KITCASP project Stakeholder Workshop, 19-20th July, 2012, Rīga, Latvia
KITCASP Project stakeholder workshop
Key Indicators for Evidence-based Spatial Planning
Establishing priority areas on the applicability of indicators forterritorial cohesion, economic competitiveness and sustainable development
July 19th– July 20th, Valmiera andRīga,Latvia
The aim of territorial stakeholder workshops organized in KITCASP Project is to establish policy objectives and development priority areas and assess perceptions on the applicability of indicators. Aworkshops isorganized in each of the five case study regions. They are targeted at policymakers, planners, providers of spatial data and other key stakeholders to facilitate a qualitative assessment of national requirements for spatial indicators. The workshops will focus on territorial policy objectives and priorities for spatial planning on the basis of an interpretation of the overarching projectobjectives of territorial cohesion, sustainable development and economic competiveness in each national context, and on their relationship to the territorial development challenges and development potential of each case study. The workshops are intended to share knowledge and gain new insights on subjective understandings of policy objectives in each case study. The outcomes of these workshops will be supported with local stakeholders workshops to be carried out by each partner for each case study.
The workshop organized in Rigaon July 20, 2012will focus on the Latvian case study. The key objective is to formulate the vision, identify key policy drivers and policy objectives for indicators of territorial cohesion and spatial planning for the Latvia case study in the project. The main questionsthat will support debate at the workshop are:
- What is the spatial planning vision (or overarching goal) for the region?
- What are the key policy drivers influencing spatial development?
- What are the policy objectives for regional development?
- What is the current key priority for regional development?
- What do the following concepts mean at a regional level: territorial cohesion, economic competitiveness and sustainable development?
- What are the constraints/opportunities that exist for territorial cohesion, economic competitiveness and sustainable development?
- Are there indicators available for monitoring the achievement of such policy objectives? Are these being monitored on a regular basis?
- What datasets are most commonly used for informing the preparation of plans/programmes?
- Has ESPON data been used in the preparation of plans/programmes? Would ESPON data be of use when preparing plans/programmes?
- At what scale are monitoring data commonly gathered?
The territorial stakeholders’ workshop will be held in Riga on July 20 in Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. The territorial stakeholders’ workshop aims at proving a discussion platform for policymakers, practitioners and researchers working in the field of spatial planning, sustainable development and territorial cohesion. A maximum of 20 participants can be accommodated.
A day before on July 19th, 2012the TPG meeting will be held in Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera to discuss the feedback on Inception Report and work towards the Interim Report. The different venues are intended to provide the project team with a glimpse of the Latvian regions which are usually left out of traditional tourist destinations.
Note that all TPG members are not required to take part in the Stakeholder’s workshop of July, 20, though they should participate in the TPG meeting on July 19th in Valmiera. They are, however, welcome to participate in Stakeholders’ workshop if they wish. Leading partner and Latvian TPG will participate in both meetings. Also note that project stakeholders are not required to take part in TPG meeting in Valmiera. They are kindly asked to participate in Stakeholders workshop on July 20 in Riga.
Wednesday, July 18
Whole day / Arrival of participants in RigaAirport. Travelling to Cesis. Travel Instructions included inPractical Information.
Arrival at Kolonna Hotel Cesis, Vienības laukums 1, Cesis
20.00 / Dinner. Location TBA
Thursday, July 19 , Valmiera. Project TPG Meeting
Venue: Main building of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera, Cēsu st. 4.
8:30 / The bus from Kolonna Hotel Cesis to Valmiera Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences where TPG meeting will be held09.00-13.00 / Discussing feedback about the Inception report, main tasks, deadlines
13.00-14.00 / Lunch
14.00-16.30 / Discussing project methodology and dividing assignments among TPG for the Midterm Report
16.30 / Short trip around Valmiera with Water Tram ride included
17.30 / Trip back to Cesis by bus
18.00-22.00 / Social evening activities in Cesis, including dinner
Main aims of TPG meeting is to arrive at agreement about KITCASP methodology, including preliminary indicator selection based on a bottom-up approach on the basis of territorial policy drivers/objectives, development priorities and existing indicators sets, and a filtering top-down process based on European agenda and policy objectives, and ESPON data. We will also review the questions to be used at the stakeholder engagement/workshops and agree on the contents of the Interim report. In addition we will talk about completing territorial profiles, process of reviewing national indicators sets. We will start making arrangements for the territorial workshops where we will confirm the final set of territorial drivers and objectives with local stakeholders.
Friday, July 20, Riga. Stakeholder Workshop “Establishing priority areas on the applicability of indicators for territorial cohesion, economic competitiveness and sustainable development”
Venue: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Lāčplēša st. 27, ground floor
08.00 / For project TPG staying in Cesis, buss will be organized to Riga. It will leave fromHotel Kolonna Cesis.
9.30 / Registration & Welcome Coffee and Tea
10.00 / Welcome and Opening
Chair: Visvaldis Valtenbergs, VidzemeUniversity of Applied Sciences
Welcome statements:
- Peter Billing, ESPON Coordination Unit
- Graeme Purves, Assistant Chief Planner Scottish Government, Lead Stakeholder in KITCASP project
- Ilona Raugze, Deputy of State Secretary inMinistry of Environment Protection and
Key note speeches:
10.30 /
- Introducing Draft Document ofLatvian Regional Development Guidelines 2014-2020
- Update on the KITSCAP project.
11.30 / Feedback from participants regarding Project Interim Report
12.00 / Coffee break
Key note speech:
12.15 / Priorities of New National Development Plan 2014-2020 by Mr. Mārtiņš Krieviņš, Mr. Vladislavs Vesperis, the Centre of Cross Sector Coordination, Latvia
12.35 / Identifying main policy objectives and drivers for regional development.
13.30 / Lunch
14.30 / Workshop:
Introduction of current experience assessment of territorial indicators and new system of Regional Development Indicator Module by Jānis Bruņenieks, State Regional Development Agency, Latvia
Available indicators for territorial cohesion and spatial planning. Issues and challenges.
16.30 / Summary. Closing of the day
17.00 / Coffee and Tea
17.00 / Project Steering Group meeting
Transportation to hotels will be provided for those staying in Rigaat request.
18.30 / Getting to know Riga. Social activities including dinner.