Ice Bowl® 2018 Registration Form
Thanks for your interest in being part of Ice Bowl® 2018. Shortly after you've completed and transmitted this registration, you will receive an email confirming your acceptance as an official Ice Bowl® event, login information for, and other information.
Please note that we emphasize Ice Bowl’s original charitable mission of feeding the hungry, and thus, it’s our hope that most Ice Bowls® will choose a charity that helps alleviate hunger. That being said, we know that many established Ice Bowls have long-standing relationships with other charities that help people. We embrace these efforts as well. If you are applying to run an Ice Bowl® for the first time, we request that you find a charity that conforms to Ice Bowl’s fighting hunger purpose. Please note that under no circumstances will we sanction an event that is dedicated to helping animals. While caring for critters is important, Ice Bowl® is about supporting organizations that help people in need in the community that the Ice Bowl is played. Additionally, Ice Bowl may not be use to raise fun for club, course improvements, or individuals in need. Thanks for registering your event and being part of Ice Bowl 2018.
Legal Stuff First:
____I’m want to run an official Ice Bowl® event, which means it must have “Ice Bowl®” in its name.
I acknowledge that Ice Bowl® is a registered trademark belonging to Disc Golf World, Inc. (DGW). Upon final acceptance of this registration, DGW grants you the nonexclusive right and license to use the mark ICE BOWL® on and in connection with the promotion of your registered Ice Bowl® event. You agree that you will not significantly alter or modify the ICE BOWL® trademark, without providing DGW with notice of such changes and then, allowing DGW to inspect the same to assure that the quality of the services remains high. This trademark license may not be assigned without the prior written consent of DGW. This trademark license does not grant you rights to use the mark ICE BOWL® on discs, shirts, or trophies without DGW’s written permission and/or a licensing agreement.
By signing below, I acknowledge Disc Golf World's trademark for Ice Bowl®. I also agree that I will report to Ice Bowl HQ these results from my event: the amount of money (along with written documentation such as a receipt or letter or email from the charity), amount of food donated, the number of players/helpers/contributors, the average temperature on the day, and how much snow was on the ground.
Signature: ______Date:______
About Your Charity
What is the name of your charitable organization(s)?
Charity’s website:
Charity’s phone:
What is your charitable goal in dollars (please answer with a number): $
What is your charitable goal in pounds of food (please answer with a number):
How would you best describe the primary mission of this charity:
___Helping feed the hungry.
___Other charitable purposes. Please explain:
About Your Event
Name of Event (must contain the words, "Ice Bowl" in it; i.e., The Frosty Ice Bowl):
Which Ice Bowl will this be—1st, 4th, 8th, 25th, etc.?:
Date Scheduled (please choose a date from January 6 through February 25, 2018):
Where It Will Be Played: City:
Name of Park or Course It Be Played:
Who is producing this event? (For example, a club, a P & R Dept, the Tournament Director, the TD’s company, etc.):
Do you anticipate sanctioning your Ice Bowl® with the PDGA. Please note that the PDGA will only sanction Ice Bowls after this registration process has been completed. ____Yes ____No
Your Contact Information
Phone #*:
E-Mail Address*:
Website where your Ice Bowl is or will be publicized*:
Have you previous run any disc golf events?: ____Yes ____No
*Promoter’s name, phone, email, and website will be included in the online Ice Bowl Calendar listing.
Fill out this form and email the file to . Or print it and mail it to DGW, 2408 NW Vivion Rd, Northmoor, MO 64150