Laconia – SAU 30
District Application Cover Page
District: / LaconiaSchool District / Date: / Nov 4, 2009Project Manager: / Terri Forsten
Position Title: / Assistant Superintendent
Mailing Address: / PO Box , Laconia, NH 03246
Email Address: /
Phone: / 603-524-5710
I hereby certify that:- To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application is correct, and the school board of the district named above has authorized me as its representative to submit this application.
- The District has submitted to the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHDOE) a General Assurances signature page for the current year.
- The District has consulted with the appropriate non-public schools during the design and development of this Ed Tech project prior to all decisions that affect the opportunities of private school children to participate in the program.
- All funding for this project will be obligated and reported no later than the quarterly report ending 3/31/2011 and expended and reported no later than quarterly report ending 6/30/2011.
- The grant funds expended will supplement, not supplant, funds from non-federal sources.
- The District will keep records and provide information to the NHDOE as may be required for program evaluation, consistent with responsibilities under NCLB Title II-D as outlined within the Grant Request for Proposals (e.g., surveys, reports, ARRA monthly reports).
- The schools to be funded by this program are compliant with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) because the district employs a filtering mechanism for student access OR because Ed Tech funds referenced in this application will NOT be used to purchase computers used to access the Internet or pay for direct costs associated with accessing the Internet.
Please also snail mail a signed original of ONLY this page to:
Dr. Cathy Higgins, Office of Educational Technology
New Hampshire Department of Education
101 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH03301
Application Form for 21st Century Classrooms ProjectYou may delete this intro paragraph after you read it:
Provide a project narrative of no more than 20 single spaced pages(double spaced between paragraphs)using Arial 10 pt font. Page limit does not include the budget section, the cover page, contact information page, or the abstract. PROPOSALS THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
District / Laconia- SAU 30
Digital Tools / Indicate the primary configuration of digital tools that will be used in your project classrooms to create a 1:1 environment (CHOOSE ONLY ONE):
Sub-notebooks/ mini-laptops / netbooks
Standard laptops
Handheld computers (e.g., Palm, Nintendo DS, iTouch, etc.)
Combination of laptops, cameras, and other tools
Other computer configurations (please describe briefly :)
Number of Classrooms / Indicate the classrooms involved in this project:
There will be 5 classrooms in grades1, 2, 3 & 5 configured with a 1:1 environment.
There will be 11 classrooms in grades 1, 2, 3 & 5 used as control groups, with ratios greater than 1:1.
Teachers / Indicate the teachers that will be involved (add as many lines as necessary):
Last Name / First Name / Email
Connelly / Jennifer /
Knowles / Holly /
Myers / Mary Ann /
McDonnell / Theresa /
Ortolf / Jessica /
Plourde / Michelle /
Switzer / Karen /
Administrators / Indicate the administrators that will be involved (add as many lines as necessary):
Last Name / First Name / Email
Green-Barber / Lisa /
Evaluation Workshop Attendees / Provide the names AND email addresses of 2 representatives who can attend the grants workshop in December, if awarded:
Last Name / First Name / Email
Switzer / Lisa
Karen /
Project Abstract (10 Points)
Our overall goal is to transform existing learning environments through substantial and innovative integration of educational technology and curriculum to advance student learning. This project will support teachers and Principal through robust professional development. The primary configuration of tools would include five, 21st century classrooms equipped with teacher laptops, interactive whiteboards with projectors, Netbook carts, digital/document/video cameras, printers and software, that will create 1:1 or 2:1 use of digital tools by students.
Project Description (30 Points)
Our district’s current technology plan served as our guiding document in the development of this project.
LaconiaSchool District’s Technology VisionThe LaconiaSchool District is committed to using all aspects of 21st century technology to provide learning opportunities for our students and staff. These opportunities include providing access to multiple sources of information and technology integration to improve communication and stimulate the creative process.
We see technology as a tool that addresses individual learning styles, and helps promote the highest academic standards. Integration of technology within the curricula enables our students and staff to reach their greatest potential. Technology enhanced curriculum instruction offers opportunities for differentiated instruction and supports students in becoming lifelong learners.
Our future learning environment will include 21st century tools that will cultivate global learning communities, individualized learning and our ability to “Follow the Child”.
This project will allow WoodlandHeightsElementary School (WHS) to significantly impact student achievement through the use of integrated educational technologies. Our staff feels it is the right time to transform our school from a “place to an experience[1]” throughthe integration of 21st century skills and the infusion of technology throughout our curriculum. This was evident by the number of staff that volunteered to be part of this project. WHS is ready to lead our district in this innovative educational undertaking.
We will use this project to comprehensively transform how technology is used in our school to meet state standards and assessment demands. To accomplish this we know we must also have a comprehensive professional development plan in place to provide our educators and administrators with the training, tools and support needed so that they become proficient in 21st century learning skills. Through research we know that in 21st century classrooms, the curriculum comes “alive” and students become actively engaged in not only the process of learning, but also in the design of their learning as well. Students move from being passive learners to being active learners and are continually reflecting on and evaluating their learning. We must move away from viewing technology as a separate entity and must use it as an extension of our minds.[2]
WoodlandHeightsElementary School recognizes that to meet the demands of our changing world we must change the best practices usedin our school to prepare students living in this digital age. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills recognizes that students must become proficient in 21st century skills and that this will be accomplished in a 21st century learning environment. To this end we will use the Framework for 21st Century Learning as a guiding tool in developing proficiency in 21st century skills throughout this project.[3]
If awarded this grant WoodlandHeightsElementary School will create five innovative 21st Century classrooms that will change the teaching and learning in our school. Our staff understands the fundamental role technology plays in preparing students to live and work in the 21st Century. Technology plays an integral role in students’ everyday lives outside of school, and it must become part of their academic experience as well. We must use technology to positively impact each and every student’s educational experience.
This project will meet our goal of creating engaging and rigorous learning environments as defined in our school’s Vision (document attached). WoodlandHeightsElementary School will create a pilot program that will prove technology is an indispensable component in a student’s academic success. The mastery of core content subjects is no longer the single answer. Though students must master bodies of knowledge, they must also be prepared to use that knowledge to communicate, analyze, create and to problem solve. Only by developing these essential 21st century skills, will students be able to be compete, connect and collaborate in our global society.
Measurable goals developed for this project based on our district’s technology plan are:
We will increase access to technology tools that empower teachers to create technology driven classroom instruction and will support the tracking of student performance (LaconiaSchool District Technology Plan – Plan Period: July2007 – June 2010).
Our school willmeet this goal by creating five 21st century learning environments that will increase
student engagement and will allow students and educators to develop proficiency in 21st century
Our school will maximize the use of technology as vital teaching tools within core subjects.
- Students will demonstrate competency with information and communication technology (ICT) resources to support improved achievement. Staff will develop innovative strategies to align with curriculum frameworks, grade level expectations and grade span expectations(Laconia School District Technology Plan - Plan Period: July2007 – June 2010)
- Our school will improve student achievement by utilizing research based instructional methods in the areas of social studies and language arts. National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Students will be used to develop project-based units of study that integrate 21st century skills and technologies across content areas.
- We will provide job-embedded professional development opportunities as outlined in our Master Staff Development Plan that will increase technology competence to improve teaching and learning. (LaconiaSchool District Technology Plan - Plan Period: July2007 – June 2010)
- Our school will meet this goal by implementing the comprehensive professional develop plan as described within this grant.Providing this training will ensure that our staff becomes proficient in the use of 21st century technology tools and itsintegration into curriculum in order to increase student achievement.
- Our school will meet this goal by creating an adult online learning environment to support this project, and to expand technology integration throughout the district.
- Our staff will encourage parent and community involvement in our schools by expanding public communication resources. (LaconiaSchool District Technology Plan - Plan Period: July2007 – June 2010)
- Our project team will create online collaborative communication utilizing classroom wikis or blogs that engage parents and community members.
The Woodland Heights Grant Project Team includes these innovative educators:
- 1st Grade: Jen Connelly & Holly Knowles
- 2nd Grade: Mary Ann Myers
- 3rd Grade: Theresa McDonnell
- 5th Grade: Jessica Ortolf
- Become fluent in the use of the new technologies installed in classrooms.
- Ensure that all students have access to technology.
- Ensure that all hardware, software and materials purchased as part of this project remains in their classroom for the length of the project.
- Integrate technology within curriculum on a daily basis to individualize, differentiate, and enhance lessons designed to improve student achievement.
- Participate in all professional development including, but not limited to, monthly extended learning sessions, in-house and contracted workshops, book study groups, State/National conference(s), and a 2-week summer technology camp.
- Use the LoTi Level Assessment results to create personal learning goals that will increase Loti Level score to a 4b by March 31, 2011.
- Utilize instructional methods and technology integration strategies learned through professional development opportunities to increase student engagement on a daily basis.
- Attend bi-weekly collaborativemeetings of the grant team.
- Develop grade level project-based learning units, around state standards in social studies and language arts that will increase student learning and the development of 21st century skills.
- Pilot an online adult learning community that will foster district collaboration by sharing curriculum resources, best practices and by posting technology integrated lesson plans and resources.
- Model innovative best practices using 21st century tools and software in the classroom for other teachers and will serve as 21st century technology integration mentors.
- Use appropriate digital tools to collect formative and summative assessment data from students during and after completion of project-based learning units.
- Actively participate in the statewide evaluation of our grant’s activities and will provide evaluators with information and access to the class in a timely manner.
Demonstrate the ability to use 21st century skills is a variety of ways, such as:
- Use appropriate software applications to create original works to demonstrate content knowledge.
- Demonstrate the ability to work individually and cooperatively with technology to complete assigned work.
- Communicate information and ideas effectively to a variety of audiencesutilizing a variety of media and formats.
- Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
- Use multiple processes and diverse perspective to explore alternative solutions.
- Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
- Transfer current knowledge to the learning of new technologies.
- Demonstrate greater learning than grade level peers within control group classrooms as shown through in-house and standardized assessment.
- Demonstrate the responsible and ethical use of 21st century technology tools within core content.
- Provide technical support to teachers in the installation and setup of digital tools and applications to ensure 1:1 or 2:1 scenarios.
- Provide training for teachers to effectively use laptops as teaching tools to integrate new teaching methods.
- Provide trainings for teachers and students to effectively integrate 21st century technology tools (interactive white board, projector, student response systems, Netbooks and digital camera) into learning environments.
- Train district staff in the use of Atomic Learning that will provide staff with on-demand online professional development.
- Provide ongoing in-house training and collaborative opportunities for teachers to facilitate the integration of digital tools within their classrooms. Topics may include but are not limited to Thinkfinity, Web 2.0 applications and Intel’s Project Based Approaches Course.
- Provide on-going integration coaching in the classroom on a weekly basis.
- Facilitate anintensive Summer Technology Camp that will incorporate learning from the ISTE 2010 Conference in developing project-based learning units.
- Provide trainings necessary to meet teacher needs based on personal learning goals created using Loti Level assessments.
- Pilot an on-line adult learning community to facilitate the sharing of curriculum resources, best practices and for posting technology integrated lesson plans.
- Actively supervise the administration of this project.
- Ensure that one staff meeting a month will be used to share technology integration strategies.
- Participate in Intel’s Leadership Forum.
- Participate in bi-monthly collaborative meetings of the Grant Technology Team.
- Attend the ISTE 2010 Conference and Christa McAuliffe Conference.
- Facilitate the development ofgrade level project-based learning units, around State Standards in social studies and language arts.
- Support individual members of the team and our school as new practices are established.
- Collect, organize, analyze and evaluate data to monitor project progress.
- Share grant project progress and evaluation findings with building staff, parents, Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and School Board Members.
Currently WoodlandHeights is a school-wide Title 1 school as a result of its high percentage of students eligible for free and reduced lunch. Our grant project team will assess the impact each of these innovative learning environments has on grade level curriculum, on students and on the classroom teachers involved. We will also evaluate the indirect impact this grant project has on control classrooms. This project will help us to close academic gaps and will help students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills while teaching them essential 21st century skills.
Our plan is to create three full 21st century classrooms and two modified 21st century classrooms which will enable us to substantially transform the learning environment for the students at WoodlandHeightsElementary School. Through careful consideration our team decided to create a semi-shared 21st century classroom model at the first grade level impacting two classrooms. Two first grade classrooms will be directly impacted as a result of this project and two classes will serve as control classrooms.
1st Grade 21st Century Classroom Model – Hardware/Software Configuration
A teacher laptop and robust productively tools (software) 1 per teacher
Interactive white board and projector permanently mounted – 1 per classroom
Student response systems (2:1) - 1 set shared between 2 classrooms
A document Camera – 1 per classroom
5 Flip Video Cameras per classroom
Printer – 1 per Netbook cart
A mobile Netbook cart with built in wireless connection(2:1)–1 set shared between classrooms
In grades two, three and five we will create one 21stcentury classroom for a total of three classrooms. At each of these grade levels there will be three control classrooms.
2nd, 3rd 5th Grade 21st Century Classrooms – Hardware/Software Configuration
A teacher laptop and robust productively tools (software) – 1 per teacher
Interactive white board and projector permanently mounted – 1 per classroom
Student response systems (1:1) – 1 set per classroom
A document Camera – 1 per classroom
5 Flip Video Cameras per classroom
Printer – 1 per classroom
Mobile Netbook cart with built in wireless connection (1:1) – 1 set per classroom
Building Impact - Hardware Configuration
Laptops will be available for classroom teachers to participate in an online collaborative learning community that will foster technology integration. Participating teachers will sign a commitment agreement.
District Impact
Atomic Learning will be purchased for all five schools in our district and will provide staff with on-demand online professional development facilitating technology integration.