Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) is in charge of all functions related to Personnel Branch in RDSO. He looks after the following sections:-

a)  All the non-gazetted sections looked after by JDA-III.

b)  Gazetted Sections looked after by SO/E-II.

c)  Confidential Section dealing with all confidential matters including posting, transfer of Gazetted officers etc. looked after by SO/Confidential.

(a) The following Sections are working under JDA-III:-

(1)  Establishment-I (2) Establishment-III

(3)  Establishment-IV (4) Establishment-V

(5)  Establishment-VI (6) Establishment-VII

(7) Recruitment Section (8) Legal Cell

(9)  Welfare Section (10) Pass Section

(b) Every Section is headed by a Section Officer. Two Deputy Directors viz, DDE-I & DDE-II report to JDA-III, SO/E-V also directly reports to JDA-III.

1. DDE-I

Following Sections are working under DDE-I:-

(i)  Establishment-III (Cash Branch)

This section is responsible for processing of the pay bills concerning Gr. ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ employees of RDSO. Pay Bills concerning Gr. ‘D’ employees are prepared by E-IV.

E-III section is also responsible for receipt of all the cash from employees. The cash is deposited in Charbagh Cash Office of N.Railway.

(ii) Establishment -IV Section

This section deals with the Establishment work of all Group ‘D’ employees of RDSO and also dealing with the appointment on compassionate ground/sports quota for Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ category.

(iii) Legal Cell

Legal Cell is responsible for dealing with all the court cases in respect of service matters.

(iv)  Pass Section

This section issues various kinds of passes/PTOs to serving and retired Railway Officers/staff of RDSO as well as widows of the Railway employees. It also keeps accountal of passes/PTOs/Card passes/Metal passes.


Following Sections are working under DDE-II:-

(i) Establishment -I Section

This Section deals with the establishment work of carriage, wagon, wagon (I&L), Motive Power, Testing, Engine Development (including supervisors and artisans), Traction Installation, Electric Loco, Power Supply & Electric Maintenance Unit, Traffic, Psycho, Research, Signal & Telecom Directorate and Hospital. This section also deals with creation, extension, surrender and restructuring of all non-Gazetted posts of RDSO.

(ii) Establishment-VI Section

This section deals with the establishment of Track, Bridge & Structure, Track Machine Maintenance, Geo-Tech. Engg. Signal, Telecommunication (including Supervisors and Artisans of Tele-Maintenance) and Computer Directorate as also Ministerial staff. This section also places indents on RRB/GKP for filling direct recruitment vacancies in all cateogries.

(iii) Establishment-VII Section

This section deals with the Establishment work of M&C Directorate, Supervisors and Artisans of Civil Maintenance, Electrical Maintenance and other Research Laboratories and Central Workshop including miscellaneous Categories in Library and Publication & Motor Drivers etc.

(iv) Recruitment Section

Recruitment Section is responsible for conducting all departmental and Railway selections for all non-Gazetted posts. It also processes for trade test for Artisans. After the requisitions for direct recruitment are received from different establishment sections, it places indent on RRB/Gorakhpur.

This section is also responsible for framing and revision the R&P Rules of Gr. ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff under the powers delegated to DG/RDSO.

·  E-V Section :

This Section deals with grant of HBA, Motor Car Advance, Personal Computer Advance, Scooter/Moped, Motor Cycle Advance, Cycle Advance, Table Fan Advance and Festival Advance. This section also deals with reimbursement of tuition fee claimed by Officers and staff of RDSO.

·  Welfare Section : This Section monitors and chases settlement cases of group ‘C’ and ‘D’ staff with concerned Establishment/Administration/ Account Sections and provides all necessary assistance in conduct of retirement functions on the last working day of every month. It also helps the widows/dependent of deceased employees for filling up forms for their settlement and compassionate appointment of their dependents. Maintenance of SBF Fund and release of payments/grants to recreation club, officers club and sports association from SBF budget.

i) SO/Welfare directly reports to Secretary to DG.

ii) Three Welfare Inspectors (S/Shri S.S. Varun, Bhola Nath & Anuranjan Jaiswal) are working under JDA-III for coordination of all welfare activities including SBF.


·  JDA-III is overall incharge.

·  DDE-I and DDE-II assist him in performing various functions as mentioned above.

·  SO/E-I, E-VI, & E-VII are responsible for dealing with all establishment matters like, processing the cases pertaining to transfer, posting, settlement, maintenance of leave record, PF withdrawal etc. of respective non-gazetted staff.

·  SO/E-III is responsible for preparation of pay bills of all officers and staff, preparation of Productivity Linked Bonus bill, preparation of pay orders for house building advance, CTG, medical reimbursement, PF Advance/withdrawal, traveling allowance advances etc., checking of traveling allowance claims, over-time/night duty allowance claims, calculation and recovery of income tax ect.

·  SO/E-IV is responsible for establishment matters of all group ‘D’ staff like processing of cases pertaining to transfer, posting, settlement, maintenance of leave record, PF withdrawal etc. He also prepares the pay bills, TA claims, pay orders for various purposes, calculation and

recovery of income tax etc.


SO-E/2 is responsible for processing of all establishment matter in respect of Gazetted Officers including selections from Group’C’ to Group ‘B’, and initiate proposals for promotions from Group’B’ to Senior Scale and Senior Scale to JAG (Only RDSO Cadre Officers)


Confidential Section is dealing with classified documents / confidential matters such as ACRs / IPRs of officers, ACRs of staff, D&AR cases of officers, DPC proceedings of Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers, Secret/Confidential statement/matters etc. In addition to above, implementation of transfer/posting orders issued by Railway Board, local transfer / posting of officers, tenure of organized Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers.

The details of functions performed by Confidential section are enumerated as given below :-

·  Maintenance of ACRs : of officers/staff, dealing with representations against adverse remarks etc.

·  Dealing with D&AR case : of officers, maintenance of IPRs of officers, noting of immovable property transaction of officers, furnishing secret / confidential statements to Railway Board (as per instructions on the subject).

·  Arranging local DPC for promotion : of Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers, sending DPC proposals to Board/UPSC for regular promotion of RDSO Cadre officers in Sr. Scale & JA Grade, transfer and posting of officers, tenure of officers on deputation to RDSO.

·  In addition to above, dealing with other Secret/Confidential matters etc. Railway Week and other awards.


The powers in Establishment matters are utilised by respective officers as per SOP (Schedule of Power) on establishment matters enclosed. (Hyper link with SOP may be created).

(III) The enclosed Organizational Chart of Personnel Department may be displayed on the website.

(IV) Submission of various periodical statements and other settlement related activities are done as per target dates set by Railway Board. Official procedures as laid down in manuals and codes on different subjects are being followed in in various establishment related matters. The Performance Targets for Personnel Branch are enclosed herewith for display on Website. Norms of ISO: 9001:2000 are also being followed in the following sections covered under purview of quality management system. (Hyperlink with ISO Documents may be created)

(1) Establishment-I (2) Establishment-III

(3) Establishment-IV (4) Establishment-V

(5) Establishment-VI (6) Establishment-VII

(7) Recruitment Section (8) Establishment-II

(V) The following list of rules, as issued by Railway Board are used by employees of establishment sections in discharge of their functions.

i. IREM-I & II

ii.  IREC-I & II

iii.  Rly. Servants Conduct Rules, 1966

iv.  Rly. Servants D&A Rules, 1968

v.  Pension Manuals

vi.  Pass Manuals.

vii.  Brochure on Reservations.

viii.  Indian Rly. Medical Manual.

ix.  Instructions issued by Ministry of Rlys. (Rly. Board) from time to time.

x.  Brochure on confidential reports on officers.

xi.  Master Circulars on various subjects made by Railway Board from time to time.

(VI) The following list of documents are held by the Personnel department :

ii.  Service Records.

iii.  Bio-data (for officers)

iv.  Seniority List.

v.  Payment Records

vi.  Selection proceedings (Confidential)

vii.  BOS (Book of Sanctions)

viii.  SOP (Schedule of Power) on establishment

ix.  List of pending Court Cases.

x.  List of pending D&A cases.

xi.  Declarations given by the employees(for settlement, Pass, Medical Card Etc).

xii.  IPRs of officers.

xiii.  ACRs of Officers and Staff in RDSO.

xiv.  Pass Records.

(VIII) There are following associations of different group of staff and officers:-

i.  Federation of Railway Officers Association (FROA)

ii.  RDSO Promotee Officers Association (RPOA)

iii.  Office Council.

iv.  Class Three Staff Association (CTSA)

v.  Class Four Staff Association (CFSA)

vi.  All India SC/ST Association – RDSO Wing

vii.  All India OBC Association – RDSO Wing

A Staff Benefit Fund (SBF) has also be maintained in RDSO with the following objectives :

i.  Education of staff and their children, when no assistance are admissible under the rules.

ii.  Recreation, sports, scouting and amusement for the staff and their children.

iii.  Relief of distress amongst members/ex-members of staff and their families not provided for under the regulation enforce on the Railway.

iv.  Indigenous system of medicines including Homeopathy

v.  Inter Railway Cultural Competition.

A Staff Benefit Fund Committee in accordance with the provisions contained in chapter-VIII of Indian Establishment Code Volume-I has also been constituted for the management of the fund.

(IX) A hard copy of Directory of officers & staff (to the extent updated) is enclosed for display on the Web Site. In respect of those Units who have not submitted the requisite information, a reminder is being issued.

(X) The list of monthly remuneration received by various officers & staff in RDSO is enclosed.

(XIV) Details in respect of the information are available as per item VI above.

All the above information to be put on the web site is also enclosed in Soft copy.

(Vikas Purwar)

Joint Director Admn-III
