5-Year Review of Standards
(for the December 2001 RevCom Meeting)
145-1993 Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas
{Note: The PAR for P145, originally approved in June 1997, is due to expire at the end of this year. For PAR issues, please contact Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator [ 732-562-6367].}
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
149-1979 (R1990) Standard Test Procedures for Antennas
{Note: The PAR for P149, originally approved in March 1997, is due to expire at the end of this year. For PAR issues, please contact Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator [ 732-562-6367].}
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1076.2-1996 Standard VHDL Language Math Packages
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
802.4-1990 (R1995) Standard for Token-Passing Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
{Also 802.4h-1997 Standard Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Alternative Use of BNC Connectors and Manchester-Encoded Signaling Methods for Single-Channel Bus Physical Layer Entities}
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
896.5-1993 Standard for Futurebus+®, Profile M (Military)
{Also, 896.5a-1994 Standard for Futurebus+®, Profile M (Military): Errata, Corrections, and Clarifications}
Sponsor wishes to proceed with administrative withdrawal.
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1101.10-1996 Standard for Additional Mechanical Specifications for Micorcomputers Using the IEEE 1101.1-1991 Equipment Practice
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1156.1-1993 Standard for Microcomputer Environmental Specifications for Computer Modules
Sponsor is investigating the actions to take on this standard and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1156.2-1996 Standard for Environmental Specifications for Computer Systems
Sponsor is investigating the actions to take on this standard and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1296-1987 (R1994) Standard for a High-Performance Synchronous 32-Bit Bus: MULTIBUS II
Sponsor wishes to proceed with administrative withdrawal.
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1301.4-1996 Standard for a Metric Equipment Practice for Microcomputers - Coordination Document for Mezzanine Cards
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1596.3-1996 Standard for Low-Voltage Differential Signals (LVDS) for Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI)
Sponsor wishes to proceed with administrative withdrawal.
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1596.4-1996 Standard for High-Bandwidth Memory Interface Based on Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI) Signaling Technology (RamLink)
Sponsor wishes to proceed with administrative withdrawal.
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1003.0-1995 Guide to the POSIX Open System Environment (OSE)
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1387.3-1996 (POSIX) System Administration - Part 3: User and Group Account Administration
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
2003.2-1996 Standard for Information Technology - Test Methods for Measuring Conformance to POSIX - Part II: Shell and Utilities
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension. {voicemail message from Lowell Johnson on 27-Sep-01}
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
610.12-1990 Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
982.2-1988 Guide for the Use of IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software
Sponsor wishes to proceed with administrative withdrawal.
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1008-1987 (R1993) Standard for Software Unit Testing
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1044-1993 Standard Classification for Software Anomalies
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1045-1992 Standard for Software Productivity Metrics
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1062-1993 Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition
{Also, 1062a-1998 Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition (Amendment)}
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1175-1991 Standard Reference Model for Computing System Tool Interconnections
Sponsor wishes to proceed with administrative withdrawal.
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1233-1996 Guide for Developing System Requirements Specifications
{Also, 1233a-1998 Guide for Developing System Requirements Specifications (Amendment)}
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1420.1-1995 Standard for Information Technology - Software Reuse - Data Model for Reuse Library Interoperability: Basic Interoperability Data Model (BIDM)
{Also, 1420.1a-1996 Supplement to Standard for Information Technology - Software Reuse - Data Model for Reuse Library Interoperability: Asset Certifcation Framework [Developed in cooperation with the Reuse Library Interoperability Group (RIG)] and 1420.1b-1999 Standard for Information Technology - Software Reuse - Data Model for Reuse Library Interoperability: Intellectual Property Rights Framework}
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1430-1996 Guide for Information Technology - Software Reuse - Concept of Operations for Interoperating Reuse Libraries [Developed in cooperation with the Reuse Library Interoperability Group (RIG)]
Sponsor wishes to proceed with administrative withdrawal.
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1278.3-1996 Recommended Practice for Distributed Interactive Simulation - Exercise Management and Feedback
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
662-1992 Standard Terminology for Semiconductor Memory
{Note: The PAR for P662, originally approved in September 1997, is due to expire at the end of this year. For actions on PARs, please contact Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator [ 732-562-6367].}
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1149.5-1995 Standard for Module Test and Maintenance Bus (MTM-Bus) Protocol
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
167A.2-1996 Standard Facsimile Test Chart: High Contrast (Gray Scale)
Sponsor states that a group is being formed to ballot a reaffirmation and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2003.
167A.3-1997 Standard Facsimile Test Chart - Color
Sponsor states that a group is being formed to ballot a reaffirmation and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2003.
367-1996 Recommended Practice for Determining the Electric Power Station Ground Potential Rise and Induced Voltage from a Power Fault
{Jointly sponsored with PE/PSC}
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1027-1996 Standard Method for Measurement of the Magnetic Field in the Vicinity of a Telephone Receiver
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
101-1987 (R1995) (DEI) Guide for the Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life Test Data
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests a two-year extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2003.
1043-1996 (DEI/VE) Recommended Practice for Voltage-Endurance Testing of Form-Wound Bars and Coils
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests a two-year extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2003.
1417-1996 (EMB) ANSI/AAMI EC13-1992 - Cardiac Monitors, Heart Rate Meters, and Alarms
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1426-1996 (EMB) ANSI/AAMI EC11-1991 - Diagnostic Electrocardiographic Devices
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
140-1990 (R1995) Recommended Practice for Minimization of Interference from Radio-Frequency Heating Equipment
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1309-1996 Standard for Calibration of Electromagnetic Field Sensors and Probes, Excluding Antennas, from 9 kHz to 40 GHz
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
518-1982 (R1996) Guide for the Installation of Electrical Equipment to Minimize Electrical Noise Inputs to Controllers from External Sources
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
519-1992 Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems
{Note: The PAR for P519, originally approved September 1997, is due to expire at the end of this year. For actions on PARs, please contact Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator [ 732-562-6367].}
Sponsor has submitted a PAR extension request to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for P519.
1068-1996 Recommended Practice for the Repair and Rewinding of Motors for the Petroleum and Chemical Industry
Sponsor states that a working group has been formed to formulate and submit a PAR for revision.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
125-1988 (R1996) Recommended Practice for Preparation of Equipment Specifications for Speed-Governing of Hydraulic Turbines Intended to Drive Electric Generators
Sponsor has submitted a PAR for revision to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for P125.
421.5-1992 Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies
{Note: The PAR for P421.5, originally approved December 1997, is due to expire at the end of this year. For actions on PARs, please contact Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator [ 732-562-6367].}
Sponsor has submitted a PAR extension request to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for P421.5.
690-1984 (R1996) Standard for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems for Class 1E Circuits in Nuclear Power Generating Stations
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
944-1986 (R1996) Recommended Practice for the Application and Testing of Uninterruptible Power Supplies for Power Generating Stations
Sponsor has submitted a PAR for revision to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for P944.
1020-1988 (R1994) Guide for Control of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1046-1991 (R1996) Application Guide for Distributed Digital Control and Monitoring for Power Plants
Sponsor states that a working group has been formed to review the standard's validity and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1069-1991 (R1996) Recommended Practice for Precipitator and Baghouse Hopper Heating Systems
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1249-1996 Guide for Computer-Based Control of Hydroelectric Power Plant Automation
Sponsor has submitted a PAR for revision to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for P1249.
67-1990 (R1995) Guide for Operation and Maintenance of Turbine Generators
Sponsor states that a working group will be formed to review the standard's validity and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
95-1977 (R1991) Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of Large AC Rotating Machinery with High Direct Voltage
{Note: The PAR for P95, originally approved March 1997, is due to expire at the end of this year. For actions on PARs, please contact Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator [ 732-562-6367].}
Sponsor has submitted a PAR extension request to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for P95.
115-1995 Guide: Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines Part I: Acceptance and Performance Testing; Part II: Test Procedures and Parameter Determination for Dynamic Analysis
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
792-1995 Recommended Practice for the Evaluation of the Impulse Voltage Capability of Insulation Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing Form-Wound Stator Coils
Sponsor wishes to proceed with administrative withdrawal.
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1107-1996 Recommended Practice for Thermal Evaluation of Sealed Insulation Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing Random-Wound Stator Coils
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1310-1996 Trial Use Recommended Practice for Thermal Cycle Testing of Form-Wound Stator Bars and Coils for Large Generators
{Note: This document can be revised as normal. However, it cannot be reaffirmed. Trial-use documents are supposed to be valid for two years}
Sponsor has requested elevation to full use status and requests a two-year extension to allow time to reaffirm.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2003.
48-1996 Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for Alternating-Current Cable Terminations 2.5 kV through 765 kV
Sponsor states that a working group has been formed to review the standard's validity and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
442-1981 (R1996) Guide for Soil Thermal Resistivity Measurements
Sponsor states that a working group has been formed to review the standard's validity and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
582-1990 (R1996) Standard for Exposed Semiconducting Shields on High-Voltage Cable Joints and Separable Insulated Connectors
Sponsor states that a working group has been formed to review the standard's validity and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
848-1996 Standard Procedure for the Determination of the Ampacity Derating of Fire-Protected Cables
Sponsor states that a working group has been formed to review the standard's validity and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1210-1996 Standard Tests for Determining Compatibility of Cable-Pulling Lubricants with Wire and Cable
Sponsor states that a working group has been formed to review the standard's validity and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1299-1996/C62.22.1 Guide for the Connection of Surge Arrestors to Protect Insulated, Shielded Electric Power Cable Systems
Sponsor states that a working group has been formed to review the standard's validity and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1300-1996 Guide for Cable Connections for Gas-Insulated Substations
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
7-4.3.2-1993 Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
317-1983 (R1996) Standard for Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
323-1983 (R1996) Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
{Note: The PAR for P323, originally approved March 1997, is due to expire at the end of this year. For actions on PARs, please contact Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator [ 732-562-6367].}
Sponsor has submitted a PAR extension request to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for P323.
336-1985 (R1991) Standard Installation, Inspection, and Testing Requirements for Power, Instrumentation, and Control Equipment at Nuclear Facilities
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
382-1996 Standard for Qualification of Actuators for Power-Operated Valve Assemblies with Safety-Related Functions for Nuclear Power Plants
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
572-1985 (R1992) Standard for Qualification of Class 1E Connection Assemblies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
627-1980 (R1996) Standard for Design Qualification of Safety Systems Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
367-1996 Recommended Practice for Determining the Electric Power Station Grounding Potential Rise and Induced Voltage from a Power Fault
{Jointly sponsored with COM/TA&OS}
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
1138-1994 Standard Construction of Composite Fiber Optic Groundwire (OPGW) for Use on Electric Utility Power Lines
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
4-1995 Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing
{Also, 4a-2001 Amendment to High Voltage Test Techniques}
Sponsor has submitted a PAR for revision to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for P4 [December 2005], which was approved via continuous processing.
C37.90-1989 (R1994) Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus
{Note: The PAR for PC37.90, originally approved June 1991, is due to expire at the end of this year. For actions on PARs, please contact Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator [ 732-562-6367].}
Sponsor has submitted a PAR extension request to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for PC37.90.
1313.1-1996 Standard for Insulation Coordination - Definitions, Principles, and Rules
[PE/TC ?]
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
C62.37-1996 Standard Test Specification for Thyristor Diode Surge Protection Devices
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
C62.92.4-1991 (R1996) Guide for the Application of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility Systems, Part IV - Distribution
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress and requests an extension.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
857-1996 Recommended Practice for Test Procedures for High-Voltage Direct-Current Thyristor Valves
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
998-1996 Guide for Direct Lightning Stroke Shielding of Substations
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1158-1991 (R1996) Recommended Practice for Determination of Power Losses in High-Voltage Direct-Current (HVDC) Converter Stations
Sponsor wishes to proceed with administrative withdrawal.
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
C37.122-1993 Standard for Gas-Insulated Substations
{Note: The PAR for PC37.122, originally approved December 1997, is due to expire at the end of this year. For actions on PARs, please contact Jodi Haasz, NesCom Administrator [ 732-562-6367].}
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
C37.123-1996 Guide to Specifications for Gas-Insulated, Electric Power Substation Equipment
Sponsor states that a reaffirmation is in progress.
Recommendation: Extend until December 2002.
1325-1996 Recommended Practice for Reporting Field Failure Data for Power Circuit Breakers
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
C37.011-1994 Application Guide for Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
Sponsor has submitted a PAR for revision to NesCom.
Recommendation: Extend until the expiration of the PAR for PC37.011.
C37.081-1981 (R1988) Guide for Synthetic Fault Testing of AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
{Also C37.081a-1997 Supplement to Guide for Synthetic Fault Testing of AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis}
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
C37.10-1995 Guide for Diagnostics and Failure Investigation of Power Circuit Breakers
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
C37.13-1990 (R1995) Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
C37.18-1979 (R1996) Standard Enclosed Field Discharge Circuit Breakers for Rotating Electric Machinery
Recommendation: Administrative Withdrawal.
C37.26-1972 (R1996) Standard Guide for Methods of Power-Factor Measurement for Low-Voltage Inductive Test Circuits