Please complete the GREENConnectionSlip that you received and hand it in at the door as you leave today. Thank you!
W E L C O M E!
Children aged 4 through the 4th grade are dismissed to our children's church following our sung praises and worship to God.
John 13-14 record the Jesus' conversation with his disciples over the Passover Supper. He first shows His love for them, then announces 3 troubling things, and finally offers them comfort in the hope of His return and in the coming of the person of the Holy Spirit. Oh, that we could grasp the intentions of the heart of our Lord revealed through this passage! With God's help, we will do so today!
Today is Nation Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge Day. Catherine Fox and the kids will be introducing a "Change Raid" to be held Sunday, March 25th. The funds raised supplement our missionary support for use in anything that will help them with evangelism and discipleship. If you wish to contribute today, please mark your envelopes under ‘other’ with ‘BGMC’ and make all checks out to the church.
Today Cathy Budkey and Mary Peternel will be taking the kids to Zambia.
Having completed the 10 Law of Boundaries we are now going to look at some common myths about setting boundaries: "I'm being selfish," "I'm burning bridges," etc. Remember, we are to called to help others carry their burdens, but they must also bear their own load (Galatians 6:2,5). Knowing the difference is important!
Local Evangelist FRANK MENHART of Refiner's Fire Ministry will be with us NEXT SUNDAY AM & PM. Spread the word and make plans to be here for BOTH SERVICES. Pastor believes God has something special in store!
“A Pinwheel Life” is the title of this month’s L&L get-together. Catherine Fox will be presenting us with all of the aspects of a ‘pinwheel life’, and if you would like to hear what she has to say, please join us at 6:30 pm tomorrow evening in the Fellowship Hall.
You are welcome to stay for the Women’s Ministry meeting following the L&L segment. Refreshments are always a part of the evening as well as plenty of laughs and fellowship.
This Wednesday at 7:00 pm we will be discussing the question “How can we have faith?”
See Bill Day or Catherine Fox if you are available Thursday morning to help.
Don't forget this evening of fun and fellowship for kids 5 through 8th grade - Friday 6-9:30PM.
The Silence of the Man is responsible for many a tragedy. God is Salvation, and He has called men to be prophets - to speak to others for God! Guys, on Saturday, March 17th, 9-noon, please answer God's call upon you! Evangelist Frank Menhart Jr., FCA Western PA Director Dennis Hyland and Conservative Coalition Director Don Thomson will lead us in consideration of how our voices need to be heard for our country, our brothers and our God! Continental breakfast will be served at 8:00 am. Plan to join us at King's after the rally. Take some flyers from the foyer table and everyone bring someone!
Everyone enjoys eating anything coming from Joe Corbi’s! Stormfront Youth will be approaching you to buy something for their fund raiser. There’s all kinds of pizza’s...everything from breakfast and cinna-bread to sausage, calzones, pretzels...interesting ones...for example: pretzel logs and pretzel dogs (ya gotta check them out!), southwest quesos, and a huge assortment of cookie dough. They’re also selling all kinds of pies, cheesecakes, cinnamon twists, churros, pumpkins rolls, carrot cakes and even cookie treats for your dogs!!
The sale is on from now until March 21st and delivery will be on April 2nd at 6:00 pm. Please help send our kids to Convention April 5-7!
In August this year, our fellowship will celebrate 70 years. There will be a heritage dinner on 8/18 and special services on 8/19. Our church mortgage is less than $37,500. Do you agree that it would be an appropriate time to burn that mortgage! If you would like to be a part of making this historical occasion happen. In the next few weeks we will distribute pledge forms. We would need to collect these funds by the end of July. Be thinking and praying about what God might have you contribute to this end.
March 24 - Church Cleanup 9AM
March 25 - Missionary Austin Jones, Alaska
March 31 - Community Easter Cantata, 7PM
Good Morning!
March 11, 2012
Gathering SongWorship Team
Pastoral EncouragementPastor Tyler
Worship to the LordWorship Team
Corporate PrayerEllsworth Dillard
Congregational Greeting
Announcements Mary Peternel
Offering Catherine Fox
Message Pastor Paul
Response/AltarWorship Team
Turn In Communication Cards
Message Notes
March 11, 2012