Circuit e-newsletter for April 2014

My Saviour Jesus,

I am remembering again the story of your death on the cross, imagining myself standing there, and it horrifies me – that you were led out nailed to that cruel cross and suffered agonies before you died.

You trusted God and put your life in God’s hands. I cannot bear to think of it.

Yet, sweet Jesus you did this for me.

You did this for me and for all humankind.

How can I ever, ever thank you enough? Amen

from a prayer on the MWiB website by Jackie Smith

Please send me any news of events that you would like included, Celia 01462 481268

The Circuit Administrator, Sarah Lewis: hours 9.00 to midday on Mon, Thurs and Fri.

Phone number - 01462 684569. Her email address is


These are the items included in the email newsletter: -

1.  High Street Methodist Church Easter Eggstravaganza on 21st April.

2.  Good Friday Walk 18th April

3.  Experience Easter Event, Saturday, April 19th

4.  Circuit Website information.

5.  Prayer request

6.  A Passion for Life mission

7.  MWiB District news update.

Further details of these are given below: -

1. High Street Methodist Church is having their first Easter Eggstravaganza

following the success of the Nativity Festivity in December.

It will be held on 21st April, from 2-4 and is open to all-ages.

We'll have cream tea, followed by games and Easter/spring themed crafts.

Donations welcome and bring your own bonnet to decorate.

For a flyer to display click on Easter Eggstravaganza

2. Good Friday Walk

The annual Good Friday walk on 18 April will start from Norton Methodist Church at 1.45pm (booking in from 1.15pm). The annual Good Friday walk. The approx. 8.5-mile walk will take walkers to Baldock and Clothall, arriving back at the Church for some well - deserved refreshments.

If you have not joined us in the past, come and share fellowship and enjoy the walk around the northern parts of the Circuit. Sponsorship raised by walkers this year will be donated equally between:

Stevenage Kadoma Link Association/Kadoma Kidz and The Garden House Hospice Sponsorship forms are available from your church or from Brian Burgess. Marshals are also required to provide safe crossings on the public highway. If you would like to help, please contact Brian Burgess.

Brian Burgess Telephone number: 01438 237748


For a flyer to display click on Good Friday Walk

3. Experience Easter Event, Saturday, April 19th.
Christchurch is having an 'Experience Easter' event in the sanctuary on Saturday, 19th April 10-12 noon. It will run alongside the wonderful and popular 'Prayer Station' organised by our Liz Williams.
Experience Easter is aimed at families and will engage with the Easter story through multi-sensory activities, crafts and an Easter egg hunt challenge.
The event is free so just come along at any time between 10-12noon to enjoy the fun. Invite your friends too! And let's not forget the free cuppa and hot cross buns on offer! A safe area for babies to play will also be provided.
For any more information call Eddy on: 01461 619 205, or email:

4. Circuit Website

The Website address is

A completely new and hopefully improved version of the Circuit Website has recently been published. The new design includes a page for each church in the circuit, giving local details and linking to the church’s own website where appropriate. Some of these pages are short on detail, this is because the information had to be gleaned from data already elsewhere in the public domain.

We encourage you to look at the new site, to provide feedback, make suggestions, and to provide further information for publication. It would be good to see the site grow and further our outreach. There is a downloadable form available for churches to update their local page in the Members area of the site.

Peter Dron, Communication Group Convener

5. Prayer request

Dear friends,

Central Brigades would like to thank all Circuit friends who are praying for Cain. Your love and prayers are much appreciated.

Many thanks, Sally Woodhouse, Central Methodist Letchworth Garden City.

6. a ‘Passion for Life’ mission

The ‘a Passion for Life’ mission will soon be upon us. It takes place between Monday 28th April and Sunday 4th May. More details at Passion for Life

7. MWiB District news update.

Dear Friends

Easter Offering resources can be downloaded from the Website, this year material for use during Lent will be available, something to consider if you are planning a Lent study group or for personal use during this period of reflection.

After a gap from mid-November to mid-December, the President’s Blog is now up to date; please take a look at the entries from 13 November up to the present date, this gap was due to unforeseen circumstances around the transition to the new look website.

Swanwick 2014

There are still places available for the 2014 Swanwick Residential Conference – “Why Bother” 25-27 April 2014, applications can still be made for bursaries to attend this event, the closing date for these is the end of January, in addition each District has one free place to attend this Conference, very few districts have submitted bookings for their District Place, follow the link above for the booking form and bursary and district place application forms. We look forward to meeting you there.

WFM&UCW European Seminar – Pomezia 5-7 June 2014

Please make sure you have your booking in by the end of February if you are intending to come to this event, there are still some places available, if you are already booked you will need to pay your balance by the end of February as well.

Pounds for Pomezia

MWiB has committed to raising £10,000 to enable 20 women from the smaller European Units to attend the joint Area Seminar in Italy in June this year. We have made a good start, holding various events including Italian evenings, a sponsored slim and planning flower arranging demonstrations by Rev Alan Ashton in Bedford and Beccles in April and May; follow the link for further information. Let us know how your District is raising Pounds for Pomezia. Gift Aid envelopes are available.

There seems to be plenty to look forward to in the coming months, the website is continuing to be updated with new information, please keep checking to see what is new.

Liz Marriott,

Communications Officer, MWiB

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To view the latest MRDF e-news – please ctrl click on: March 2014 MRDF E-news