Religions of the West
•Comparative Religion
•Common Features
- •The Absolute is a Deity
- •History is Linear
- •Events on Earth have a Meaning
- •A Sacred Text-Revealed by the Deity
•The Absolute is a Deity
–God Yahweh Yhwh Allah
–features of a person
–communicates with humans
–has purpose- a plan for creation
–reacts to human activities
•History is Linear
–time has a beginning
–time will come to an end
–events in time follow a plan
•Events on Earth have a Meaning
–events can be interpreted according to a plan which has been created by the deity and is being controlled by the deity
–there are signs in events
–events can indicate the future
–events can indicate the end of time
•A Sacred Text-Revealed by the Deity
–given directly or indirectly to humans
–Bible, Torah, Avesta, Gospels, Koran
•Proof of Religious Claims
in the Text and History
–Miracles and Revelations are proof of the existence of the deity and the plan
•Jews - most common term for self identification
•An ethnic community with diversity and common heritage
•Principle Features:
•One God- Monotheism -Yahweh
YHWH Ehyeh Adonai
–Transcendent -theism
– pantheism I panentheism
– Baruch Spinoza I Mordechi Kaplan
–Personal Deity
•Sacred Text- Bible- Tanakh
•History Has Meaning
•Covenant between the Deity and Community
•The Covenant
•The Commandments
•Sacrifice -temple
•Congregation -Synagogue
•Scholar (Scribe) Rabbi
–Torah-divine law-pentateuch
–Commentaries on Torah- Midrash
–Tradition of the Rabbis- Aggadah
–Juristic tradition - Halakhah
•the mystical tradition
–the Kabbalah
–the Zohar
–explanation of evil & deity’s justice
–explanation of human suffering and the justice of Yahweh
–Problem for Humans = Sin
–Solution=comply with covenant commandments
–Ethos - halakhah
•The End for Humans
•Ideas vary
• Resurrection in Daniel & Isaiah
• Heaven /Hell
•Souls only survive in Heaven/Hell
•Contemporary Judaisms
•Orthodox Conservative Reform
•Samson Hirsch Zacharias Frankel Abraham Geiger
•1808-1888 1801-1875 1810-1874
•Principle Features
•One God- Monotheism -
• Transcendent -theism
–Personal Deity
•Three Forms
•Father - the Godhead - Creator
•Son- God on Earth- Redeemer
•Spirit-Holy Spirit-Holy Ghost-inspire
•Sacred Texts- Bible-
-Old testament
–New Testament–Gospel (Good News)
–Epistles -Letters of the Apostles
–Acts of the Apostles
•History Has Meaning
–Creation has Purpose
–Christ as Redeemer-First Coming
–End of Creation - Second Coming
–Judgement Day
•Covenant between the Deity and Community
•The Commandments
•Sacrifice -Jesus
•Priests- offer ritual sacrifice
•Christian Anthropology
–Original Sin-concupiscence
– Christo (Greek) = Messiah (Hebrew)
•Christ as Messiah
–as Living Son of god
–as Redeemer
•New Law - New Path-New Way
•Kerygma - Proclamation
•Christ- authority for new law
•the mystical tradition
–explanation of evil & deity’s justice
–explanation of human suffering and the justice of God
•Free Will Defense
•Cosmic Dualism
•The Way of Life
–Problem for Humans = Sin
–Solution= commandments
–Ethos-moral Life-example of Christ
•Key is LOVE- agape
–Morality in character and content
–Worship, prayer, good works
•The End for Humans
• Resurrection ( Daniel,Isaiah,Paul)
• Heaven /Hell
•Contemporary Christiainity
•Eastern Rite (Orthodox)
–Lutherans /Calvinists/Anglicans
–Presbyterian / Baptists
•Coptic (Egypt)
•the surrender
•the submission
•Principle Features
–the submission to Allah
–selflessness as a form of gratitude to Allah
•One God- Monotheism
•beyond comprehension
•One God- Monotheism -Allah
• Transcendent -theism
–Personal Deity
–One Form Only
– Creator
•Sacred Text-Koran-Quran
–the “reading” only in Arabic
–4 versions-1 official in 644-656ce
– by caliph Uthman
–114 suras 6,000 ayas
•History Has Meaning
–Creation has Purpose
–Judgement Day
•Covenant between
• the Deity and Community
•Shahada- the submission to One god- Allah
•Salat-Prayer- 5x/day, facing Mecca
•Zakat- alms, charity for the needy, monetary worship
•Ramadan-Fast- during the month
•Hajj-pilgrimage to Mecca , at least once in a lifetime
•Islam -Teachings
•Shari’a -Law -duties of the community
–guidance to the path leading to life
•Sunnah- customs and teaching of Mohamad
–Quran +Hadith +ijima +qiyas
–reading+traditions+opinion +analogy
– community
–4 schools
–Hanifite Malikite Shafite Hanbalite
•Shari’a -Law
•duties of the community
•guidance to the path leading to life
–Acts that are:
•Shari’a -Law -duties of the community
•resist evil
•struggle against evil
•fight idolatry
•gain control over self
•gain control over society
•not an offensive war!
–Original Sin-refusal to submit
–Will of Allah revealed to Mohamed
–Immortality -resurrection+judgement
•Mohammad- 570-632ce Muhammad
–Angel Gabriel
–622- the Hajirah
–Medina-city of the prophet
–Mecca- Kabbah-Abraham’s first house of worship of the ONE god
•the mystical tradition
•deep spirituality
•experience Allah
•union with Allah
–explanation of evil & deity’s justice
–explanation of human suffering and the justice of God
•Free Will Defense
•Cosmic Dualism
•All humans should submit to Allah
•All should join Islam
•All who submit are EQUAL
•Q’uran opposes idolators-shirk
•One God vs polytheisms
•Tolerant of Others
•The Way of Life
–Problem for Humans = Sin
–Solution=submit to will of Allah
–Ethos-moral Life-
•follow way of Allah
•Morality in character and content
–Action is more important than belief
–worship, prayer , good deeds
•The End for Humans
• Resurrection
• Heaven /Hell
•Contemporary Islam
–caliph chosen by community
•Shi ite
–caliph-successor of the prophet
•Pan Islamic Movement