Diptasri M. Mandal, Ph.D.

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Diptasri M. Mandal, PhD

Curriculum Vitae

Date: May, 2009

Present Position:Associate Professor

Office address:LouisianaStateUniversityHealthSciencesCenter

Department of Genetics

533 Bolivar Street, CSRB 6-16

New Orleans, LA70112

Phone Numbers:Office: (504) 568-6156

Fax: (504) 568-8500




1981-1984BSc in Zoology (Honors), Calcutta University

1984-1986MSc in Zoology, specialization in Entomology, BurdwanUniversity

1989-1991MS in Biology, University of Louisiana at Monroe

1992-1996PhD in Human Genetics, Biometry minor, LouisianaStateUniversityHealthSciencesCenter, New Orleans

Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Joan Bailey-Wilson.

Academic Appointments:


Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Monroe

1993-1996 Research Assistant

Department of Biometry and Human Genetics, LouisianaStateUniversityHealthSciencesCenter; Project Title: “High Lung Cancer Risk: Genetic Causes and Effects.” (P.I. Dr. Joan Bailey-Wilson)

1997Visiting Instructor

Department of Biometry and Genetics, LSUHealthSciencesCenter, New Orleans


Department of Medicine, Section of Genetics and Geriatrics, LSUHealthSciencesCenter, New Orleans


Department of Genetics, LSUHealthSciencesCenter, New Orleans

2001-2008Assistant Professor

Department of Genetics, LSUHealthSciencesCenter, New Orleans

2008-PresentAssociate Professor

Department of Genetics, LSUHealthSciencesCenter, New Orleans

Areas of Research Interest and Experience:

Search for genes conferring inherited susceptibility of complex disorders in humans such as prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, and endometriosis.

Methodological development of linkage analysis with the use of computer simulation programs and evaluating statistical properties of different linkage analysis methods.

Memberships in Professional Societies:

1995-PresentThe American Society of Human Genetics

1995-PresentThe International Genetic Epidemiology Society

Honors and Awards:

1998-Member, GELCC - Genetic Epidemiology of Lung Cancer Consortium

2001Research Enhancement Funds from LSUHSC-NO

2002Local Organizer – International Genetic Epidemiology Society 11th Annual Meeting and Genetic Analysis Workshop 13, held in New Orleans, LA, November, 2002

2003-International Genetic Epidemiology Society, ELSI Task Force

2004-Member, ICPCG - International Consortium of Prostate Cancer Genetics

2006Travel Grants for attendance at AACR annual meeting from AACR

2006Chair, Scientific Session, International Genetic Epidemiology Society Meeting, Tampa Bay, FL

Review/Editorial Activities:

2003-Ad hoc member NIH/NIGMS Study Section

2007- Ad hoc member NIH/NCI Study Section

Reviewer:European Journal of Human Genetics, Kidney International

Grants and Contracts:

Funded Research Projects:



Role: Co.I. (10/13/1997-5/30/2006), PI (6/01/2006-9/30/2008), 30% effort (Direct Cost Awarded $475,095)

“Determination of Genetic Susceptibility to Lung Cancer in Families from Southern Louisiana”

The major goal of this project is to localize genes for lung cancer using linkage and association


1 R01 HD050559-0104/01/06 – 03/31/2011


Role: Co-I, 10% effort

“SNP analysis of Endometriosis Candidate Genes”

The major goal of this project is to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the genetic susceptibility to endometriosis in a Puerto Rican population.

5U01 CA076293-07

NIH (P.I. Anderson)09/01/2006 – 08/31/2010

Role: Site P.I. at LSUHSC, 3% effort (Direct Cost Awarded: $6,995)

“Genetic Epidemiology of Lung Cancer”

The major goal of this project is to recruit high-risk lung cancer families from Louisiana.

Louisiana Cancer Research Consortium09/29/08-08/30/2009

Role: PI, (Awarded: $15,000)

“Copy number variation in high-risk African-American men with prostate cancer”

The major goal of this project is to establish the use of a novel technology in estimating copy number variation in germ-line samples.

Completed Research Projects:

“Genetic Characterization of Prostate Cancer Risk Locus in African-American Males with Family History.”

Agency: Louisiana Board of Regents

Role: PI, 20% effort (Direct Cost Awarded $10,000)

Type: NSF(2008)-PFUND-102; Period: 4/01/2008-3/31/2009

The major goal of this pilot project is to perform genome wide screening in high-risk families with prostate cancer.

“Genetic Studies of Prostate Cancer in an African-American Population”

Agency: NCI

Role: PI, 5% effort (Direct Cost Awarded $118,000)

Type: R03 (1R03CA097778-01);Period: 8/01/2002-6/30/2008

The major goals of this pilot project are to identify prostate cancer susceptibility alleles in the African-American population in Southern United States.

“Cancer Prevention and Control”

Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Role: PI, 5% effort (Direct Cost Awarded: $117,874)

Period: 08/15/2004 – 08/14/2007

The major goals of this project are to identify families of patients who are at increased risk for common and potentially fatal cancer in LA.

“BRCA1 Breast Cancer Study in an African American Kindred” (PI Kinney)

Agency: NIH

Role: Site P.I. at LSUHSC

Type: R01 (HG02241-01); Period: 09/01/2001-8/31/2005

The major goals of this project are to identify how genetic counseling and testing, and knowledge of BRCA1 mutation carrier status influences utilization of health services and health behaviors among adult women and men.

“Genetic Studies of Prostate Cancer in an African-American Population”

Agency: Cancer Research Foundation of America

Role: P.I., 10% effort

Type: Research Grant, Period: 01/15/1999-01/15/2001 ($35,000 total)

The major goals of this pilot project were to identify African-American families with high risk of prostate cancer and to analyze the family history and genotype data for evidence of linkage to determine the location of prostate cancer susceptibility alleles.

“Genetic Studies of Prostate Cancer in an African-American Population”

Agency: Research Enhancement Fund (REF) of the LouisianaStateUniversitySchool of Medicine

Role: P.I., 15% effort

Type: Support grant from LSU School of Medicine; Period: 2001-2002 ($18,000 total)

The major goals of this pilot project are to identify prostate cancer susceptibility alleles in the African-American population in Southern United States.

“Genetic Studies of Prostate Cancer in Southern Louisiana”

Agency: Louisiana Board of Regents

Role: P.I., 23% effort

Type: Research Competitive Subprogram; Period: 07/01/2002-06/30/05 (Direct Cost Awarded: $108,454)

The major goals of this pilot project are to ascertain families with multiple cases of prostate cancer to identify prostate cancer susceptibility alleles.


Linking lymphedema to disorders of lymphangiogenesis

P.I. Mary Ann Kosir, MD

Department of Surgery


Detroit, MI48201

Teaching Activities:

1999Population Genetics, Department of Biometry and Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2000Population Genetics, Department of Biometry and Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2001Population Genetics, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2002Population Genetics, Department of Genetics, TulaneUniversity, New Orleans, LA

2002Linkage Analysis, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2003Population Genetics, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2003Basic Human Genetics, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2004Population Genetics, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2004Basic Human Genetics, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2005Population Genetics, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2006Molecular Biology of Cancer, Department of Biochemistry, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2006Cell and Molecular Biology, Interdisciplinary Program, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2006Human Genetics, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2007Population Genetics, Department of Genetics, TulaneUniversity, New Orleans, LA

2007Genetic Epidemiology and Population Genetics, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2008Audiology, Allied Health, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA

2009Control of Gene Expression, Interdisciplinary Program, LSUHSC, New Orleans

Graduate Students Trained:

PhD Dissertation Advisor

Tara TurleyDissertation Title: “Use of Covariates in the linkage analysis of complex qualitative traits.” Graduated May 2005.

Elisa Ledet2007-present

Dissertation Committees:

Deidre ArnaudPhD2004

Gauri GaikwadPhD2004

Xi TangPhD2007

Jennifer LentzPhD2007

Anand ViswanathanPhD2008

San San NgPhD2008

Srirangan SampathPhD2008

Alpa SidhuPhD

Research Interns/Staff Supervised:

Research Interns:

Jennifer WilsonHigh School Summer Student2003

Jasmine GuessHigh School Summer Student2004

Rajesh ThoutaPh.D. Interdisciplinary Student2006

Diana StoutePh.D. Interdisciplinary Student2006

Stephen CombesB.S. Student at Texas A & M2006

Elisa LedetPh.D. Interdisciplinary Student2006

Research Staff:

Berniece Parkar2000-2002

Carolyn RossB.S. (MD student at Mahary Medical School, TN)2000-2003

Ashley HolmesB.S. 2000-2003

Kendra RockwellB.S. student at Xavier University of LA2003-2005

Josalin HunterB.S. (MS student at Washington University, MO)2001-2005

Sharon HaltonM.S.W. 2002-2006

Andrew BurkeB.A.2006-2007

Leah B. BallhoffB.S.2007-2008

Jill HutchinsonB.A. 2006-

Christina RobertsB.S. Student2006-

University/Institutional Service:

Administrative Responsibilities:

2000-Graduate Student Coordinator, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC

2006-Chair, Curriculum Committee, GraduateSchool, LSUHSC

Departmental Committees:

1999-Member, LSUHSCCenter for Molecular and Human Genetics

2002-Chair, Graduate Admission Committee, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC

2004-MD/PhD Tour Coordinator, Department of Genetics, LSUHSC

2003-Summer Mentor, Summer Cancer Research Internship Program, Louisiana Cancer Research Consortium of New Orleans

2008-Emergency Policy Guide Committee

School of Medicine Committees:

2001-Member, Graduate Advisory Council, LSUHSC

2003- Member, Council on Professional Conduct, LSUHSC

Special assignments:

2003-Graduate Student Recruitment Effort at LSUHSC

2003Judge, LSUHSC graduate School Research Day

Journal publications:

Original Peer-reviewed Papers:

  1. E. W. Pugh, D. M. Mandal and A. F. Wilson. A graphical approach for presenting linkage results from a genomic screen. Genetic Epidemiology. 1995. 12:807-812.
  2. D. M. Mandal, A. J. M. Sorant, E W. Pugh, S. E. Marcus, A. P. Klein, R. A. Mathias, J. O’Neill, L. F. Temiyakarn, A. F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Environmental covariates: effects on the power of sib-pair linkage methods. Genetic Epidemiology. 1999. 17:S643-S648.
  3. D.M. Mandal, A.F.Wilson, R.C. Elston, K. Weissbecker, B. J. Keats, J. E. Bailey-Wilson. Effect of misspecification of allele frequencies on the Type I error of model-free linkage analysis. Human Heredity. 2000. 50:126-132.
  4. J. E. Bailey-Wilson, A. J. M. Sorant, J. D. Malley, S. Presciuttini, R. A. Redner, T. A. Severini, J. A. Badner, S. Pajevic , R. Jufer, A. Baffoe-Bonnie, L. Kao, B.Q. Doan, J.L. Goldstein, T. N. Holmes, D. Behnemann, D.M. Mandal, T. N. Turley, K. A. Weissbecker, J. O’Neil and E. W. Pugh. Comparison of novel and existing methods for detection of linkage disequilibrium using parent-child trios in the GAW12 genetic isolate simulated data. Genetic Epidemiology. 2001. 21(1):S378-S383.
  5. D. M. Mandal, A. F. Wilson and J. E. Bailey-Wilson. Effects of Misspecification of Allele Frequencies on the Power of Haseman-Elston Sib-pair Linkage Method for Quantitative Traits. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2001.103:308-313.
  6. A. P. Klein, I. Kovac, A. J. M. Sorant, A. Baffoe-Bonnie, B. Q. Doan, G. Ibay, E. Lockwood, D. M. Mandal, L. Santhosh, K. Weissbecker, J. Woo, A. Zambelli-Weiner, J. Zhang, D. Q. Naiman, J. Malley, J. E. Bailey-Wilson. Importance Sampling Method of Correction for Multiple Testing in Affected Sib-pair Linkage Analysis. BMC Genet (Suppl) 2003; 4:73.
  7. J. E.Bailey-Wilson, C. I. Amos, S. Pinney, G. M. Petersen, M. de Andrade, J. S. Wiest, P.Fain, A. G. Schwartz, M. You, W.Franklin, C. Klein, A. Gazdar, H. Rothschild, D. M. Mandal, T.Coons, J. Slusser, J. Lee, C. Gaba, E. Kupert, A. Perez, X. Zhou, D. Zeng, Q. Liu, D. Seminara, J. Minna, M. Anderson. A major lung cancer susceptibility locus maps to chromosome 6q23-25. American Journal of Human Genetics. 2004. 75:460-484.
  8. A. Y. Kinney, L. Bloor, D. M. Mandal, S. E. Simonsen, B. J. Baty, R. Holubkov, K. Seggar, S. Neuhausen, and K. Smith. Impact of Receiving Genetic Test Results on General and Cancer-Specific Psychological Distress Among Members of an African-American Kindred with a BRCA1 Mutation. Cancer. 2005. 104:2508-2516.
  9. A. Y. Kinney, S. E. Simonsen, B. J. Baty, D. M. Mandal, S. Neuhausen, K. Seggar, R. Holubkov, and K. Smith. Acceptance of Genetic Testing for Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer among Study Enrollees from an African American Kindred. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2006. 140:813-826.
  10. A. Y. Kinney, S. E. Simonsen, B. J. Baty, D. M. Mandal, S. E. Neuhausen, K. Seggar, R. Holubkov, L. Bloor, K. Smith. Risk reduction behaviors and provider communication following genetic counseling and BRCA1 mutation testing in an African-American kindred. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2006. 15:293-305.
  11. D.M. Mandal, A.J.M. Sorant, L.D. Atwood, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Allele Frequency Misspecification: Effect on Power and Type I Error of Model-dependent Linkage Analysis of Quantitative Traits under Random Ascertainment. BMC Genetics. 2006. 7:21.
  12. M. Wang, H. Vikis, Y. Wang, D. Jia, D. Wang, L. J. Bierut, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, C. I. Amos, S. M. Pinney, G. P. Peterson, M. de Andrade, P. Yang, J. S. Wiest, P. R. Fain, A. G. Schwartz, A. Gazdar, J. Minna, C. Gaba, H. Rothschild, D. M. Mandal, E. Kupert, D. Seminara, Y. Liu, J. Clark, M. Watson, A. Viswanathan, R. Govindan, M. W. Anderson, M. You. Identification of a novel tumor suppressor gene p34 on human chromosome 6q25.1. Cancer Research.2007. 67:93-99.
  13. H.Vikis, M. Sato, M. James, D. Wang, Y. Wang, M. Wang, D. Jia, Y. Liu, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, C. I. Amos, S. M. Pinney, G. P. Peterson, M. de Andrade, P. Yang, J. S. Wiest, P. R. Fain, A. G. Schwartz, A. Gazdar, C. Gaba, H. Rothschild, D. M. Mandal, E. Kupert, D. Seminara, A. Viswanathan, R. Govindan, J. Minna, M. W. Anderson, M. You. EGFR-T790M is a rare lung cancer susceptibility allele with enhanced kinase activity. Cancer Research.2007.67:4665-70.
  14. D. M. Mandal, O. Sartor, S.L. Halton, D.E. Mercante, J.E. Bailey-Wilson, W. Rayford. Identification of Prostate Cancer Cases in Louisiana and a Comparison of Prostate Cancer Specific Clinical Data on African-American and Caucasian Males with and without Family History. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases.2008. 11:274-279.
  15. Liu P, Vikis HG, Wang D, Lu Y, Wang Y, Schwartz AG, Pinney SM, Yang P, de Andrade M, Petersen GM, Wiest JS, Fain PR, Gazdar A, Gaba C, Rothschild H, Mandal D.M., Coons T, Lee J, Kupert E, Seminara D, Minna J, Bailey-Wilson JE, Wu X, Spitz MR, Eisen T, Houlston RS, Amos CI, Anderson MW, You M. Familial aggregation of common sequence variants on 15q24-25.1 in lung cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008. 100:1326-30.
  16. M. You, D. Wang, P. Liu, H. Vikis, M. James, Y. Lu, Y. Wang, M. Wang, D. Jia, Y. Liu, L.J. Bierut, P. Yang, Z. Sun, Y. Wu, W. Zheng, X. Shu, J. Long, Y. Gao, Y. Xiang, W. Chow, N. Rothman, S.M. Pinney, G.M. Petersen, M. de Andrade, J.S. Wiest, P.R. Fain, A.G. Schwartz, A. Gazdar, C. Gaba, H. Rothschild, D. M. Mandal, J. Lee, E. Kupert, D. Seminara, J. Minna, J.E. Bailey-Wilson, C. I. Amos, and M.W. Anderson. RGS17 is a candidate for the lung cancer susceptibility locus on chromosome 6q23-25.Clinical Cancer Research. 2009. 15:2666-74.

National/International Meeting Abstracts:

  1. D. M. Mandal, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Effect of Misspecification of Allele Frequencies on the Power and Type I Error of Model Independent Linkage Analysis Using Computer Simulation. 1995. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 57(4):A168.
  2. D. M. Mandal, A.F. Wilson, B.J.B. Keats, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Comparison of the power of Haseman-Elston sib-pair and lod-score linkage analysis of a quantitative trait with misspecified allele frequencies. 1996. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 59(4):A183.
  3. D. M. Mandal, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Effect of misspecification of trait genotypic means on the power of lod-score linkage analysis using computer simulation. 1997. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 61(4):A205.
  4. D. M. Mandal, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. The effect of using incorrect trait genotypic means on the power of model-based linkage analysis in quantitative traits. 1998. Genetic Epidemiology. 15(5):A542.
  5. D. M. Mandal, A.F. Wilson, B. J. B. Keats, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Factors affecting inflation of Type I error of model-based linkage under random ascertainment. 1998. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 63(4):A298.
  6. D. M. Mandal, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Comparison of Type I error rates of Haseman-Elston sib-pair linkage method in various quantitative trait models. 1999. Genetic Epidemiology. 15(5):A39.
  7. D. M. Mandal, A.F. Wilson, A.J.M. Sorant, B.J.B. Keats, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Comparison of the Type I error rate of model-dependent linkage analysis for quantitative traits under random ascertainment. 1999. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 65(4):A389.
  8. D. M. Mandal, A.J.M. Sorant, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Model-dependent linkage analysis and Type I error rate under random ascertainment. 2000. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 67(4):A328.
  9. D. M. Mandal, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Effects of misspecification of allele frequencies on the power of Haseman-Elston sib-pair linkage method in quantitative trait models. 2000. Genetic Epidemiology. 19(3):A79.
  10. D.M. Mandal, T.N. Turley, L.B. Borrouso, J. Trent, J.E. Bailey-Wilson, W. Rayford. Prostate cancer study in African-American population: problems and successful strategies with minority recruitment. 2000. Genetic Epidemiology. 19(3):A80.
  11. JE Bailey-Wilson, AJM Sorant, JD Malley, S Presciuttini, RA Redner, TA Severini, JA Badner, S Pajevic, R Jufer, A Baffoe-Bonnie, L Kao, BQ Doan, JL Goldstein, TN Holmes, D Behnemann, D. M. Mandal, TN Turley, KA Weissbecker, J O’Neill and EW Pugh. Comparison of novel and existing methods for detection of linkage disequilibrium using parent-child trios in the GAW12 genetic isolate simulated data. Genetic Analysis Workshop 12, San Antonio, October 23-26, 2000
  12. D.M. Mandal, A.J.M. Sorant, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Studies on Power under Random Ascertainment in Model-Dependent Linkage Analysis. 2001. Genetic Epidemiology. 21(2):A167.
  13. A.Y. Kinney, B. J. Baty, K. R. Smith, E.Marshall, D. M. Mandal, J. R. Botkin. Working toward culturally relevant cancer genetic communication for African Americans. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2003. 25:S043.
  14. D. M. Mandal, T. N. Turley-Stoulig, S. L. Halton, E. M. Gillanders, J. Carpten, J. Trent, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, W. Rayford. 2003. Recruitment of high-risk prostate cancer families in Southern Louisiana: challenges and successful strategies. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 73(5):A441.
  15. D. M. Mandal, S. L. Halton, T. N. Turley-Stoulig, E. M. Gillanders, J. Carpten, J. Trent, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, W. Rayford. 2003. Challenges and Successful Strategies in Recruitment: Experience from Prostate Cancer Study in Southern Louisiana. Genetic Epidemiology. 25(3):A83.
  16. T.N. Turley-Stoulig, A.J.M. Sorant, J.E. Bailey-Wilson, D.M. Mandal. Environmental Covariates Yield Major Gains in Power in Linkage Analysis. 2004. The American Journal of Human Genetics.75:A1930.
  17. A.Y.Kinney, L. Bloor, R. Holubkov, B. Baty, D. M.Mandal, K. Smith.Psychological Impact of BRCA1 Testing in an African American Kindred. EuropeanSchool of OncologyFamilial Cancer Conference, Madrid, Spain, May 2004.
  18. D. M. Mandal,I. Flores, J. E. Bailey-Wilson. Identifying Endometriosis Susceptibility Genes in Puerto Rico. 2004. Genetic Epidemiology. 27(3):A88.
  19. T. N. Turley-Stoulig, A. J. M. Sorant, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, D. M.Mandal.Inclusion of a Covariate Yields Major Gains in Power in Linkage Analysis. 2004. Genetic Epidemiology. 27(3):A138.
  20. I. Flores, D. M. Mandal, J. E. Bailey-Wilson. Search for Endometriosis Susceptibility Genes in Puerto Rico. 2004. The American Journal of Human Genetics.75:A1905.
  21. T. N. Turley-Stoulig, A. J. M. Sorant, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, D. M. Mandal. Environmental Covariates Yield Major Gains in Power in Linkage Analysis. Genetic Epidemiology. 2005. 29:A161.
  22. D. M. Mandal, S. L. Halton, J. J. Hunter, O. Sartor, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, W. Rayford. A comparison of clinico-pathological factors in sporadic and familial African-American and Caucasian prostate cancer cases in Louisiana. Genetic Epidemiology. 2005. 29:A110.
  23. D. M. Mandal, S. L. Halton, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, W. Rayford. Distribution of clinical data in prostate cancer affected men with early age at onset. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 2006. 79:A370.
  24. T. N. Turley-Stoulig, A. J. M. Sorant, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, D. M. Mandal. Power and Type I Error in Comparison of Linkage Analysis Methods for Complex Qualitative Traits with Rare Disease Alleles and Environmental Covariates. Genetic Epidemiology. 2006. 31(5):A180.
  25. D. M. Mandal, S. L. Halton, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, W. Rayford. Clinical factors in prostate cancer affected men with early age at onset: a comparison between African-American and Caucasian cases in Louisiana. Genetic Epidemiology.2006. 31(5):A132.
  26. T. N. Turley-Stoulig, A. J. M. Sorant, J. E. Bailey-Wilson, D. M. Mandal. Investigation of Type I Error in linkage analysis of complex qualitative traits with common disease alleles and quantitative covariates. Genetic Epidemiology. 2007. 31(6):A149.
  27. E.M. Ledet, R. Thouta, J.E. Bailey-Wilson, I. Flores, D.M. Mandal. Linkage study in Puerto Rican families with Endometriosis. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 2007. A2003.
  28. E.M. Ledet, I. Flores, J.E. Bailey-Wilson, D.M. Mandal. Genetic analysis of hereditary Endometriosis families in Puerto Rico. Genetic Epidemiology.2008. 32(7):A112.
  29. D. M. Mandal, E. Ledet, J. E. Bailey-Wilson. Identification of prostate cancer susceptibility locus in high-risk African-American families. Genetic Epidemiology.2008. 32(7):A127.

Scientific Presentations at Local/Regional Meetings (last five years):

  1. D. M. Mandal, A.J.M. Sorant, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Model-dependent lod-score linkage and inflation of Type I error under random ascertainment. NIH/NHGRI Site Visit, Inherited Disease Research Branch , Baltimore, September 18-19, 2000.
  2. D. M. Mandal, A.J.M. Sorant, A.F. Wilson, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Model-dependent lod-score linkage and inflation of Type I error under random ascertainment. Scientific retreat, NIH/NHGRI, Virginia, November 13-14, 2000.
  3. T. Turley and D. M. Mandal. Identifying African-American Hereditary Prostate Cancer Families Useful for Linkage Studies with the Computer Simulation Program SIMLINK. Graduate Students Research Day, LSUHSC, May 30, 2001.
  4. A. Y. Kinney, B. J. Baty, K. R. Smith, E. Marshall, D. M. Mandal, J. R. Botkin, Working toward culturally relevant cancer genetic communication for African Americans. Proceedings of the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s twenty-fourth Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 19-22. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2003. 25:S043.
  5. T. Turley-Stoulig, T. Ewing, B. Martin, D. Mercante, O. Sartor, D. M. Mandal, W. Rayford. A comparison of Prostate Specific Antigen values in men with and without family history of Prostate Cancer. 67th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association AUA Southeastern Section, Savannah, GA, March 27-30, 2003.
  6. T. Turley-Stoulig, T. Ewing, B. Martin, D. Mercante, O. Sartor, D. M. Mandal, W. Rayford. A comparison of Prostate Specific Antigen values in men with and without family history of Prostate Cancer. Graduate Students Research Day, LSUHSC, April 25, 2003.
  7. J. Wilson, S. Halton, D. M. Mandal. Identifying African American families for participation in linkage studies of prostate cancer. Summer Cancer Research Internship Program, Louisiana Cancer Research Consortium of New Orleans, June 2003.
  8. TN Turley-Stoulig, AJM Sorant, D. M. Mandal. Inclusion of Covariates in Linkage Analysis. LSUHSCGraduateSchool Research Day, Pennington Biomedical ResearchCenter, April 8, 2004.
  9. D.M. Mandal, I. Flores, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Linkage analysis of endometriosis susceptibility genes. NIH/NHGRI Site Visit, Inherited Disease Research Branch, Baltimore, May 4, 2004.
  10. D.M. Mandal, S. L. Halton, T. N. Turley-Stoulig, E. M. Gillanders, J. Carpten, J. Trent, W. Rayford, J.E. Bailey-Wilson. Identification of families with multiple cases of prostate cancer. NIH/NHGRI Site Visit, Inherited Disease Research Branch, Baltimore, May 4, 2004.
  11. D.M. Mandal, A. J. M. Sorant, T. N. Turley-Stoulig, A. F. Wilson, J. E. Bailey-Wilson. Studies on model-based and model-free linkage analyses using simulated data. NIH/NHGRI Site Visit, Inherited Disease Research Branch, Baltimore, May 4, 2004.
  12. J. Guess, S. Halton, D. M. Mandal. Characteristics of African American and Caucasian men with prostate cancer. Summer Cancer Research Internship Program, Louisiana Cancer Research Consortium of New Orleans, June 2004.
  13. A. Y. Kinney, L. Bloor, R. Holubkov, B. Baty, D. M. Mandal, K. Smith.Psychological Impact of BRCA1 Testing in an African American Kindred. EuropeanSchool of OncologyFamilial Cancer Conference, Madrid, Spain, May 2004.
  14. T. N. Turley-Stoulig, A. J. M Sorant, D. M. Mandal. Environmental Covariates Yield Major Gains In Power In Linkage Analysis. GraduateSchool Research Day, LSUHSC.May 2005.
  15. E. Ledet, M. Kosir, D. M. Mandal. Identifying genes in breast cancer related secondary lymphedema. GraduateSchool Research Day, LSUHSC. April 2007.
  16. R. Thouta, I.Flores, D. M. Mandal. Genetic analysis of Endometriosis susceptibility genes. GraduateSchool Research Day, April 2007.
  17. L.B. Balhoff; E.M. Ledet; O. Sartor; W. Rayford, D.M. Mandal. Genetic Studies of Prostate Cancer in High Risk Families. 2nd Annual Health Disparities Conference. New Orleans. April, 2008.
  18. E.M. Ledet, I. Flores, D.M. Mandal. Genetic Analysis of Hereditary Endometriosis Families in Puerto Rico. GraduateSchool Research Day, LSUHSC. New Orleans. April 2008.
