Minutes of TESOL-Ukraine Leadership Meeting
October 16, 2009
Place: PAS, Kyiv
Date: October 16, 2009
TESOL-Ukraine Leaders’ Meeting guests:
- Mr. Thomas W. Santos, Regional English Language Officer for Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova
- Ms Alyona Sukhinina, RELO Assistant Public Affairs Section U.S. Embassy
Acting Chair - Ms Alisa Mykolaychuk
Acting Secretary - Ms Oksana Chugai
TESOL-Ukraine Leaders present:
- Ms Alisa Mykolaychuk, TESOL-Ukraine President, Executive Committee Member
- Ms Sviltana Bobyr, Vice-President, Executive Committee Member
- Ms Olena Illenko, National Coordinator, Executive Committee Member
- Ms Olena Franchuk, Newsletter Editor, Executive Committee Member
- Ms Tetyana Marchak, Treasurer, Executive Committee Member
- Ms Oksana Chugai, Secretary, Executive Committee Member
- Ms Nina Lyulkun, TESOL-Ukraine ex-President, Advisory Committee Member
- Mr. Oleksandr Malygin, Kryvy Rig Oblast Leader,
- Ms Nina Naumenko, Oblast Leader, Crimea Leader
- Ms Svitlana Zubenko, Kharkiv Oblast Leader
- Ms Tetiana Pavlova, Kyiv Oblast Leader,
- Ms Antonina Zaytseva, Poltava Oblast Leader,
- Ms Lesya Myklash, Lviv Oblast Leader
- Ms Antonina Ovdienko, Odessa Oblast Representative
- Ms Svilana Poliova, Khmelnitsky Oblast Leader
- Ms Antonina Zaitseva, Poltava Oblast Leader
- Ms Iryna Miroshnichenko, Kyiv
- Ms Oksana Kozachuhna, Kyiv city leader
- Registration for meeting ( Oksana Chugai )
- Greetings (Alyona Sukhinina , Alisa Mykolaychuk)
- IREX Programs presentation (Iryna Miroshnichenko, Program Officer)
TESOL-Ukraine organizational issues (moderator Alisa Mykolaychuk)
4. TESOL-Ukraine Constitution issues (moderator – Svitlana Bobyr)
Discussion, Approval
5. Membership database, fee and benefits (Alisa Mykolaychuk, oblast leaders)
Discussion, Approval
6. TESOL-Ukraine website (Alisa Mykolaychuk) Discussion, Approval
TESOL-Ukraine organizational plans:
7. Welcome word from the RELO Officer Thomas W. Santos
8. RELO support (moderator Alyona Sukhinina)
9. On-line seminars and conferences for students and/or teachers (Nina Lyulkun)
10. 2009-2010 events and conferences planning (info: Alisa Mykolaychuk, Olena Franchuk, Oleksandr Malygin) Discussion
11. Regional branches (moderator Olena Illenko) Discussion
12. TESOL-Ukraine newsletter (moderators - Alisa Mykolaychuk, Olena Franchuk)
13. Reports of the Executive Committee members Discussion, Approval
President’s Report Alisa Mykolaychuk
Vice-President’s report Svitlana Bobyr
Treasurer’s Report Tetyana Marchak
National Coordinator’s Report Olena Illenko
14. Summary and Reimbursement
15. Miscellaneous
1.Registration for meeting
Oksana Chugai conducted registration and announced TESOL-Ukraine Leaders present.
Alyona Sukhinina and Alisa Mykolaychuk welcomed the TESOL-Ukraine Leaders’ Meeting participants. Alyona Sukhinina said that The Public Affairs Sections always supported TESOL-Ukraine associations in Ukraine and asked not to hesitate to contact them with any proposal, question or a problem. She reminded the participants about the importance of 2009-2010 events and conferences planning.
3. IREX Programs presentation
Iryna Miroshnichenko, IREX-Ukraine Program Officer, gave presentation on Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program. She explained that eligible program fields for citizens of Ukraine are: Business Administration, Economics, Law, Public Administration and Public Policy. Participants will be selected through an open, merit-based competition. Fellows will enroll in fulltime academic coursework for up to two years, create and implement a project during the first academic year that benefits the local community and take part in internships following academic coursework. She reminded about the deadline and about the benefits of the winners (J-1 Visa Support, round-trip travel from fellow’s home city to host institution in the United States, monthly stipend, accident and sickness insurance, tuition and mandatory university fees, limited allowance for books, pre-academic English language training and a wide variety of alumni networking and training opportunities.
Iryna Miroshnichenko also described the peculiarities of Global Undergraduate Exchange Program for current first, second and third year undergraduate students who can spend one academic year of non-degree study in a US university or community college.
Iryna Miroshnichenko distributed Application Forms and Muskie Messenger magazine for the participants to learn more about this program.
4. TESOL-Ukraine organizational issues (moderator Alisa Mykolaychuk)
5. TESOL-Ukraine Constitution issues
Sviltana Bobyr reminded the participants about the decision of TESOL-Ukraine General Meeting held on April 24, 2009 in Kharkiv. Svitlana Radzievska was expelled from members of TESOL-Ukraine for neglecting her duties as the President. Therefore it was necessary to consider the amendments of the Constitution. Sviltana Bobyr underlined the necessity of such amendments to avoid such situations as in 2008 in the future which can have negative consequences. The discussion as well as Amendments will be published in the Newsletter (on TESOL-Ukraine website).
Svitlana Bobyr underlined that sections 4 and 5 of Article III describe the duties of the Executive Committee officers too briefly, do not include measurements taken in case the officers do not fulfill their duties or neglect them. She added that the Constitution will be finally amended at the next Annual General Meeting. Advanced notice of any proposed amendment will be given 60 days prior to the annual General Meeting.
Approved 1:The discussion of amendments of the Constitution will be conducted on the website. The Constitution will be finally amended at the next Annual General Meeting.
6. Membership database, fee and benefits
Alisa Mykolaychuk stated that there are approximately 300 TESOL-Ukraine members. The fee is the same as it was previous year – for personal membership HR 90, for group membership HR 360. She added that benefits include the smaller fee for participation in TESOL-Ukraine events, receiving Forum magazine, the availability of information on the website and others. Svitlana Bobyr shared her experience about the TESOL-International Conference, when she was given a badge with a recommendation “wear it with pride.” So, she said that it is honorable indeed to do something similar for TESOL-Ukraine members.
Approved 2: Personal TESOL-Ukraine membership is HR 90, group membership HR 360. An Applicant should fill in a new Application Form on the website not later than in December.
7. TESOL-Ukraine website
Alisa Mykolaychuk informed the participants that nearly 80 people visit the website regularly. Olena Franchuk mentioned that the participants do not take part in discussion as well as in Forum. Nina Lyulkun said that it would be better to use the site which is not free, but reliable for hosting the Newsletters.
Alisa Mykolaychuk promised that in the nearest future there will be a new Application Form on the website, and it would be better to fill it in and send it through the Internet. Then the e-list will be updated and all the members of TESOL-Ukraine will receive information about upcoming events.
Approved 3: The TESOL-Ukraine Newsletter will be available on-line.
TESOL-Ukraine organizational plans:
8. Welcome word from the RELO Officer
Mr. Thomas W. Santos, Regional English Language Officer for Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova briefly described what he is responsible for. He informed the participants that supporting teachers of English is considered very important nowadays, when English language became the language of trade, travelling, business and communicating in general. Mr. Santos invited the TESOL-Ukraine leaders to come up with their ideas about local seminars, programs, meetings and said that what they all do as teachers of English is valuable and appreciated. Being a brilliant presenter, he also promised to give the seminars at the ETRC in Kyiv-Mohyla academy.
9. RELO support
Alyona Sukhinina, RELO Assistant Public Affairs Section U.S. Embassy, informed the participants about the procedure of funding any kind of programs. The representative of institutions should generate the ideas first, and then to apply for grant or funding.
Svitlana Bobyr complained that there are lots of difficulties connected with the account of the University. Olena Illenko and Olena Franchuk shared their experience on this matter. Alyona Sukhinina asked everyone not to hesitate asking for funding, because they need time to give the approval. She also mentioned that RELO Office gives support in conducting conferences and seminars but not publications which are considered to be less effective.
10 On-line seminars and conferences for students and/or teachers
Nina Lyulkun, TESOL-Ukraine ex-President, informed the participants that on-line seminars and conferences are considered to be very effective. She described “Global Oklahoma Festival of Cultures” which was successfully conducted on the 3rd of October. Using Skype, 40 teachers and students from this institution could take part in the event.
Alyona Sukhinina mentioned that it is possible to conduct such an event in the RELO Office. Some participants complained that it would be too difficult for them, but Nina Lyulkun named several other projects which she takes part in, and assured them, that it is not complicated at all. Oksana Chugai reminded about Longman and MacMillan seminars regularly conducted on-line, which are very effective. One can study Information Technology only by doing IT. Olena Illenko asked if this kind of workshop could be conducted during summer school. Alyona Sukhinina agreed that it is possible if there is the necessary technical equipment
Approved 3: The Oblast Leaders are requested to brainstorm on-line seminars and conferences TESOLers may want to organize.
11. 2009-2010 events and conferences planning
Olena Franchuk reminded the participants about the importance of planning. Besides actual planning the leaders should think about the content of the events. They should remember about the difference between the annual conference and summer school and take it into consideration while planning.
Olena Franchuk announced that Rivno State University proposes to hold the next TESOL-Ukraine Conference. She listed the advantages:
- the location of the hotel nearby which can accommodate 220 participants;
- convenient transportation from the hotel to the university;
- all the necessary equipment to conduct different workshops and seminars;
- beautiful location and sights for the participants to enjoy;
- the staff of the university ready to organize and conduct the Conference.
Olena Franchuk informed the participants that the name of the Conference is “English Learning in the Context of the Long-Life Education.” She added that participants with limited possibilities could participate on-line. She promised to include different kind of presentations – Poster Sessions, seminars, others.
Olena Franchuk reminded that all presenters should adjust their presentations according to the content of the Conference. It will be traditionally held in April.
Nina Naumenko proposed the summer school devoted to IT technologies to be held in Sevastopil. She promised in a week or two to inform everyone if the institution she represents has all the necessary equipment. Nina Lyulkun said that she will provide the participants from different countries who can came to Ukraine give workshops, and some presenters may give on-line seminars. Alyona Sukhinina added that the attendees may share the expenses, for example, travel costs.
Alisa Mykolaychuk proposed next TESOL-Ukraine Leaders’ Meeting to be held in February in Kamyanets-Podilsky.
Approved 4:
1. The next TESOL-Ukraine Conference in April to be held in Rivno State University
2. The summer school devoted to IT technologies to be held in Sevastopil.
3. Next TESOL-Ukraine Leaders’ Meeting in February to be held in Kamyanets-Podilsky.
12. Regional branches
Olena Illenko assured everyone that TESOL-Ukraine will survive, hard times are in the past, but still there are some problems. The fact is that not all the regions are presented. She asked the participants to use their personal ties to foster people to renew the TESOL-Ukraine membership. Oksana Chugai proposed to use the old database for this purpose.
Olena Illenko expressed her optimism that next year there will be more TESOLers and asked the participants not to hesitate with the membership. Olena Franchuk emphasized that the registration must take place in December 2009, because it is important to give the report of the Affiliate on time.
13. TESOL-Ukraine newsletter
Olena Franchuk informed the participants that according to the international standards the Newsletter should be available on-line and it is not necessary to have a hard copy. Alisa Mykolaychuk said that according to the survey no one objected. Nowadays there are computers on all educational establishments, so if it is necessary, the Newsletter maybe printed for individual purpose. Besides, an electronic version is much more complete with all the colorful pictures included.
Oleksandr Malygin told the participants about Students’ Program “Camp Lead”, when seven universities and 15 volunteers of Peace Corps participated. Nina Naumenko shortly described the Student Festivals in Sevastopil and Simpheropil.
Olena Franchuk was surprised why no information was provided about interesting TESOL events conducted in different regions such as Kryvy Rig (Oleksandr Malygin), Sevastopil (Nina Naumenko) and others. She asked everyone to provide materials including pictures for next Newspaper issue. Alisa Mykolaychuk added that it can be even personal information about interesting trips.
Approved 5: The Newsletter is available on-line and all TESOL- Ukraine members should submit contributions.
14. Reports of the Executive Committee members Discussion, Approval
President’s Report Alisa Mykolaychuk
Vice-President’s report Svitlana Bobyr
Treasurer’s Report Tetyana Marchak
National Coordinator’s Report Olena Illenko
15. Summary and Reimbursement
Alisa Mykolaychuk gave special thanks to Public Affairs Section, particularly to Mr. Thomas W. Santos and Ms Alyona Sukhinina. She also thanked everyone present for active participation in the Leadership Meeting.
16. Miscellaneous
Approved 1: The discussion of amendments of the Constitution will be conducted on the website. The Constitution will be finally amended at the next Annual General Meeting.
Approved 2: Personal TESOL-Ukraine membership is HR 90, group membership HR 360. An Applicant should fill in a new Application Form on the website not later than in December.
Approved 3: The Oblast Leaders are requested to brainstorm on-line seminars and conferences TESOLers may want to organize.
Approved 4:
1. The next TESOL-Ukraine Conference in April to be held in Rivno State University
2. The summer school devoted to IT technologies to be held in Sevastopil.
3. Next TESOL-Ukraine Leaders’ Meeting in February to be held in Kamyanets-Podilsky.
Approved 5: The Newsletter is available on-line and all TESOL- Ukraine members should submit contributions.