Perception surveys
Perception surveys
What is a Perception Survey?
A perception survey is a powerful catalyst for self-development. It provides you with confidential feedback from people who are in a good position to judge aspects of your performance. By doing so it can help you overcome any blind spots that might otherwise hold back your performance and prevent you from fulfilling your potential.
Peopleism’s approach to perception surveys lets you decide who you would like to receive feedback from. We will guide you in choosing those people in the best position to help you including, where appropriate, colleagues at different levels of seniority (sometimes known as a 360o appraisal).
Once your survey has been completed, you will have a debrief session with professional coaching from Phil Gott. This will help you gain the very best value from your survey and identify appropriate action to address any development needs highlighted.
Further coaching sessions can be held if appropriate to support you in developing your skills and taking action.
What are the benefits?
A perception survey, along with a focused coaching session, provides a highly effective route to performance improvement with relatively little time commitment. The following are verbatim comments from other partners and professionals who have been through this process:
"It helped me better understand the interaction between my direct reports and understand their perception of my management style."
"I believe that implementation of the action plan is already bearing fruit."
"The programme has given me maximum advantage.
No amount of "courses" could have given me, in the time we took,
the advice that I finished the programme with."
“I valued the Perception Survey immensely. I found it extremely valuable to view
an honest and informative opinion of both me and my work performance from my peers. Also, as it was anonymous, it gave them the opportunity to be open
and honest and critical where necessary.”
“Valuable and worthwhile in helping an individual address any areas of
weakness in which they wish to develop their skills in a neutral,
controlled and confidential environment. The perception survey provided
a great insight into how people see me and how I can improve”
How does it work in practice?
This is what the process involves:
- You choose 12 – 15 people who are in a position to give you helpful feedback (we will guide you on who to choose)
- We send a tailored questionnaire to each those people seeking their confidential feedback. They reply directly to us, so that they are assured of confidentiality
- We monitor and receive the replies and compile a comprehensive report incorporating the feedback
- Phil Gott meets with you to talk you through the feedback report and to guide you in identifying priority areas for action. Phil will help you get maximum benefit from the survey
- For 3 months following the survey you will have access to Phil by telephone and e-mail to provide additional input and guidance
- Further coaching sessions can be provided where appropriate.
For more information please contact us:
Phil Gott or Debby Gambling (Business manager)
Peopleism Limited
The Hollow Tree
Stoke Goldington
MK16 8NP
+44 (0)1908 551285
© Phil Gott