Susie Jolly
Sexuality and Development Programme Convenor
Institute of Development Studies
University of Sussex,
Brighton BN1 9RE
phone: 44 (0) 606261
fax: 01273-621202/691647 att. Susie Jolly
¨ Spearheading innovative IDS work on sexuality and development¨ Extensive knowledge of gender and development issues globally with five years experience at the BRIDGE gender information unit, IDS
¨ Numerous consultancies carried out on sexual rights, HIV/AIDS, gender and social development, with DFID, Sida, UNDP, UNIFEM, World Bank, and Christian Aid, in China, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Kenya, Sweden and Norway
¨ Experienced and lively trainer on sexuality, gender and HIV/AIDS
¨ Four years living and working in China on poverty reduction and social development with UNDP, and sexuality issues and women’s rights with Chinese NGOs
¨ Fluent and literate in Chinese and French
Work and Activism
1998- 2009, Institute of Development Studies, UK
From May 2007, Sexuality and Development Programme Convenor, Participation, Power and Social Change Team,
¨ Leading IDS work on sexuality. Developing and fundraising for a ‘sexuality and development’ programme
¨ Researching and writing publications and policy briefings on sexuality and poverty intersections
¨ Researching local-global interfaces in mobilisation around sexual rights in China and elsewhere
¨ Organising workshops and facilitating exchange between activists, advocates, donors and governmental organisations
¨ Teaching on MA and MPhil courses
¨ Running trainings on sexuality and gender
December 2001 – April 2007, Gender Communications Officer, BRIDGE Gender Information Unit, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK
¨ Writing and editing material on gender and development for a broad audience of policy makers and practitioners worldwide. Themes include: HIV/AIDS, sexual rights, migration, participation, poverty, conflict, and culture
¨ Supporting gender mainstreaming efforts in donor organisations including DFID, SDC, SIDA and Irish Aid, with tailored research and information work
¨ Networking and building partnerships for information exchange and advocacy with gender related NGOs worldwide
¨ Fundraising
May 2004 Researcher on sexual rights, Bangladesh and India for IDS participation group interviewing activists and organisations working on rights for women, sex workers, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and people with HIV/AIDS.
June 2001-November 2001 Acting Manager, Bridge Gender Information Unit, IDS
Managing and fundraising for a program of £300,000/year and a team of 5 in providing gender information to practitioners and policy makers in the north and south
October 2000 - May 2001 Research Officer, IDS
¨ Advising on and editing training manual (in Chinese) on social assessment to enable health officials and health workers to broaden their perspective from the purely medical to take account of social factors. The manual was produced as part of DFID support to World Bank Health 8 program in China
¨ Researching the connections between gender, poverty and electricity in rural China for World Bank ENPOGEN project. This involved spending 2 months living in villages in central China, working with a Chinese research team doing household surveys, focus group discussions, interviews and participatory research activities with villagers and local officials
Summer 2000 Convener for IDS seminar series ‘Queering Development: Challenging dominant models of sexuality in development’
June 1999-September 2000 (part-time) Researcher, IDS for ‘Gender and Poverty in Urban China’ program, analysing qualitative interview transcripts (in Chinese) with laid-off workers in Chinese cities
1994-1998 China
April 1995-March 1998, UNV Program Officer, UNDP China, Beijing
Responsible for implementation of three projects, amounting to a combined total budget of over US$4 million:
¨ ‘Promotion of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Human Development in the Qomolangma Nature Preserve in Tibet’, combining complementary environmental regeneration and poverty alleviation in the Everest Nature Preserve, including a Grameen-bank model microcredit program for women
¨ ‘Poverty Alleviation in Northwest Sichuan’, a two million US dollar project whose key components include: microloans targeted to women, literacy and health support for poor women, demonstration solar cookers, ecological agriculture and common property resource planning. Single-handedly represented UNDP on formulation and start-up missions to design this project
¨ United Nations Volunteers (UNV). As Program Officer for this project I successfully:
- Reoriented the International UNV program from provision of English teachers, to support for Gender and Development and Women’s Studies, and PRA/Participatory development methodologies
- Lead the formulation process and start-up of Chinese National UN Volunteers in China program, providing support to Ministry of Justice Legal Aid program in Qingdao, and County level poverty alleviation programs including gender component in Sichuan and Hubei
- Recruited, interviewed, contracted and managed over 40 UNVs
In addition, interim tasks included:
¨ Jan-June 1996: Responsibility for information and publicity function for UNDP Beijing, including leading organisation of press conference for UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali during visit in 1996
¨ June-Oct 1996: Support to disaster relief program including high speed written translations Chinese to English, liaison between international donors in Beijing and Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs
1994-1998 Volunteer organiser with Chinese gender and sexuality activist groups including East Meets West Feminist Translation Group, Beijing tongzhi (lesbian and gay) hotline, Beijing Sisters Lesbian Group
1991-1994 European Parliament, Brussels
Sept 1991-July 1994, Political Aide to Labour Party Members of European Parliament, Brussels.
¨ Support to European Parliament Women’s Committee.
¨ Writing press releases, articles, speeches and briefings for Members of Parliament.
¨ Liaison between European Union and NGOs, politicians and business people, conference organising, pre-election campaign and publicity work.
¨ Preparing Parliamentary resolutions and reports and negotiating their adoption. Drafted Sakellariou report on Tibet (1991), Crawley Report on Sexual Harassment (1993), Crampton Report on Sudan (1994).
2009, UNIFEM Beijing, editing research report on Gender and HIV/AIDS in China
Autumn 2007-spring 2008, Sida, Stockholm and Nairobi, Interviewing Sida staff in HQ and Nairobi, and visiting Sida programmes in Kenya, and interviewing participants, to explore the impact of Sida programming on sexuality and sexual rights. Drafting the Sida concept note: ‘Sexuality: A missing dimension in development’
Spring 2007, UNIFEM Beijing, Formulating Gender and HIV/AIDS programme with the Chinese Ministry of Railways
Spring 2006, Swedish Foreign Ministry, with Sonia Correa, co-writing framing paper for workshop launching Swedish Foreign Ministry Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights policy
Nov – Dec 2004 DFID Pakistan, Social Development consultant, Pakistan Enhanced HIV/AIDS Programme: Joint Review & Scoping Mission taking part in a multi-donor evaluation and scoping mission of the national HIV/AIDS program in Pakistan
April 2004 Gender consultant for Christian Aid, Bangladesh producing gender impact evaluation and case study of Nijeri Kori, social justice and poverty reduction NGO in rural Bangladesh
July 2003 HIV/AIDS consultant, Norwegian Institute for Human Rights and PLUSS-LMA (national Norwegian HIV/AIDS organisation), Norway advising on Norwegian HIV/AIDS cooperation in China
October-December 2002 Gender consultant, DFID HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care project, China
Doing a gender evaluation of, and developing a gender mainstreaming strategy for, the DFID HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention project in China. Using the framework of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to identify areas for further action
April-June 1997, Tibet, Social Development Advisor to American NGO, Future Generations, Providing social development and gender advice in project to establish a nature reserve in Eastern Tibet
Jan-Mar 1995, Consultant for UNDP China, Beijing. Assisted with preparations for Fourth World Conference on Women including support to All China Women’s Federation
Sept – Dec 1994, Consultant for Lisa Stearns at Ford Foundation, Beijing, Compiling data on Chinese women’s networks in preparation for Fourth World Conference on Women
Aug 1994, Interpreter for Andrea Soros’ exploratory tour of Western China with a view to establishing the Trace Foundation for sustainable development of Tibetan communities within China
October 2009 and November 2007, Sexuality trainer, Stockholm, for Sida International Training Programme on LGBT and Human Rights
Jan 2008 Gender and HIV/AIDS trainer, UNIFEM Beijing, training Chinese research team
April 2005, Gender and HIV/AIDS trainer for DFID China HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Project Leading and running a week long gender training (in Chinese) for program and project staff of the DFID HIV/AIDS program in China
During 1999-2001 Gender trainer for several IDS workshops for government officials from China and DFID
Spring-Summer 1998 Gender trainer, Beijing with Beijing Gender Training Group, facilitating trainings for Women’s Federation officials from rural areas
1998- 2000 IDS, MPhil in Development Studies with distinction. Focus on sexuality, gender, poverty, and human rights, with a geographical focus on China and Southern Africa
Mar-July 1998 China Women’s College (formerly the ‘Women Cadres’ School’ of the All China Women’s Federation), Beijing, China. Chinese university courses in ‘Chinese Women’s Development’ and ‘Classical Chinese Literature’
1986-1990 Oxford University, UK, BA Hons in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
1985-1986 Hubei University, Wuhan, China, Courses in Chinese language, literature, and Chinese Women's History
Chinese and French - fluent spoken and read and adequate writing, Spanish - intermediate
Selected Publications
‘Sexuality, Gender and Poverty’, Jolly, S., with Cornwall, A., forthcoming 2009, in Chant, S., (ed), Encyclopaedia on Gender and Poverty
‘Sexuality and Poverty: What have they got to do with each other?', Jolly, S., in Chimaraoke Izugbara, Chi-Chi Undie and Jennifer Wanjiku Khamasi (ed), 2009, 'Old Wineskins, New Wine: Readings in Sexuality in sub-Saharan Africa.' Nova Science Publishers, New York
‘Why the development industry should get over its obsession with bad sex and start talking about pleasure’, Jolly, S., in Bergeron, S., and Lind. A.(ed.) Development, Sexual Rights and Global Governance: Resisting Global Power, Routledge, New York, 2009
‘Sexuality and the Development Industry’ Cornwall, A., and Jolly, S., 2009, in Development, 52.1, March 2009
Development with a Body: Perspectives on Sexuality, Rights and Development eds. Cornwall, A., Correa, S., and Jolly, S. (ed) Zed Books, 2007
Gender and Sexuality Cutting Edge Pack, Jolly, S, Esplen, E., and Ilkkaracan, P. , 2007, BRIDGE
Sexuality Matters, IDS Bulletin Vol. 37 Number 5, October 2006, Jolly, S. with Cornwall, A. (ed)
IDS Policy Briefing, ‘Sexuality and Development’, Jolly, S. 2006
‘Not So Strange Bedfellows: Sexuality and International Development’, Jolly, S. in Development 49.1, spring 2006
Quick Guide to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Jolly S., and Cornwall, A., 2006, ELDIS
Gender and Migration Cutting Edge Pack, Jolly, S. with Reeves, H., 2005, BRIDGE
‘Gender Myths’, Gender and Development In Brief Special Issue, Jolly, S., 2004, BRIDGE
Gender and Migration in Asia: Overview and Annotated Bibliography, 2003, Jolly, S. with Bell, E. and Narayanaswamy, L., BRIDGE
Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for the UK-China HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Project, 2003, Jolly, S., with Wang. Y.
Key Issues on Gender and HIV/AIDS in China, 2003, Jolly, S., with Wang, Y.
Gender and Cultural Change Cutting Edge Pack, Jolly, S., 2002, BRIDGE
‘East Meets West Feminist Translation Group: A conversation between two participants’ by Ge, Y. and Jolly, S.’ chapter published in Hsiung Ping-Chun, Maria Jaschok, and Cecilia Milwertz (ed.), Chinese Women Organising; Cadres, Feminists, Muslims and Queers, Berg: Oxford, November 2001
Gender and Poverty in Urban China, IDS Research Report # 50, Cook, S. and Jolly, S. 2000
‘Queering Development: Exploring the Links Between Same-sex Sexualities, Gender and Development', Jolly S., in Sweetman, C (ed), Gender and Development, 'Gender in the Twenty First Century', Oxfam, Oxford, 2000