Efis No.44/2010

July 2010

Range: Divorce

DIV51B-Application for Directions for Trial (Special Procedures)

DIV110-Ex Parte Originating Summons under Section 13 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984

[or Paragraph 4 of Schedule 7 to the Civil Partnership Act 2004]

DIV87-Affidavit by Petitioner in Support of Petition (Adultery) under s.1(2)(a) of Matrimonial Causes Act 1973

DIV88-Affidavit by Petitioner in Support of Petition (Desertion) under s.1(2)(c) of Matrimonial Causes Act1973

DIV89-Affidavit by Petitioner in Support of Petition (2 years' Separation) under s.1(2)(d) of MatrimonialCauses Act 1973

DIV90-Affidavit by Petitioner in Support of Petition (5 years' Separation) under s 1(2)(e) of MatrimonialCauses Act 1973

DIV92-Affidavit by Petitioner in Support of Petition (Behaviour) under s.1(2)(b) of Matrimonial Causes Act1973

DIV94-Notice of Acting or Change of Solicitor

DIV101-Notice of Application

DIV109-Statement of Information for a Consent Order

DIV_E-Financial Statement

We have made minor amendments to the way DIV51B and DIV110 are completed when sent to the Court, which make DIV51B and DIV110 consistent with the other Divorce forms in this range.

Anoption for County Court has now been added to the back sheet of forms DIV87, DIV88, DIV89, DIV90 and DIV92 as per customers requests.

Finally, we have taken this opportunity to provide you with minor field and macro adjustments to forms DIV94, DIV101, DIV109 and DIV_E.

All forms can be used immediately.


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Importing Forms

1.Start the OyezForms software (if you are running a networked copy of the software only one user should have the

software open at this point).

2.Insert the CD-ROM into your CD drive.

3.Select Admin and then Import new forms

4.When the dialogue box appears, click BROWSE

5.Double-click on the CD-ROM drive labelled ‘OyezForms’ and select the EFIS folder which this document refers to. Click OK

6.The forms listed within this EFIS will appear in the dialogue box

7.Click Select All

8.Click Import

9.Click Done.

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