Winchester Trout Unlimited – Agenda

(May 5, 2015) – NW Works

  1. 7:00 Call To Order(Dan)

It’s May already: time to release this years’ brookie class of 2016

Continue community engagement: Welcome Harry Reed, visitors and new members.

  1. 7:10Harry Reed (Isaac Walton stream sampling training Warren County)

Process: (30 – 40 min discussion): Isaac Walton Save our Streams Benthic Macro-invertebrate Sampling of Shenandoah Feeder Streams

Any opportunities for Synergies between sampling approaches? (Bud/Lisa)

  1. 8:10 Abbreviated Meeting (chapter coordination)

A. Trout in the Classroom(Mark)

  1. 2016 DGIF Releases

A.This week’s clean-up plan@ 9am on 5/7/16Bring Weed Wakers(Mark)

B.Firming up the plan for the “Big Day”: (Lisa)

  1. Most schools on Friday 13thand less on the 14th. Volunteers please show up at 9am on both days.
  2. Many bussesarriving on 13th at @ 9:30am, 10:30 and 11:00am

C.Volunteer assignments (slots vacant since last meeting)(Steve)

  1. Possible Ideas of working with DGIF to see about getting an Idea of how the fish population is after TIC release and survival rate. (Mark& Bud)

B. Finance: Current State and Needs “Dave’s” Fund?(Bill)

C. Projects: work session on May 21th Saturday. Brief lunch and application for Dave. Talks to have another one with some of Dave’s family present. (Bud)

D. Education(Stan)

  1. Tri-state Camp The council is giving more money and some chapters are donating $1000 or more for the Tri-State Camp.
  2. VCTU report back / SE Regional Meeting

E. Fly Casting Clinic Post mortem (try again this fall?)Sept 11th is a date set to do the clinic again. Gene is going to try and get a Saturday date instead but if not he will keep it on Sunday. Also we would like to set a fishing trip to get people more involved and to hope to get people to attend at least 3 clinics to attend the fishing trip. The trip may be in the SNP or Shenandoah river or somewhere fun. (Gene)

F. Bar Fly Planningfor Next Week(Gene)

  1. Next week: are we planning to do fly tying? Gayland will come out and will tie some flys.,
  2. Any casting possibilities? Charlie will bring a fly rod with me in case someone wants to cast.

G. Project Healing Waters: (Paul)

  1. PHW WVa Outing Attendee plans

H. Fish with a Member opportunities: on horizon?May 16th and May 20th are the next dates. Destination is TBA. Let Fred know if you re interested. (Fred)

I. Other Chapter Business(Dan)

  1. NV TU Chapter on Cedar Creek(Bud)

Other Chapter Meetings?(Gene)

Speakers going forward: June?

Interest in speaking at Isaac Walton?

  1. (8:30) Drawing for chance to fish at Wayne Seipel’s (Bud)
  2. (8:35) Free-Running activity/coordination(All)

Continue discussions with Harry Reed

Tie up loose ends with TIC release

PHW Volunteers/Coordinators: discuss exact dates/ times/contacts

Finalize arrangements for SE Regional TU Meeting

  1. (9:00)Meeting Adjourns