Mount Nittany 8th Grade Football
To: Players and Parents
From: John Stout, Head Coach
Cell-570 660-6934 (No calls after 9:00pm unless urgent)
Assistant Coaches: Joseph Walker, Joseph Sarra
Volunteers: Tyler Kaluza
General information regarding our program:
First of all, I would like to welcome you to our 8Th Grade Football Team! We are very excited about our upcoming season and having you become a part of Mount Nittany Football.
To ensure your eligibility, all players must have a physical exam betweenJune 1st and August 8th. A sports physical packet can be obtained on-line or in the nurse’s office. Physical exam packets must be turned into the Athletic Office (HSN) no later than August 8th by noon. Failure to have a physical exam and turn in the packet by the deadline will result in missing the upcoming season.
Practices Are Mandatory! Please contact me if you are unable to attend for whatever reason. Attendance will be taken daily and will be used as an evaluation tool for playing time. Regardless of the reason, missing practice will result in a reduction in playing time. Other sports and extra-curricular activities must not conflict with the football season.
Our first practice will be on Monday, August 15, from 8:00 to1:00 pm. Players are to report outside the gym. Equipment will be handed out from 12:00 to 1:00 on Monday.
Although managers will be present with water, players should bring their own or some other type of fluid replacement drink. Also wear an athletic supporter or Under Armour-type athletic shorts.
Week 1, Tuesday (16th) through Friday (19th) will be 8:00-12:00 with Full Padson Thursday. Parents are responsiblefor transportation. We will scrimmage Tyrone on Saturday (20th) at 10:00am.
Week 2, Monday (22th) will be 8:00-12:00 and Tuesday (23th) through Thursday (25th) will be 3:30-5:30 due to teacher inservices. Parents are responsible for transportation.
Friday (26th)will be our scrimmage with PFMS at 10:00am. Players report to MNMS at 8:00am. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from MNMS.
Week 3, Monday (29th) will be 8:00-12:00am. Tuesday (30th)through Friday (2nd) will be 3:30-5:30. Parents are responsible for pick-up at MNMS.
Week 4 and rest of season, Monday through Thursday 3:30-5:30. Fridaysare reserved for film sessions until 4:30 since players are encouraged to attend Varsity games. Players may ride the late bus home at 5:45 or be picked up by parents at 5:30.
No Practice Monday, September 5th. Labor Day.
Games are scheduled on Wednesdays with the exception of Dubois (Thursday). Start times are 4:00 or 4:30 and conclude by 6:00 or 6:30. Please go on-line or have your child pick up a Fall Sports Schedule at school.
Player Responsibilities
All of you are Student Athletes. To stay eligible, you must maintain a C (70%) average. Academics come first.
If any teacher contacts me regarding behavior or academic difficulties, you will be assigned detention or homework club until you make things right. Which means you will miss practice or a game.
Any student that is given MRC (ISS) or an OSS will be suspended from the team starting the day they come back to school. Days suspended from the team will equal total number of days in MRC or OSS. This again will lead to missed practices and games.
As a member of the State College Football Program, you represent not only yourself, but also your family, school, and team. So let’s be positive role models on and off the field.
Come to the first practice in shape. Stay active over the summer (See summer workout schedule) Stretch, run, do sit ups, push-ups, pull-ups, and lift some weights. Do something!
Playing Time
We as coaches will start each game by putting the best 11 players on the field. Throughout the game we make every effort to get every player into the game in some capacity. We will not force anyone to play that doesn’t want to. We also have to keep each player’s safety in mind. If a player has not demonstrated the ability to execute plays/tasks at a position, he may be at risk of getting injured or injuring another player. Each player must demonstrate that he is competent in a position from a liability standpoint.
Parent Information
We are in need of a statistician and videographer for all of our games. Stats are kept to a minimum and our camera is user friendly. Please let me know if you’re interested. This helps provide our players with a great gift at the end of the season banquet.
We encourage all parents to join and be involved in our Booster Club. This organization provides for and supports players at all levels. We will be looking for a parent to coordinate and organize information between the Booster Club and our team. Please let me know if you would be interested.
Please try to attend our parents only meeting on Wednesday, August 17th, at 5:00 pm. This will be in the MNMS library. I will be joined by the Booster Club in sharing additional information pertaining to our program.
Thank you for your help and support in making 2011 our best year ever!
Sincerely, Coach John Stout