few open business spots remaining. Daryl has tentative people for the openings.

5.0 Old Business:

5.1Hockey Alberta half ice surface games: Managers of the younger age groups are encouraged to try the half ice surface games. Feed back to go back to the executive.

5.2Meat Fundraiser: Raises approximately $10,000.00 this year down from last year. Dirk Brouwer suggested that we possibly offer gift baskets with the meat fundraiser. Nicole to look into same for next year.

5.3Privacy Consent Forms: Joyce has had some parents questioning the use of photos. It has been suggested that next year all parents will sign a photo release consent form.

6.0Provincials: At this point no teams have shown interest in hosting provincials.

7.0 Power Edge Pro: Joyce brought it to the executives attentionthat we have been

advertising for Power edge pro on our PMH main page.Decision made to remove the ad as we don’t advertise for any other private groups.

8.0Meeting Adjourned: 8:35pm