Haxey Parish Council, Newsletter, November 2015

Parish Clerk - Deb Hotson Email:

Postal Address: The Foreman Carter Centre, Westwoodside Playing Field, Westwoodside, DN9 2DX

Telephone: 01427 752228 / 0784 220 1877


Proposed 2D Seismic Survey for Egdon Resources UK Ltd – Oil & Gas Authority Licence PL162 – Westwoodside, Haxey & Epworth Area

Haxey Parish Council has been formally advised of a forthcoming seismic survey in our area by TESLA Exploration International Ltd. Residents and land-owners need to be aware of this planned activity. The following is an abbreviated summary of their letter:

Tesla is acting agent and contractor for Egdon Resources U.K. Ltd (Egdon) who is the operator of the Oil and Gas Authority Licence PL162. The survey will be undertaken in accordance with Schedule 2 Part 17 Class K of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, and is expected to commence during the fourth quarter of this year with operations anticipated to run for approximately 28 days.

The aim of the survey is to map and define deep geological structure, with the resultant imagery being subsequently incorporated into Egdon’s ongoing appraisal of the licensed acreage as a potential hydrocarbon (oil and gas) bearing prospect. Depth of differing rock strata and identification of such structural trends can be determined by the time it takes for energy signals generated near surface by the detonation of individual seismic charges, to be reflected off rock layers back to the surface where the returning signals are detected and their ‘two way’ reflection time recorded via a spread of small individual stand-alone receiver nodes temporarily placed along the ground surface.

Tesla wishes to confirm the following aspects of the survey proposal:

a.The works will comprise of a programme of 6 individual predominantly cross-country based survey lines totally a combined maximum linear length of some 55.24 kilometres.

b.Written notification and details of the proposal will be forwarded to Development Control at North Lincolnshire Council to confirm the survey is considered Permitted Development (i.e. no planning application required).

c.The source component of the survey will be a seismic charge based operation. This will involve augering and/or drilling a single 8 metre deep by 10 centimetre diameter hole at 50 metre spacing along field elements of each survey line. Down each individual ‘shot point’ (SP) hole a seismic charge no greater than 0.50 kilogrammes in size will be pre-loaded, with tamping and backfilling of the hole being immediately undertaken once the charge has been loaded. Such augering and/or drilling will be performed using a small specially adapted agricultural tractor carrying a ‘sonic’ or conventional rotary drill. Alternatively a Polaris Ranger 6x6 UTV with mounted auger may be used. Tesla has all necessary certification to acquire and transfer seismic charges, and all field personnel involved in the handling and loading process are experienced and ADR qualified. Charges will be brought direct to site on a daily basis from an approved storage facility in Faldingworth, Lincolnshire. No SP’s will be drilled within 5 metres of a public highway, bridleway or footpath.

d.Consultation will be undertaken with the Police Authority to confirm pre-loading of SP holes is acceptable. In the event that this is not permitted, all holes will be temporarily cased, with loading and detonation being undertaken on a daily basis.

e.Once SP drilling has been completed along an individual survey line, a single receiver node will be positioned at 12.5 metre intervals along its full extent. SP detonation will then follow, this being undertaken individually and in sequence until the entirety of the line has been completed. A slight background muffled thud might be heard after each such detonation. Nodes will be left in situ for an approximate period of 3 to 4 days before being retrieved, and all SP holes will be cleared of shooting wire and casing (if used), and sealed at the surface. Nodes are perfectly safe if accidently touched, and no such equipment will be positioned within a public carriageway, bridleway or footpath.

f.Tesla is not aware of any archaeological scheduling falling on or immediately adjacent to any survey line. However consultation will be undertaken with the North Lincolnshire Council Archaeologist regarding any other archaeology of importance that might be affected by the works.

g.It is noted Epworth Turbury, Haxey Turbury and Rush Furlong have SSSI protection status. Line positioning will therefore be undertaken to avoid these sites. Further consultation will be undertaken with the Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre with respect to local wildlife sites and nature reserves.

h.In accordance with Schedule 2 Part 17 Class K.2 (b) of the Town & CountryPlanning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, no trees and/or hedges will be removed, felled, lopped or topped. All survey access will be taken via the appropriate field gates and/or entrances.

i.Consultation will be undertaken with the North Lincolnshire Council Rights of Way Officer at the earliest convenience. Prior to works commencing an information leaflet drop will be undertaken along each survey line and a public notice placed in the local newspaper.

j.All works will be conducted on a seven day a week basis with winter operations running between 07.00 am and dusk.

k.Tesla works to strict industry standards with regards to SP safe operating distances from residential housing, industrial buildings and utility assets etc. No SP will therefore be positioned within those safe distances.

l.Peak Particle Velocity monitoring will be undertaken throughout the survey to ensure vibration levels generated remain within British Standard guidelines. Details of the survey site office, including contact telephone numbers will be advised to all parties affected once known. Tesla will have 24 hour security on site throughout the drilling and acquisition phases of the survey. Tesla has in place all necessary insurance, including adequate third party cover. Details can be provided on request.

m.Tesla is an International Company with extensive experience of undertaking seismic surveys across the UK. The Company is committed to ensuring high standards of health, safety and environmental protection, and operates in accordance with strict management practices and procedures.

n.The Company would like to take this opportunity in apologizing in advance should the works cause any disruption or disturbance.

A copy of the full documentation from Tesla, including maps, is available on the Parish Notice Boards and on the Parish Council website under “Information Updates - General Information”. The Parish Council has requested a brief from Tesla to the Council on its activities prior to their commencement and will be setting the Council policy for access to Parish owned land at its next meeting.

Haxey Parish Community Awards

The Haxey Parish Community Awards Scheme will commence shortly. In this edition of the newsletter is a blank proforma to enable Residents to nominate a local group and/or individual for the Parish Community Awards. A separate proforma is required for each nomination and a reminder of the criteria for the Awards is set out below:

a.There will be 2 awards available: Haxey Parishioner of the year and Haxey Parish Group of the year.

b.Recipients of the awards will receive a shield or framed photograph depicting a local historic event and a certificate that has been designed with the help of the local Primary Schools, marking the award, which they will retain. A larger shield will be displayed in the Parish Council Meeting Room recording the recipients and the year of the award.

c.The basic criteria for the awards are as follows:

(1)Nominees should either live or work in the Parish.

(2)The activity nominees are involved in should benefit the Parish in some form.

(3)Notwithstanding the above, Residents have the maximum freedom of nomination.

d.Hardcopy Nominations should be posted in the mail box located at the entrance to the compound of the Foreman Carter Centre at Westwoodside Playing Fields. Proforma are also available for download from the Parish Council website or can be completed on line and emailed to the Clerk to the Parish Council at

g.Nominations close on 31 December 2015.

h.The Parish Council Award Working Group will select recipients for ratification by the Full Parish Council at their February 2016 meeting.

h.The winners will be formally announced at the Annual Parish Meeting when the presentation will be made.

Haxey Parish Council hopes that residents will support the Local Awards scheme, which will give them the opportunity to recognise deserving individuals and groups for any community work they carry out.