February 23, 2012
College of Forestry
Research Support Faculty Committee meeting
Present: Jay Sexton, Camille Freitag, Travis Woolley, Peder Nelson
Draft announcement of College of Forestry level RSF committee discussed and shortened. It will be put into COF Today, and put into departmental email newsletters.
Draft text:
Research Support Faculty Committee becomes College-wide Committee
Recently the Research Support Faculty Committee was elevated from a FES Departmental Committee to become a College of Forestry Committee. This committee advocates for the employee ranks of Faculty Research Assistant (FRA), Senior Faculty Research Assistant, Research Associate, and Professional Faculty (research). The RSF committee fosters a welcoming atmosphere for new employees, promotes networking and service, organizes an RSF mentoring program, as well as the FTE marketplace for connecting RSF needing additional time with potential COF employers.
Please check out our website at http://rsf.forestry.oregonstate.edu/
The RSF website has already been re-branded as COF but the only link I found to it was from the FES webpage.
We need to follow up and make sure there are accessible links from the departmental homepages and the COF homepage. Travis, Camille, and Jay will make sure we have up-to-date email lists of departmental RSF.
We have a tentative date for a COF RSF forum with lunch provided on Wednesday March 21st at noon.
When we send out individual emails to all the COF RSF we will announce the COF level committee and the Forum with Lunch.
Short 5 minute overviews of the FTE marketplace – including new push for users and consumers, the peer mentoring program, and a promotion for the RSF elections.
Q&A with “What can the RSF Committee do for you?” and informal conversation time.
Nominations email out the Thursday after the Forum, with e-mail based elections one week later. – polling open for one week. We will look into survey monkey as a possible ballot tool. We should recruit for RA nominees.
Peder said his 2 year term is up, which would mean we are electing 5 of the 7 seats. Perhaps we could appoint Peder to the vacant seat (if he is willing) and only have to elect 4 seats – which would set us up for the alternating 3 seat/4 seat pattern.
Peder will investigate that often heard 5% of a full time position is supposed to be service at department, college, or university. Is this true of RSF?
Travis mentioned that the Faculty Senate has been discussing a possible 3rd promotional tier for FRA’s possibly with the ability to be a stand-alone PI on a grant.