Central Scotland Police -01786 45600 Crimestopppers - 0800 555111
Rural South West Forum PACT February 2012
Reflecting over recent months there have been a number of changes within Central Scotland Police; with Chief Constable Kevin Smith moving to lead the Police Reform his place has been taken by Chief Constable Derek Penman, who moved from the Deputy role. Gordon Samson is now Deputy Chief Constable and Allan Moffat the Assistant Chief Constable. For the first time in certainly my 29 years service this means that we have three local officers leading the Force.
At a more local level Superintendent Gordon Dawson has very recently taken charge of the Stirling & Clackmannanshire Area Command with I and two fellow Chief Inspectors reporting to him. With Inspector Catriona Paton moving on her place has been taken by Inspector Pat Scroggie, whom I am certain you will see more of in the months ahead.
In November 2011 I cautioned communities over the threat posed by those travelling into the area to commit crime and my concerns were borne out; the high price of scrap metal has resulted in several reports of metal theft and whilst some has been of scrap value some of the metal stolen has been serving a purpose. This is certainly an area that I would encourage the public to report any person they see removing metal even if they believe the metal only to have scrap value as the next time may be lead from the church roof as we know all too well. It is especially helpful if details of any vehicle being used are obtained, particularly the Registration Number.
At our last meeting we discussed the despicable crimes of fraud being perpetrated against local elderly residents and though the threat remains, we have had some success in detecting individuals responsible for some of them. However, this is an area where prevention is so especially important, because even if we catch those responsible we cannot take away the terrible effect all of this will have had on such vulnerable victims.
Cars being broken into for hand-bags and other valuable items left within have seen a significant increase, especially in the Mugdock Park area. I am sorry, but I simply cannot understand why anybody can leave valuable property on open display within their car as they leave to go a walk. Likewise, if you are to hide property within the boot it is best done before you arrive at the car park or to make sure that you are not seen hiding it there.
Following the move of Drymen Police Office to its present location we have now embarked on a consultation exercise over a similar move of Blanefield Police Office, but this time to share premises with the Primary School. By the time you receive this I will have attended the February Community Council meeting as part of this consultation.
1. Drymen PACT (Drymen, Croftamie and Buchanan)
Community Constable – Tony Cummins
Unfortunately Tony has had a recent close family bereavement and his necessary absence has meant that he has been unable to provide his usual comprehensive feedback. His communities know that Tony will ensure that they are fully updated once he has returned to duty.
The PACT Resolutions for Drymen, Croftamie and Buchanan areas for October/December were:
- Ongoing trend of break-ins to property and cars
This has been a problem across the area as I mentioned within my introduction and thanks to Drymen residents recently alerting police of prowlers in the garden males from the Strathclyde area were caught having also broken into property in the Gartocharn area. This was a good example of how important it is to alert the police quickly when such suspicious persons are spotted.
- Speeding- Croftamie, Drymen - Main St. South and Road Safety.
Speed enforcement has been undertaken in the villages and Tony will provide further updates on figures and any issues to these communities.
- Visitors to East Loch Lomond regards Anti Social Behaviour & Byelaw Infringements
Tony in his internal submission highlighted the following to colleagues:
Historically once the Ironworks season has ended ASB caused by wild campers and day visitors, crime caused by opportunist visiting criminals, all aspects of road safety and visitor management remain an issue albeit on a smaller scale. This is particularly so during school holiday periods and in good weather at the weekend.
There is a concern amongst local residents that once the camping bylaw ends on 31/10/11 ASB/Disorder may return and the alcohol bylaw will not be enforced.
Actions to deter disrupt and catch perpetrators’ while providing a safe and appealing environment and reassurance for both local residents and visitors will maintain and improve the great success of the bylaws introduced on 01/06/ and will resolve any fear of crime.
Tony will provide his own update to communities, but I know that we have continued to monitor the area and have not witnessed any significant post byelaw date problems (though I have to admit that the continuing dreich weather has helped!)
January - March 2012 Priorities -
Tony will ensure that community issues will be reflected within PACT priorities on his return, but in the meantime those of the last period will continue to receive local officer attention as they are still of relevance.
2. Balfron PACT (Balfron, Buchlyvie, Kippen and Arnprior)
Community Constable – Andrew Faulds
The PACT priorities for October – December 2011 inthe Kippen, Arnprior, Buchlyvie and Balfron areawere:
- Speeding in West-end of Buchlyvie.
Carry out HHR (Hand Held Radar for speeding vehicles) checks and also to identify vehicles overtaking on double white line whilst leaving the village (also targeting Arnprior on A811).
It has become apparent that the double white lines at the locus cannot be enforced as Stirling Council does not have the relevant order in place. Two offences were marked as ‘no- crime’ as a result and the community council is being made aware. HHR was carried out at both locations with 11 warnings issued. Again this remains a problem with hand held radar having a limited effect due to motorists warning one another. The HHR will continue in all areas.
- Vandalisms in Balfron
To address where cars have been targeted by scratching paintwork as well as other more minor incidents directed at vehicles.
Over the 3 month period foot patrols were carried out in the relevant areas with the result of no incidence of vandalism over that 3 month period to now, in Balfron. The previous crimes were investigated in more depth by the local community officer. None of the offences were detected. Numerous youths were spoken to and it is hoped this had the desired affect on further acts of being reduced to zero. This is undoubtedly an area where the community could help with information, even if anonymously through Crimestoppers.
- Seasonal Thefts by Housebreaking (Residential)
Throughout West Stirlingshire the incidents of housebreakings normally increase in the run up to Christmas.
It transpired that bogus workmen was the latest trend in the area and with operation Nimbus in place to deter travelling criminals of any offence this assisted in deterring and detecting offenders of crimes of this nature. In Buchlyvie there was a good detection where a male was charged with a bogus workmen type offence on an elderly female. There was a similar detection in Killearn.
Local officers believe the pro-activity of the road checks and vigilance by the public has limited the Housebreakings and travelling criminal activity.
PACT Priorities for JANUARY- MARCH 2012
- |Illegal & Inconsiderate Parking
Continuous and ongoing complaints have been received regarding parking on double yellow lines at the bank corner, Post Office and outside the Co-op in Buchanan Street, Balfron.
- Drug activity in Balfron.
There is a need to identify those responsible, to gather intelligence and to catch and/or disrupt those responsible both for using and dealing in illegal substances. It has become apparent that drug activity in the Balfron area amongst youths is on the increase so intelligence led stop checks and searches will be carried out in the coming months targeting those individuals where intelligence suggests involvement. Once again information from communities has a significant part to play in tackling this problem.
- Speeding and Road safety
A community concern in all villages in particular Fore Rd, Kippen and Main Street, Buchlyvie.
3. Killearn, Fintry and Blanefield PACT.
Community Constable David McNally
October - December 2011 Priorities and Results
- Theft of commodities such as lead, metalsand fuel - due to current high price of raw materials.
As at 31/12/2011 there have been 2 crimes recorded in regard to this action during the PACT period. One involved the theft of scaffolding in the Carbeth area (undetected) whilst a second involved a detected Sect 57 offence in the Killearn area on 23/12/2011.Balfron Police Officers have focused their efforts on conducting road checks on the west Stirlingshire road network and have successfully disrupted and diverted many persons intent on 'collecting' scrap metal.This has included a drop-side van full of scrapbeing seized. Given this type of crime is persisting nationally this action will be carried forward to the Jan - March 2012 PACT.
- Annual seasonal issue of thefts by housebreaking occurring at residential properties during late afternoon and early evening.
As at the end of the period there had been three reported Thefts by Housebreaking and one crime of Section 57 (within the grounds of property with intention of committing theft). Two of the above Housebreakings were detected with full recovery of all stolen property on 23/12/2011. The Section 57 offence was also detected. Given there has been a great reduction in this seasonal crime trend against previous years, this action is now closed.
- To target seasonal trend of driving whilst under the influence of alcohol.
As at the end of the period, three reports have been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal at Stirling regarding offences relating to driving under the influence of drink or drugs.
- To target Thefts by Opening Lockfast Places (motor vehicles) which are occurring at Mugdock Country Park (Typically daytime thefts between 1200-1600hrs).
- To target and prevent 'Bogus Workmen' thefts at residential properties occupied byelderly or vulnerable persons.
- To continue to proactively target those intent on stealing scrap metal, lead, fuel oil and other commodities.
- Road safety on A81, A875 and A809.
4. Carron Valley PACT
Community Constable – Steven Scott
PACT issues for October – December 2011have been:
Carron Valley PACT
Community Constable – Steven Scott
PACT issues have been:
1. Inconsiderate driving at Carron Valley Village (B818)
High visibility policing both on foot and mobile and including static road checks continue.The road policing dept have also carried out some patrols. The 30 mph in the area is still not enforceable; however we still expect the introduction of a 40 mph limit (though the ongoing Stirling Council consultation on speed limits will influence this).
2. Inappropriate conduct in the North Third and Pirnhall Rd areas
High visibilityand plain clothes patrols have been carried out in the area with officersengaging with people frequenting the area to address behaviour. Due to the profiling of this area it is possible to target it at the busiest times. There have been calls to the police complaining about the number of vehicles inthe lay-bysand the behaviour of some of the drivers. This will be targeted as it has been done in the past with a variety of police patrols and action that has proven success.Having received some reliable feed back regarding police activity in this area there is no doubt that the numbers visiting this location is decreasing.
Other issues - Large number of calls during the adverse weather. Murder investigation, body discovered in the Sir John De Graham Castle area - 2 x males quickly apprehended and reported to PF.
On 12/01/2012 report of 16ft metal gate stolen from Craigengelt Wind Farm Entrance off new Line Road.
5. Gargunnock PACT
Community Constable – Richard Morris
PACT no recent or current matters requiring concentrated policing attention
There have been 19 calls to the police over the period under consideration, but none form a pattern of concern and the Community Constable maintains regular contact with the Community Council to ensure that there are no emerging threats.
Kevin Findlater
Chief Inspector
Central Scotland Police
Central Scotland Police -01786 45600 Crimestopppers - 0800 555111