Ballwin VFW Post 6274

115 Minosa Ln. 636-527-9555 Ballwin, MO. 63011

Minutes of the General Membership meeting of Mar16th, 2015

  • The meeting was called to order by Commander, Dominic Delia, at 7:30pm
  • The meeting was opened after inspection of membership cards by the officer of the day
  • After a salute to the colors & pledge of allegiance to the flag, the opening prayer was read

Roll Call: Roll call of officers found all present except Vince Aragon was absent.

Applications for Membership: Corey Fletcher & Ervell Hoover (sworn in) were presented and approved.

Minutes: The minutes of the February meeting were read, corrected and approved.

Quartermaster’s Report:Dave read theFeb.Quartermaster report. It was approved per audit.

Comrades in Distress: None

Bingo: (5 pm. on Wed.) Jim said “About the same”. “Always need help and more players”.

National Home:The meeting was halted to honor our National Home.

Old Business:

  • GI breakfast (last Sun. 9am to 12);Clifford Mitchem said “We need more members.”
  • Fish Fry,2nd 4th Friday, 5pm-7pm, is going well. Can use help cleaning up at 7pm
  • Fund raiser (live band etc.) by Ellisville Police, Mar 21,1600-2200 hrs. A 1yr old child needs a support dog medical bills paid. The dog has diabetic awareness training.
  • Golf Tournament is coming, June 14th at Paradise Valley. Call Rich Taylor.
  • March 28th is Trivia night by the Men’s Auxiliary.
  • The Meramec Springs Trout Fishing trip will be June 5th.
  • Corned Beef & Cabbage was a great success. Thanks to Joe Cybulski !!
  • Joe Cybulski said Sausage sales sheets are available. Order by April 17, pick up on 14th.

New Business:

  • Bob Sinovcic(636-488-1890) said Poppy Sale is May 22 & 23. Need volunteers !!!!!!
  • Cmdr. Delia said the Home Board will meet next month at 7pm.
  • Nominations for new officers were made. (see back side for nominees)
  • The Easter Bunny is coming the 22nd
  • Carol said the Blood Drive will be after the April GI breakfast. Donors get a $1.00 off
  • District Cmdr. Ken Allison mentioned the Memorial Day, 10am, Flag Service at JB
  • Ernest Young donated his sword and medals to the Post. Thank you Ernie !!!
  • Mike asked where are the VFW business cards? Cmdr. Delia said he would provide them
  • John Krueger mentioned the disrespectful attitude of the barmaid. Cmdr will take action.
  • After much discussion, it was decided the Home Board would designate a specific, marked area, for an unloading zone for several activities.

(continued on back side of paper)

Good of the Order:

  • Bill Bantel reported the Honor Guard did 12 funerals & one event last month (549 total/ 5yrs). Rich Holmes is a new member. The latest new members have been very active.
  • Cmdr. Delia said we are 25 short of “All American” status. Motion made and approved to give free dues for any veteran who signs up that was discharged in 2014.
  • Olivia mentioned the Quarterly News Letter is ready to go out. Articles and comments have been added for review. Advertisers are still needed.
  • April 18th is the St. James BBQ. Call Bill Bantel to help and attend.
  • Any community activities should be turned in to Bill Bantel.
  • Jeff Stevens took time to explain the history of our National Home in Michigan.
  • Bill Bantel showed a war memorabiliadisplay case to be used at events.

Nominations for Officers:

Bill BantelCommander

Matt TumbrinkSr. Vice Commander

Ronald PorterJr. Vice Commander

Dave HowardQuartermaster

Jeff StevensChaplain

Bill McManus3rd Year Trustee

Dominic Delia3rd Year Trustee

Note : 1st Year Trustee, Fred Conrad, will vacate Trustee position, the 2nd Trustee Tom Gertz & 3rd Year Trustee, Clifford Mitchem will move up in position.

The Judge Advocate (Ed Young), Surgeon (Vince Aragon), Adjutant (Pete Bruggeman) and Service Officer (Ed Young) are appointed positions, appointed by the new Commander.

  • Closing: After a salute to the colors, the closing prayer was said,

meeting closed at 8:40 pm.The next meeting is April 20th.

Respectfully submitted,

Pete Bruggeman
