
College of Business Administration

BUAD 262

Evaluative Tool for Case Analysis

Business Problem Solving


/ Achieved all possible points for criteria when this column is checked. / One to three points deducted per criteria when this column checked. / Four or more points deducted per criteria when this column checked.
Snapshot of current state of affairs. / Description of pertinent current events given in the case. / Description present, but some major points missing. / Description either missing or very incomplete.
Purpose statement. / Clear and concise statement of the intent of your analysis i. e., “What are you trying to persuade us to believe?” / Purpose statement unclear. / Purpose statement missing.
Root cause analysis. / One root cause clearly identified and well substantiated with facts from case. / Root cause identified, but not well substantiated. / Root cause either unclear or missing.
Major plausible strategies. / Threemajor plausible strategies clearly identified, including identification of strengths and weaknesses of each major strategy, which are aligned with the internal and external environment. / Less than two strategies, or strengths/weaknesses incomplete, or strategies not aligned with the environment. / Strategies unclear or missing.
Recommended strategy (ies). / Recommended major strategy (or at most two)is clearly stated. Models and theories discussed in class are applied appropriately. / Recommended strategy is not clearly stated and/or models/theories discussed in class are not applied, or are inappropriately applied. / Recommended strategyis missing or incomplete. Model/theory application is missing.
Implementation plan. / Major components of the implementation plan are addressed, particularly those that address the weaknesses of the recommended strategy. / Major components of the implementation plan are not fully addressed. / Major components of the implementation plan are missing.
Multidisciplinary Perspective. / Multidisciplinary perspective (finance, HR, marketing, etc.) is fully addressed in the implementation plan. / Multidisciplinary perspective is not well addressed in the implementation plan. / Multidisciplinary perspective is missing from the implementation plan.
Conclusion. / Conclusion is powerful, pulling the analysis together and emphasizing points already made. This is NOT the place to bring in new information. / Conclusion does not synthesize major points in the analysis and/or adds new information that should have been addressed in the case. / Conclusion is poorly presented or missing.
Visuals. / Visuals are free of grammatical errors; content illustrates major points made. Design is complementary versus distracting to the presentation. / A few grammatical errors are present; visual content at times unaligned with major points. / Several grammatical errors are present and/or content is poorly displayed.
Presentation Style. / Presentation is well-organized, interestingand presented with fluidity, remaining within the thirty minute time constraint. Hard copy of presentation is given to instructor prior to presenting, and electronic copy is available in Blackboard. / Presentation is somewhat difficult to follow and lacks fluidity by some presenters. Hard copy of presentation is not given to instructor prior to presenting, and electronic copy is unavailable in Blackboard. Presentation exceeded thirty minutes. / Presentation is disorganized and generally not well presented. Hard copy of presentation is not given to instructor prior to presenting, and electronic copy in unavailable in Blackboard. Presentation exceeded thirty five minutes.