Title:CK-4/FA-4 Heavy Duty Engine Oil: The Future of Fuel Economy

Duration: 2:43minutes


A video to explain the API category change for Heavy Duty Engine Oil – CK-4/FA-4.

CK-4/FA-4 Heavy Duty Engine Oil: The Future of Fuel Economy – Transcript

Changes in engine technology, the need to improve fuel economy and more stringent greenhouse gas standards mean it’s time to formulate new heavy duty engine oils.

The new specifications set by the API, American Petroleum Institute, are called CK-4 and FA-4.

It’s been about a decade since the last API diesel engine oil specification was released.

And modern diesel engines are running at hotter temperatures and higher pressures.

They’re also using new metal technologies - all in an effort to be more fuel efficient.

The added performance demands placed on the engine call for higher performing oil.

In late 2016, heavy duty vehicle owners will benefit from one of two new categories of engine oil.

They’re called CK-4 and FA-4.

CK-4 oils will provide improved performance versus today’s oils and can be used in both new and existing engines while FA-4 approved oils will deliver greater fuel economy benefits for 2017 engines.

These oils are being designed with tougher standards in three areas: high temperature oxidation stability and more stringent shear stability requirements and increased aeration.

To find out how the new oils perform, two new industry tests have been created and the limits for the shear stability test have been made more stringent.

These tests are designed to ensure the new oils will protect engine parts that operate under the rigors of advanced engine technologies.

At Shell, we’re leading the industry with innovative technology that addresses the challenge.

Not only do we conduct our own extensive lab and bench testing but we emphasize field trials to prove our oil will perform best where it counts -- on the road.

We’ve tested low viscosity, FA-4 type oils extensively.

From these field trials we’ve accumulated more than 25 million real-world miles
-- in a variety of weather and driving conditions and in many different on- and off- highway applications.

Shell works very closely with the heavy duty engine manufacturers. Our technical advisors can help answer questions about OEM approvals, recommendations, and requirements concerning the new categories, viscosities and backward compatibility.

Because of our leadership in the API and our strong relationships with OEMs, you can count on Shell to help you navigate through the changes.

Don’t wait until the 11th hour to learn more about CK-4 and FA-4 and what you can do to be ready.

Click on the link to get more information.