Common issues that can be addressed institutionally by IQAC

Organizational structure and organizational units with defined responsibilities in compliance with legal framework under which the university is established – documented from top to departmental level./ VC-HR-IQAC

Make an Organogram at institution level with defined responsibilities for the positions. Also form all the administrative units, get Organogram and defined responsibilities. At department level ensure a file containing department Organogram, list of different committees/ responsibilities and relevant memos.

Code of Conduct for staff (and student) – well defined and well communicated./ VC-HR-Registrar-Proctor-IQAC

Each department should review the code of conduct and provide suggestions for improvement – what to include and what to exclude. + any supporting document at department level

Student handbook containing mission, objectives, graduate profile, academic calendar, regulations, and program related information in details./ VC-Registrar-Proctor-IQAC + any supporting document at department level

Each department should review the handbook and provide suggestions for improvement – what to include and what to exclude. + any supporting document at department level

Properly documented entry requirements (well defined, measurable, communicable, match with the nature of the discipline)./VC-Registrar-Admissions-Controller of Exam-IQAC

Each department should provide suggestions for improvement from department’s point of view. + any supporting document at department level

Physical facilities (appropriate, adequate, comfortable, safe, aesthetically pleasing, well managed)./ IQAC-PD

Each department should provide suggestions for improvement from department’s point of view. + any supporting document at department level

Properly documented recruitment policy (that is transparent, fair, appropriate, specifying entry qualifications and outlining the key stages)./ VC-HR-IQAC

Each department should provide suggestions for improvement from department’s point of view. + any supporting document at department level

Properly documented salary and incentive structure (reasonable to attract and retain the talented and experienced staff)./VC-HR-IQAC

Each department should provide suggestions for improvement from department’s point of view. + any supporting document at department level

Formal peer observation system./VC-HR-IQAC

Each department should provide suggestions for improvement from department’s point of view. + any supporting document at department level

Properly documented promotion policy (Appointment and promotion according to well defined key performance indicators KPI)./VC-HR-IQAC

Each department should provide suggestions for improvement from department’s point of view. + any supporting document at department level

Internal quality assurance system with set policies and procedures, self assessment following a cycle, continuous and systematic review./ VC-IQAC

New issues that can be addressed at program level

Vision, Mission and Objective for each program

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) for each program

Graduate profile of each program

Organized and documented stakeholder’s feedback for each program

Well-defined procedure to design and review curriculum for each program

Curriculum Committee with stakeholders’ representation for each program

Curriculum design format (containing vision, mission, objective, graduate profile, stakeholders’ feedback, higher order learning, generic skills, assessment strategy / rubrics, teaching strategy, course profile) for each program

Course outlines containing rationale, objective, content description and ILO, for each course in a program

Lesson plan for each class in a course

Alumni association, alumni feedback, career guidance and university – industry collaboration