Getting To Know a Painting

Art Criticism Worksheet

Name: ______

Grade: ______

Title of art work: ______

Year: ______

Medium: ______

Location: ______

How to criticize a work of art – Doing art criticism is like playing detective. You must assume that the artist has a secret message hidden inside the work. Your job is to solve the mystery and find the message.

Step 1. The Facts – Describe what you see in a work of art.

1.)Lines – What kind of lines do you see?

Sharp____ Thick____ Jagged____

Heavy____ Choppy____ Vertical____

Diagonal____ Fuzzy____ Thin____

Curved____ Graceful____ Smooth____

Horizontal____ Straight____ Soft____

2.)Shapes – What kind of shapes do you see?

Circles____ Rectangles____ Curved____

Soft-edged____ Squares____ Triangles____

Angular____ Hard-edged____

3.)Textures – What kinds of textures do you see?

Rough____ Soft____

Smooth____ Hard____

Shiny____ Dull____

4.)Colors – What kinds of colors do you see?

Bright____ Warm Colors: Cool Colors:

Soft____ Reds____ Blues____

Dark____ Oranges____ Greens____

Strong____ Yellows____

Opposite Colors: Neutral Colors:

Blues and Oranges____ Browns____

Reds and Greens____ Grays____

Yellows and Purples____ Whites____


5.)Objects – What kinds of objects do you see?

Young people____ Old people____

Buildings____ Boats____

Animals____ Musical instrument____

There are no objects____ Trees____

Sky____ Rocks____

Water____ Food____

Step 2: The Technical Analysis –

Look at the way the facts are put together.(Designed)

6.)Balance – What kind of balance is used?

Asymmetrical - (each side of the work of art is different) ____

Symmetrical - (each side of the work of art is similar) ____

A bit asymmetrical – (each side of the work of art is a little different) ____

7.)Light areas – Squint your eyes and look at the painting. Where do you see the lightest areas?

Right side____ Left side____ Top____

Bottom____ Middle____

8.)Dark areas – Now squint your eyes again and look at the painting. Where do

you see the darkest areas?

Right side____ Left side____ Top____

Bottom____ Middle____

9.)Focal point – What is the first thing that you see when you look at the work

of art?


10.)Illusion of space – What kind of space is used?

Deep space (painting looks like you can see for miles) ____

Shallow space (you cannot see very far) ____

Flat space (things do not seem 3-dimensional) ____


11.)Rhythm created by repetition – What do you see repeated in the work of art?

Lines____ Draw the kinds you see repeated the most______

Shapes____ Draw the kinds you see repeated the most______

Colors____What colors are repeated the most______

Step 3: Interpretation- what is the purpose or meaning of the artwork?

Now go back and reread how you described the facts (step 1) and how the facts are put together (step 2). These are the clues to the meaning and purpose of the artwork. They will help you answer the following questions.

12.)The artist seems to be primarily concerned with imitating nature.

Yes____ No____

13.)The artist is most interested in expressing a feeling or an emotion.

Yes____ No____

14.)The prime concern of the artist seems to be with lines, shapes, colors, and textures and with the design or composition.

Yes____ No____

15.)Does the name of the painting tell you about the meaning or purpose?

Yes____ No____

16.)Which of the following words best describe what you think is the meaning of this artwork? (you may use as many words as you need and add some of your own)

Strength____ Beauty____ Love____

Madness____ Excitement____ Courage____

Horror____ Fear____ Hope____

Hate____ Anger____ War____

Adventure____ Mystery____ Happiness____

Old Age____ Fun____ Peace____

Sadness____ Death______

Interest in color______

Interest in shapes______

Interest in line______

Simplicity of design______


Complexity of design______

Enjoyment in work______

Step 4: Judgment – Judge the work of art.

17.)This painting is an excellent____ good____ bad____ example of:

Imitationalism (imitating nature) ____

Emotionalism (showing a feeling or emotion) ____

Formalism (making the viewer aware of lines, shapes, color, design).

18.)I Like____don’t like____ this art work because (indicate facts relevant to your decision).______



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