THE SERPICO STAREdition 6 September 8 – 12th

Go Colts!!!!!

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, September 24th and Wednesday, October 1st. Parents will be responsible for signing up for conferences through Skyward. You should have received an email from Skyward with directions on how to sign up for a conference. In addition to afternoon and evening time slots, I will also have several morning times available on both days to accommodate more parents’ schedules.

Happy birthday to Lauren McLeish, who will celebrate her big day tomorrow, September 9th!

Thank you, thank you, thank youto Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Keusch, who have graciously volunteered to serve as Room 31’s Co-Head Room Parents this year.

Picture Retakes will take place on September, 26th. If you would like for your child to have their pictures retaken, please remember to send in your child’s original picture packet on or before that date.

Please continue to send in your Box Tops for Education labels.


Spelling: Unit 1, Week 5: (Long u). All students will take the pretest on Monday. Those who will need to take the final testwill do so on Friday. Those students will also be required to complete a Spelling Contract. The student will know by the end of the day on Monday whether they will need to complete a contract and take the final test.

Language:We will continue our study of Subjects & Predicates. This week I will introduce Compound Subjects & Compound Predicates. Next week, the students will have a test over all the types ofSubjects & Predicates: Complete, Simple, & Compound.

Reading: This week’s reading strategy review topic will be Making Connections. We will review (and practice) making text-to-self; text-to-text; and text-to-world connections. I will also introduce a new type of connection: text-to-media.

Math:This week we will practice Comparing & Ordering numbers and Rounding numbers up to the millions. As well as continue to review reading and writing whole numbers in standard, word, and expanded forms. The Topic 1: Numeration test is scheduled for this Friday, September 12th.

Science:The Landforms Unit test will be this Wednesday, September 10th.

Social Studies: We will begin Chapter 2: Early Indiana, on Thursday.

For daily assignments, please refer to child’s assignment notebook.

STARS – Students, Teachers, All Reaching Success.