14th International art contest of book plates

for children

aged from 6 to 15



dedicated to the 900th anniversary

of the first recorded mention of the town Hlohovec in 1113




1. Ex libris designs - elementary schools from 12 to 15

2. Original ex libris - elementary schools from 12 to 15

3. Original ex libris - art schools from 12 to 15

4. Ex libris designs and original ex libris for children

from all types of school aged from 6 to 11

The conditions for participation:

1. Create the final version of the draft in a black and white combi-

nation by Indian ink, so that it will be clear what graphic tech-

niques it is proposed to. Drawings created by a pencil, pastel or

shade drawings do not meet this requirement. Mässer plates are

successful at creation of designs.

2. Use any of the graphic techniques like lino-engraving, lino-cut,

wood-cut, wood-engraving, plastic-engraving, a dry needle,

etching, engraving, imprint from cardboard, imprint from

a template, etc. for your original ex libris in one or more colours.

3. The size of the contest works is not allowed to exceed 13 x 9 cm,

and they must be placed in the middle of a white drawing paper

of the size 21 x 15 cm (A5).

The proposal can be created directly on white drawing paper, or

you can cut it out from another background and glue it to the

required drawing paper. It is necessary to print the original ex

libris directly, another version cannot be assessed!

4. All contest works must include the text and picture parts. It is the


BOOK, the name and surname of the owner or institution. You

can use your name with an abbreviation (Jozef SOKOL,

J.SOKOL). The professional jury will not assess works with

initials (e.g. A.K.,J.S., etc.), or nicknames - MIMI, FERI.

5. The picture part must have a direct relation to the topic of the

contest. Go through the methodical instructions very carefully

and follow them.

6. Each contestant is not allowed to send more than 2 contest


7. All contest works have to contain the full name of the author,

his/her age, address of school or the sender at the back of the

paper. It would be suitable to write also the author's gender. Bulk

shipments must be accompanied by a list of contestants with all

the required information. We also ask for the name of the ex

libris, so that we could check if you comply with the topic.

8. Use the Slovak language in your correspondence with organi-

sers of the contest, foreign participants are required to communi-

cate in English.

9. Registered contest works will remain in the possession of the

organisers with the right to exhibit them and use them for

promotional and other purposes. The participants accept the

conditions of the contest by sending their application. It is only

possible to send the works to the contest EX LIBRIS

HLOHOVEC that were not part of another contest or exhibition!

10. The deadline for sending the contest works is January 31, 2013

to the address:


Námestie sv. Michala 3

920 01 Hlohovec


Please do not leave sending your contest works to last days, you

will thus complicate the work of organisers.

11. The jury reserves the right not to award a prize if the contest

works in a given category do not reach a satisfactory level. The

best works of the 13th year of the contest will be exhibited at

a separate exhibition, they will be included in travelling exhibiti-

ons or published. The works that do not comply with the speci-

fied criteria will be excluded from the assessment.

12. The ceremonial announcement of the results of the contest,

awarding and other activities will be held on October 4, 2013 in

Hlohovec as a part of celebrations of the 900th anniversary of

the first recorded mention of the town Hlohovec.

The organisers will inform the participants about the details in

a separate invitation. The results of the contest will be published

in the official bulletin, on and in mass


For more information call the number:

00 421 33 7424657


send an e-mail to: or




Contest rules


International call


· Free subject

· Free etching techniques ( see annex 2 )

· Works must be done on Garzapapel papers (to obtain the paper even for free

see annex 1)

· Allowed sizes: 14x20, 21x30, 30x40cm. in any size and weight offered by


· Works submitted and awarded in other contests will not be accepted.

· 3 works will be allowed per participant.

· It is not necessary to belong to the Facebook network to be a contestant, but it

is advisable to be well informed.


· Works must be sent with freight paid by registered mail or agency.

· Deadline: October 1st 2012.

· Mail Address:


Huerto del Pobre, 10

03801 Alcoy


Telf: 965 543 697

· Attention : You must use a rigid container or inner reinforcement for the shipment of the works.You can ask for the

paper through Garzapapel's website and a reusable and suitable pack will be sent for return shipment.



· Author identification



Zip Code- City……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Province / State………………………………………………………………………………………………


Phone number………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Facebook name and e-mail (if you have a profile)…………………………………………………………..

· Work identification


Technique ( see annex 2 ) ………………………………………………………………………………….

Paper: Size and weight……………………………………………………………………………………….

Date of the work……………………………………………………………………………………………..

· A Short author's Curriculum















· Deadline for submission: October the 1st, 2012. The deadline will be determined by the postmark date or the

delivery's agency date.

· Exhibition date without voting. As works are received

· Place: Garzapapel Facebook page.

· On-line exhibition date for public voting: From November 15th 2012 to January 1st 2013.

· Place Facebook/Jorge Martí's Profile/Album Concurso Garzapapel 2012.

· Date for finalist works exhibition and awards: January the 28th 2013. Place: Messe Frankfurt Creativeworld 2013


1 - Works Presentation: Works must be sent to the above address before the 1st of October 2012.

2 - Exhibition of the work: As works are received, they will be photographed in high standard conditions and they will

be exhibited with no voting possibility in Garzapapel 's Facebook page.

3 - Public Vote

November 15th 2012, a special album will be created in Jorge Marti's profile for counting the votes. Clicking on this

album you'll exercise your right to vote, which will be available to all the selected friends of Jorge Marti's profile

and they can exercise their votes under the conditions set up below until the deadline of January 1st 2013.

(It will be notified through Facebook all those who can exercise the right to vote).

Members of the jury:

It is essential to take part as a jury member to be user of the Facebook network.

If you are fan of Garzapapel Facebook page the votes will be valued twice.

To prevent abuse only Jorge Marti's friends who have been selected for these purposes printmakers and people related

to the world of graphics may participate as a juror.

Each member of the jury will have the right to select 3 works.

To vote you should make a brief comment in the photo posted. "MY VOTE "

The total of the votes must not exceed the number of 3.

The misapplication of the votes will invalidate the voting. Garzapapel will notify this invalidation, to the possibility of

correcting the votes.

4-Transparent counting of the votes, the counting will be done by Garzapapel under the contest rules listed above.

5- Public announcement of the results:

Subsequent to the recount all the works and results will be publicly exhibited:

1? On-line in the blog of Garzapapel 's web and in Garzapapel Facebook page.

2? The physical exhibition of the finalist works will take place in the next Creativeworld Fair 2013 in Messe Frankfurt

Germany. We will take advantage of our presence there.