
Clearly indicate your best response to the following questions. There are 20 questions each worth equal weight. You will have 60 minutes to complete the quiz once you begin. The quiz must be accessed no later than 11:59pm Tuesday, Jan. 24.

You can begin the quiz any time through the 24th, and have 60 minutes to complete it. However, the timer activates as soon as you access the quiz, so do not attempt to access the quiz until you are ready for the clock to start running.

Quiz Details

Current Time: 11:13 PMUpdate

Quiz Period: ends Jan 24, 2012 11:59 PM

Time Allowed: 60

Attempts: Allowed - 2, Completed - 0


Clearly indicate your best response to the following questions. There are 20 questions each worth equal weight. You will have 60 minutes to complete the quiz once you begin.


For each question, there is a "Save" button. Clicking the "Save" button saves your response to that question. You can save each question as many times as you wish. When you navigate to another page of the quiz by using the right and left arrows, all your questions on the current page will be saved.

Before submitting the quiz, you will have the opportunity to return to questions that you may have missed or simply did not answer.You can submit your quiz responses past the time period allocated for taking this quiz but doing so will result in a score of zero being assigned. A non-zero score can be manually reassigned at a later time.

When you have finished reviewing these instructions, click on "Start Quiz" to begin Attempt 1.

Note: Your quiz may take a few minutes to be set up.

The timer will not begin until after the set up process is finished

There will be one quiz for each module except the last which will feature the final exam. Quizzes will be multiple choice questions of a problem-solving nature. They will draw upon material from the lectures and the text. You can take each quiz up to two times. Quizzes will be due by the end of Tuesday following the class period where the content is covered (to give you time over the weekend to do it should you be so inclined). Quizzes are open book and open notes, but you should not use other humans nor the internet at large. However, the tradeoff is you will only have 60 minutes to complete the quiz, so if you are not familiar with the material, the ability to look things up won't be much help. The quizzes will be available only from Wednesday of the relevant week. No late quizzes.