Chapter 1 Food : Where does it come from
1. Give two examples where two or more parts of a single plant are used as food.
Ans. Mustard — seeds and leaves,
Pumpkin — fruit and flowers.
2. Name any one plant that grows in water and is eaten as food.
Ans. Lotus — Stem of lotus is eaten as food.
3. Name two sugar producing plants.
Ans. (a) Sugarcane (b) Sugarbeet
4. Where would you place human beings on the basis of food that they eat?
Ans. Omnivores.
5. Which type of seeds give more energy, sprouted seeds or normal seeds?
Ans. Sprouted seeds give more energy than normal seeds.
6.What do you call the habit of an individual to eat a particular type of food items commonly?
Ans. Food habit.
7. Name a non-green plant that we eat.
Ans. Mushroom.
8. What is honey?
Ans. A sweet substance (liquid) prepared by bees from the riectar, i.e., sweet juice collected from flowers is called honey.
9. What do honet bees collect from flowers to prepare honey?
Ans. Nectar of flower
10. Name three edible (eatable) parts of plants.
Ans. (i) Roots (ii) Fmits (iii) Leaves
Chapter 2 Components of food
1. Do all meals consist of the same food items?
Ans: No, all meals do not have the same food items
2.What happens when two or more drops of iodine solution fall on starch substance?
Ans: The colour of the substance becomes blue-black.
3. Name the food nutrient indicated by an oily patch on paper.
Ans:An oily patch on paper shows the presence of fat.
4. What is roughage?
Ans. The food containing plant fibres which sure also known as dietary fibres is called roughage.
5. Write two sources of Vitamin D.
(i) Fish
(ii) Butter
6. Name a vitamin which represents a group of vitamins.
Ans: Vitamin B-complex.
7. Name a nutrient which helps in repairing the damaged body cells.
Ans: Proteins.
8. Name the vitamin that our body prepares in the presence of sunlight.
Ans: Vitamin D.
9. Name a vitamin that is not present in milk.
Ans: Vitamin C.
10. Which type of food is called body-building food?
Ans: The food containing proteins is called body-building food.
Chapter 3 Fiber to Fabric
1. What are fruits of cotton plants called?
Ans. Cotton bolls.
2. What type of soil is used to grow cotton plants?
Ans. Black soil.
3. Name two hand-operated devices used for spinning.
(i) Takli
(ii) Charkha
4. What are yarns made of?
Ans. Yarns are made up of thin strands called fibres.
5. What is jute?
Ans. Jute is a fibre obtained from the stem of a jute plant.
6. Where were the cotton and flax plants cultivated in ancient Egypt?
Ans. Cotton and flax plants were cultivated near the river Nile in ancient Egypt.
7. What material you use for making wicks for oil lamps?
Ans. Cotton wool.
8. Name two synthetic fibres.
(i) Polyester
(ii) Nylon
9. What is weaving?
Ans. The process of arranging two sets of yarns together to make a fabric is called weaving.
10. What is knitting?
Ans. The process in which a single yarn is used to make a piece of fabric is called knitting.
Chapter 4 Sorting of Materials into groups
1. List three liquids which are transparent.
Ans. Water, alcohol and Acetone/Benzene.
2. Write two gases which are soluble in water.
Ans: Oxygen, Carbon dioxide.
3. Is oil soluble in water?
Ans: Oil does not dissolve in water so it is insoluble in water but floats on the surface of water.
4. Is a substance which can be compressed soft or hard?
Ans: Soft.
5. Select a lustrous material out of the following substances: iodine, aluminium, salt
Ans: Aluminium.
6. Kerosene, coconut oil, mustard oil do not dissolve in water, even on shaking. They separate after sometime forming two different layer. Explain why.
Ans. Oils are insoluble in water that's why they float on its surface.
7. Select those objects from the following which shine:
Glass bowl, plastic toy, steel spoon, cotton shirt
Ans. Glass bowl and steel spoon are shining objects.
8. Write name of any one object that floats on water but sinks in oil.
Ans. Wood
9. Why do we need to group materials? Give one reason.
Ans: We often group materials for our convenience. It helps to describe their properties.
10. Name two objects which are made from opaque materials.
Ans: Wooden doors, blackboard/steel plate.
Chapter 5 Separation of substances
1. ow will you separate mango from a mixture of mango and apple?
Ans. By picking.
2. How can you separate grains from stalk?
Ans. We separate grains from stalk by threshing.
3. Name the other methods used to separate solid materials of different size.
Ans. Sieving.
4. Write opposite process of evaporation.
Ans. Condensation.
5. Name the method by which we get salt from ocean water.
Ans. Evaporation.
6.You are given a mixture of salt and sand. Can you separate them by picking?
Ans. No, we cannot separate them by picking.
7. Name the other methods used to separate solid materials of different size.
Ans. Sieving.
8. Name the process used to separate heavier and lighter components of a mixture.
Ans. Winnowing.
9. Can the above stated method be used if both the components have same weight?
Ans. No, this method cannot be used.
10. How can you add more sugar to a saturated solution of water?
Ans. By heating the solution
Chapter 6 Changes Around us
1. Give two examples of slow changes.
(a) Growing of plants
(b) Ripening of fruits.
2. Give two examples of fast changes.
(a) Blowing of balloon
(b) Rolling out roti from dough ball.
3. Give two examples of reversible changes.
(a) Drying of wet clothes
(b) Heating of milk.
4: Give two examples of irreversible changes.
(a) Milk to cheese
(b) Cooking of food.
5. Can you say deforestation is an irreversible or reversible change?
Ans: It is an irreversible change.
6. Does the size of the paper change after making an aeroplane by folding it or by cutting it?
Ans: Yes.
7. Can you change the shape of a eraser after erasing?
Ans: Yes.
8. Write some changes happening in our body.
(a) Our nails grow
(b) Our hair grows
9. Classify the following as slow or fast change:
(i) Bearing of heart
(ii) Change of seasons
Ans. i) Fast
ii) slow
10. What happens to an iron nail when it is heated?
Ans. It expands
Chapter 7 Getting to know Plants
1. Name two plants that belong to herbs.
(i) Tomato
(ii) Potato
2. Give two examples of shrubs.
(i) Lemon
(ii) Orange
3. Give two examples of trees.
(i) Mango
(ii) Neem
4. What are the raw materials for photosynthesis?
(i) Sunlight
(ii) Water
(iii) Carbon dioxide
(iv) Chlorophyll
5. Name the part of plant which helps in holding the plant in the soil.
Ans: Roots.
6. Name a plant that eats insect.
Ans: Pitcher plant.
7. Name the prominent parts of a flower.
Ans: The prominent parts of a flower are petals, sepals, stamens and pistil.
8. Name two plants which have fibrous root.
Ans: (i) Wheat plant (ii) Maize plant
9. Give names of two plants which have tap root.
Ans: Gram and mustard.
10. Does the stem prepare food for any plant?
Ans: Yes, there are some plants whose stem prepares food, e.g. cactus.
Chapter 8 Body movement
1. Give an example of pivotal joint.
Ans. The joint of skull with backbone.
2. . Give two examples of hinge joints.
(i) Joints in fingers
(ii) Joints in knee
3. Give an example of fixed joint.
Ans: Joint of cranium skull.
4. Name the parts of the body which help in movement.
Ans: Contraction and relaxation of muscles and bones and joints help in movement.
5. Name two animals which move without bones.
Ans: (i) Earthworm (ii) Snail
6. Name the organ in cockroach which helps in walking.
Ans: The three pairs of legs in cockroach help in walking.
7. What do you mean by streamlined?
Ans: If the body tapers at both the ends then such, shape of the body is said to be streamlined.
8. Why are fractured bones plastered?
Ans. Plaster keeps broken bones at their right place so that they grow and join properly.
9. Which part of the cockroach help in flying?
Ans: There are two pairs of wings attached to the breast which help them in flying.
10. Name the three components of skeleton.
Ans: Skeleton is made up of many bones, joints and cartilage.