Tomorrow we’re going to read a story about some friends who are getting ready to graduate from high school. They are happy to almost be done with high school but are having a hard time figuring out what to do when they graduate. They all meet after school to try and come up with some plans. What are some different things that people do when they graduate from high school?
Word Introduction: / ¹ 1-2 minutes
Here are some words we will read in tomorrow’s story.
FTouch the word, say it, have students repeat. Use the same procedure with remaining words.
ü Call on individual children randomly to read the words independently.
Introduce word meanings: / ¹ 5-10 minutes
FTouch and read the sentence with the students: 1. I can’t wait to be rid of verbs, math, and teachers.
When someone is rid of something it means they are done with it. In this sentence, the person is looking forward to being done with schoolwork and not having to go to school every day.
Verbs are action words, like run and jump! Who can think of another verb?
FTouch and read the sentence with the students: 2. I will fix a snack and then we can contemplate the jobs we might get.
When you contemplate something it means you think about it very hard. Big decisions require you to contemplate, or spend a lot of time thinking about what you should do. Have you ever had to contemplate a decision? What was it?
Activities continue on the following page
FTouch and read the sentence with the students: 3. There’s not a lot of time left to land a job.In this sentence the word land means to get. To land a job is the same as to get a job. Listen to me read this sentence again using the word get. (reread sentence replacing land with get).
x Correction Procedure: If students make an error, stop them, model the word and have them read it again.
Phonics for Reading Level 2
Lesson 24
rid verbs contemplate land
1. I can’t wait to be rid of verbs, math, and teachers.
2. I will fix a snack and then we can contemplate the jobs we might get.
3. There’s not a lot of time left to land a job.
Phonics for Reading Level 2
Lesson 24