Staff Payroll - End of Year Duties
1. Print all reports for both quarterly and year-end payroll figures. IN ORDER TO GET QTD INFORMATION, YOUR SYSTEM DATE MUST BE 2017. UPDATE QTR. 4, AND RUN REPORTS.
2. Year End Rollover of Vac/Sick/Pers hours. Year End Reset Holiday hours. See documentation 7c and 7d. Make sure these are done before Zeroing the eeckstub and work1 tables.
3. Calendar Year Update of Slot. See documentation 7. Make sure this is done before Zeroing the eeckstub and work1 tables.
4. If you are using the check reconciliation portion of the software, make sure you Update to Recon before you zero eeckstub.
5. If ETS is printing your W2’s, run necessary reports, and Load EEW2 Transfer Table. Send zipped and password-protected files by email or flash drive to ETS.
6. Copy your “database” folder from Explorer to another disk. Mark this disk with the Year and put away somewhere safe. You may need this disk to retrieve information from previous year.
7. If you think you will need to retrieve previous year data often, you may want to consider backing up your information before you zero to another name on your hard drive (C:\etsacct\database or P:\database). Please consult with ETS if you decide to proceed with this method of storing last year’s information.
8. The last measure before you start your first payroll of the New Year is to Zero eeckstub and eework1. This step is found under Mo-Qtr-Yr. Please refer to your manual before proceeding to make sure you have completed all necessary steps before this final procedure. This step will delete all records in both eework1 and eeckstub from your computer. When you complete this step, you will no longer be able to do any calculations or retrieve information from these two tables. (You may still, however, retrieve information from your archived files and/or your renamed files, see # 7 above.)
9. Now you are ready to start data entry for your first payroll of the New Year. WHEN YOU ARE ENTERING TIMECARDS, CHANGE YOUR SYSTEM DATE TO 12/31/2017. THIS WILL FORCE A DEFAULT TO THE YEAR 2017. Changing the system date will eliminate having to enter the Year each time instead of just entering 1226. WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED WITH DATA ENTRY CHANGE BACK THE DATE TO THE CORRECT DATE.
10. You will receive several messages along the way telling you that this is indeed the first payroll of the year. Start your check number with the next number in the box of checks (and/or on your list you keep with your check off sheets). Remember most YTD figures will be zero, and the quarter is # 1.
11. If you have any questions, always feel free to call ETS.