Independent Learning Challenge

Year 8 RPE - Hinduism

You are to design a travel brochure/website

about India for a Hindu pilgrimage company..

It should take you approximately 6 hours to complete this work. It can be word processed (preferred) using desktop publishing software in a booklet format. Remember to make it look attractive!

Learning Targets

-  Developing investigation and interpretation skills.

-  Evaluation and empathy skills

-  Literacy and ICT skills.

Assessment Criteria

-  Knowledge and understanding of Hindu pilgrimage and places of pilgrimage.

-  Empathy with the meaning and importance of pilgrimage for Hindus.

-  Organisation and presentation of information.


Week 1 – Cover - name of your travel company, logo and motto (all on the theme of Hinduism and pilgrimage). A detailed map of India with all the places marked on that you discuss and advice on how to travel to India

Week 2 - Introduction – explaining what is meant by Pilgrimage (yatra) and why some Hindus choose to go on pilgrimage.

Week 3 – Information on Varanasi (Banares) – Where is it? Why might a Hindu decide to go on a pilgrimage to Varanasi in particular? What is the Ganges and what makes it sacred?

Week 4 - Itinerary of pilgrimage – Describe what people might do/places they might visit on your tour in Varanasi as part of their pilgrimage. You could mention food and places to stay. Remember it is a pilgrimage not a holiday.

Week 5 - Comments from past pilgrims explaining how they felt before going on pilgrimage, during and after completing their pilgrimage. What were their highlights and why?

Week 6 – Refer to two other well-known pilgrim sites for Hindus in India which your tour company also visit.

***You could include plane tickets, postcards, restaurant menus etc.

I can…

Level 4

v  Give reasons why a Hindu might go on pilgrimage

v  Explain briefly how varied culture, language and Hinduism is in India

Level 5

v  Explain how going on pilgrimage affects Hindus; how does it make them feel?

Level 6

v  Explain the importance of Varanasi and the Ganges for Hindus; how does this visit change their future behaviour?

v  Compare Varanasi to other places of Hindu pilgrimage

Level 7

v  Explain the difficulties of going on pilgrimage and the reasons for going despite these.

v  Evaluate the importance of pilgrimage and include what you have learnt from these beliefs.