*Sponsored by ChilthorneDomer Church School & ChilthorneDomer Entertainments
Weekly Clubs and Functions
/ - Post Office: 2-4pm - Post Office Services at the Village Hall. Teas / produce in aid of Church Funds. Drop in for tea, cake and a chat – afriendly welcome guaranteed.- Pop-Up Sports: Finished for the Spring and Summer recommencing in October – Lesley 840424
/ Sapphire Sequence Dance Club: 7.45- 10.15pm in the Village Hall – Denise 415520Wednesdays / - C.D. Youth Sports Club: Wednesdays at 7pm in the Recreation Centre for ages 8 – 16 years (7 year olds with a parent or guardian staying) - £1.50 per session.
We will have sessions on 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th- Contact Lynn 410970 for further information.
- Yeovil Sequence Dance Club: 8- 10.15pm in the Village Hall including novices - Denise 415520
Thursdays / - C.D. Short Mat Bowls Club: 2-4 pm in the Recreation Centre.This club is currently full.
- Table Tennis: Finished for the Summer will recommence in October - Angie 841659.
- C.D. Recreational Club: in the Recreation Centre 9-11pm for Darts & Pool. All residents of ChilthorneDomer are welcome to come and play darts or pool or simply come as spectators - details Lesley 840424 or just drop in to find out more.
Fridays / - Skittles: Matches on 8th & 22nd in the Recreation Centre. Open from 8.30pm on match nights – bar
open, spectators welcome.
Sundays / - C.D. Recreational Club: in the Recreation Centre 9-11pm for Darts & Pool. All residents of ChilthorneDomer are welcome to come and play darts or pool or simply come as spectators - details Lesley 840424 or just drop in to find out more.
Monthly Clubs and Functions
C.D. Gardening Club: (1st Monday of the Month). The next meeting is Monday 4th September at 7.30pm in the Recreation Centre for a talk on Echinacea & Rubeckia - Paula 840367
Parish Council: (1st Thursday of the month) 7thSeptember- Public session 7.30pm at the Village Hall.
C.D. Oil Club: deadline for orders for a May delivery –Monday11th Septemberbefore 9pm - contact Juliet on 840959
Westland Classic Motorcycle Club: (2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in the Recreation Centre) – next meeting 12th September. New members welcome – contact Henry Pinney 414359
Women’s Institute: (3rd Wed of the month) - Next meeting will be on 20thSeptember at 7.30pm in the Village Hall – contact Jill 840466
C.D. Friday Night Book Club:An informal meetingonce a monthat 6pmto discuss the book of the month over a glass ofwine and nibbles. New members and ideas for books to read welcome. For details contact Karen on 841865.
Events for September
ChilthorneDomerEntertaintments: AGM and next production meeting Monday 4th September in the Village Hall Committee Room at 7pm for AGM - everyone welcome to come along to discuss finances and running of the group - you do not need to be an existing member. At approximately 7.30pm we will begin discussions for planning the next production. As the current organiser of the village panto, next year I am planning to stage a murder mystery drama instead. However, if others are interested in stepping into organise a panto I am sure there will be support for both through the CD Entertainments committee.Enquiries - Karen 841865
Saturday Early Bird:Early Bird get together onSaturday 30th September. ChilthorneDomer Recreation Centreis open 5pm to 7pm once a month for early evening drinks and snacks. Pop in on your way home from anafternoon shopping or simply enjoy some time with your family and friends and still get home in time to getthe children to bed. We will have hot snacks for sale as well as a small sweet shop for the children. ContactNicky for more info on 841605 / 07899 973965.
Please note all children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult
URGENT: Village Hall Secretary Required:We now have a new Bookings Officer but still require a Secretary. The Secretary works alongside the Chairman, Treasurer and Bookings Officer on the Committee to ensure that our village hall continues to fully support the needs of the village whilst maintaining economic security. The Secretary is primarily responsible for coordinating our quarterly meetings and providing agendas and minutes and dealing with general enquiries regarding the village hall. Other duties are shared amongst the Committee by agreement. If you feel that you have the time to help run our village hall please contact Mark 840200 or Sandra 840895 or email Mark on to discuss the role further.
Take Art: Coming soon following their successful performance of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, ChilthorneDomer is delighted to welcome back the theatre group, ‘Farnham Maltings’, who are performing another great show – “Brilliance”. Put it in your diary now – Wednesday 25th October at The Recreation Centre. Not to be missed! – Joan 840200
Milk Bottle Top Recycling - collect your plastic milk bottle tops for recycling by Perry's Recycling of Marston Magna, in aid of the Air Ambulance. Please check that any other plastic bottle tops have a 2 or 4 indicated inside a triangle otherwise they are not acceptable for recycling. Please leave them at Pound Farm or ring Angie 841659.
Bookings for Functions - to book the Village Hall - contact Anne 841081 or email - To book the Recreation Centre – contact Sue 07740 604503 or Lynn 410970
Chilthorne SMALL ADS
Layer Pullet Hens for Sale: Mix of Norfolk Grey, La Bresse and Cotswold Legbar breeding. Price varies with age.Phone Lynn 410970
For a £2 donation to ChilthorneDomer Entertainments you can have a couple of lines in the What’s On Small Ads Section - the What’s On is delivered to 240 Chilthorne homes.Any events or small ads you would like included in October’s‘What’s On’ - contact Mark on 840200 by 13th September
For a copy of this newsletter by email contact Mark on
The What’s On newsletter is on the web site
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