DATE/TIME: / The meeting opened at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: / Kym Driscoll, Frank Brougham, Kath Richards, Carole Grinstead, Ralph Daff, Beverly Howlett.
APOLOGIES: / Rod Crowhurst, Kevin Hausler, Terryne Whittaker, Terry Bentley
MINUTES LAST MEETINGS / Minutes of meeting held 19th September 2011 were accepted on the motion of Beverly Howlett, seconded Carole Driscoll. CARRIED
Minutes of meeting held 27th October 2011 were accepted on the motion of Beverly Howlett, seconded Carole Driscoll. CARRIED
OUT Letter to Phil Jennings/Willunga Bowls – pie warmer
FINANCIAL REPORT: / Treasurer, Carole Grinstead presented Financial Statement No. 33 (appended) for the period 20th September to 31st October 2011, showing a grand total cash balance of $5,317.33. $94.80 was included for reimbursement to Kym Driscoll for an ink refill, death notice and the purchase of the Associations’ Incorporation regulations, discussed at the September meeting. It was noted that proceeds since the September meeting (6 weeks) for the meat raffle was $90.50, and for Kevin’s raffles $361.50.
Moved Carole Grinstead, seconded Frank Brougham that the Treasurers’ report be accepted. CARRIED
Frank Brougham advised that he has spoken to several residents living adjacent to him and received payment from two residents.
SOCIAL REPORT: / Social Subcommittee report
Terry Bentley – Kym Driscoll presented a brief report as Terry Bentley is absent from the village. 50+ people attended the quiz night, and $236.00 was raised. Overall it was a successful night. The Social Subcommittee were in the process of meeting to organise a Melbourne Cup event, however AA management made an offer to stage an event, which was gratefully accepted.
Kym indicated that the next function will be the Christmas Dinner, and food and entertainment would be free to all residents who have paid their voluntary contributions. Other residents are welcome to attend, but will be charged the cost of the dinner package.
Kevin Hausler was absent from the village. There appears to be about 5 people who plan to take the River Murray cruise on 20th January.
BUSINESS FROM LAST MEETING / Kitchen fit out/update - ongoing
Review of ASRA Inc Constitution/Extraordinary General Meeting
The proposed changes to the ASRA Inc. Constitution will be held in abeyance pending the outcome of a proposed AA meeting.
Accessorising Dining Room
AA has been assessing this aspect and blinds for the northern windows of the Function Room have been quoted on. Management will now look at prints this week for some of the walls and will advise of outcome once costings are at hand.
Acquisition of bingo equipment via Hazel Clarke
Vic has advised that Hazel has purchased an electronic bingo unit for 200 pounds (approx. $A300+), which she will carry as hand luggage when she flies home in mid November. Final cost will be determined when she establishes if there is any duty payable on entry to Australia. A
GENERAL BUSINESS: / Additional Christmas decorations
NEXT MEETING: / Monday, 28 November, 2011