Governing Council Meeting
December 16, 2016 4:00 – 5:00 P.M.
Santa Fe Community College – TMP Business Office, Room 315 & Teleconference
Santa Fe, New Mexico
I. Roll Call 4:00 p.m.
Governing Council members attending: Prakash Bhakta, Anne Salzmann (Head of School), Jennifer Sanchez, Ken Scoggins, Kelly Smith (Parent Rep), Jonathan Talavera (Student Rep)
Governing Council members and staff not attending: Monique Anair, John Bishop (Founder, non-voting), Scott Hauenstein (Faculty Rep), Bernadette Jacobs
Guests, Faculty, and Staff: Lisa Lucas (Business Manager)
Recording Secretary: Carol Witter
II. Discuss and vote to approve this agenda
Motion to approve by Kelly Smith, second by Prakash Bhakta, passed unanimously.
III. Discuss and vote to approve November 18, 2016 GC meeting minutes
Motion to approve by Prakash Bhakta, second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously.
IV. Public Comments (Up to 2 minutes per person)
V. Postponed discussion and vote to approve additions to Wellness Policy
Ken Scoggins moved to table the topic until the January, 2017 meeting; second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously.
VI. Discuss and vote to approve changes to the Employee Handbook
Ken Scoggins moved to table the topic until the January, 2017 meeting; second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously.
VII. Report of the Head of School
No report.
VIII. Report of the STEM Committee
No report.
IX. Report of the Finance Committee
a. review in advance and recommend approval or disapproval of November 2016 disbursements
Ken Scoggins reported that Prakash Bhakta, Bernadette Jacobs, and he met in advance to review the disbursements. Based on the committee’s recommendation, Kelly Smith moved to approve disbursements as presented, second by Ken Scoggins, passed unanimously.
b. review in advance and recommend approval or disapproval of BARs
Based on the committee’s recommendation, Ken Scoggins presented BARs 519-000-1617-0014-I; 519-000-1617-0015-M; 519-000-1617-0016-M; 519-000-1617-0017-I; 519-000-1617-0018-I; 519-000-1617-0019-IB; and 519-000-1617-0020-D.
Prakash Bhakta moved to approve BARs as specifically numbered, identified, and presented, second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously.
X. Report of the Business Manager
No report.
XI. Open discussion of additional topics or issuesfrom GC members
XII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 4:06 p.m.
2016/17 Meeting Dates
· July - no meeting· 8/16
· 9/20
· 10/18
· 11/15
· 12/13 / · 1/17/2017
· 2/21
· 3/21
· 4/18
· 5/16
· 6/20
12-16-2016 TMP GC Meeting Minutes