(Fourth year)
I. Elementary Pattern Making30 hours
A. Neckline 10
1. Kinds of Necklines
2. Drafting diff. kinds of necklines
3. Make sample of necklines
B. Collars 10
1. Kinds of collars
2. Drafting diff. kinds of collars
3. Make sample of collars
C. Sleeves 10
1. Kinds of sleeves
2. Drafting diff. kinds of sleeves
3. Make sample of sleeves
II. Fundamental Knowledge in Shop Organization and Management15 hours
A. Requirements in Establishing a Garment Shop
B. Desirable Qualities of a Shop Owner
C. Responsibilities of a Garment Shop Owner
D. Business Ethics Procedures
E. Employer Worker Relationship in Garment Shop
F. Project Proposal for a Garment Shop
G. Interior Layoutof a Garment Shop
H. Importance of Advertisements
III. Garments Construction 45 hours
A. Casual Dress 20
1. Taking body measurements
2. Drafting pattern
3. Project plan
4. Transferring/layout
5. Cut fabrics
6. Construction
7. Press/ Fit
B. Gown 25
1. Taking body measurements
2. Styling
3. Drafting pattern
4. Project plan
5. Transferring/layout
6. Cut fabric
7. Construction
8. Press/ Fit
IV. Tailoring 42 hours
A. Long Pants Construction 42
1. Long Pants Measurements
2. Drafting pattern
3. Project plan
4. Selecting and preparing materials
5. Transferring/layout
6. Cut fabric
7. Construction
8. Press/ Fit
PSSLC / OBJECTIVES / Topic / No. of Hours / Activities / ReferenceI. Elementary
Pattern Making / 30 hours
1. demonstrate skills in pattern making for neckline. / 1. enumerate the basic necklines.
2. draft the basic necklines correctly.
3. make sample of different necklines efficiently.
4. appreciate the value of necklines in a dress. / A. Necklines / 10 / - Design the 8 basic necklines
- Draft the 8 necklines pattern
- Make Sample of Different Necklines / Technology and Home Economics IV
Making Clothes for your Little Girls
Better Dress Making
Clothing Construction
Home Technology (Clothing IV)
1. demonstrate skills in pattern making for collar. / 1. enumerate different collars.
2. draft different collars correctly.
3. make sample of different collars.
4. complete work on time. / B. Collars / 10 / - Diversity Collar Designs
- Draft Different Kinds of Collar Pattern
- Make Sample of Different Collars / Technology and Home Economics IV
Making Clothes for your Little Girls
Better Dress Making
Clothing Construction
Home Technology (Clothing IV)
2. demonstrate knowledge and skills in pattern making for sleeves. / 1. enumerate different sleeves.
2. draft different kinds of sleeves correctly.
3. make sample of different kinds of sleeves.
4. make the work neat and clean. / C. Sleeves / 10 / - Make Sleeve Variation
- Draft Different Kinds of Sleeve Patterns
- Make Sample of Different Sleeve
PSSLC / OBJECTIVES / TOPIC / No. of Hours / Activities / Reference
5. manifest functional knowledge in shop organization and management. / 1. discuss the requirements of a dress shop.
2. acquire the good qualities of an efficient shop manager.
3. explain business ethics.
4. make a project proposal for the establishment of a dress shop.
5. sketch interior lay out of an ideal dress shop. / II. Fundamental Knowledge in Shop
Organization and Management / 15 hours / - Report each Student About Different Topics / Essentials of Teaching
Industrial and Related Subjects
Home Technology Clothing IV
III. Garment Construction / 45 hours
3. demonstrate skills and competencies in constructing a dress. / 1. develop skillsin drafting and blocking the bodice pattern.
2.construct casual dress correctly.
3.use the best and orderly procedures of working. / A. Casual Dress / 20 / - Take Body Measurements
- Draft Foundation Pattern
- Block Construction Pattern
- Make Project Plan
- Layout / Transfer Markings
- Cut Fabric
- Construction
- Press / Fit / Designing your own Dress Pattern
Dress Design Grading 1
Flat Pattern Making
Home Technology
Clothing IV
3. demonstrate skills and competencies in constructing a gown. / 1. develop an understanding on how to use the block patterns.
2. follow orders of instruction carefully.
3. put/attach trimmings correctly. / B. Gown / 25 / - Take Body Measurements
- Draft Foundation Pattern
- Block Construction Pattern
- Make Project Plan
- Layout / Transfer Markings
- Cut Fabric
- Construction
- Attach Trimmings
- Press / Fit / Modern Pattern Design
Practical Dress Design
Designing your own Dress Pattern
PSSLC / OBJECTIVES / Topic / No. of Hours / Activities / Reference
IV. Tailoring / 42 hours
4. demonstrateknowledge and skills in constructing long pants with continental side pockets. / 1. develop skills to lay out patterns, mark and cut fabrics.
2. develop the ability to select materials with correct texture, fiber content and color for pants.
3. appreciate the value of pants in everyday life. / A. Long Pants Construction / 42 / - Take Body Measurements
- Draft Foundation Pattern
- Make Project Plan
- Selecting and Preparing Materials
- Transferring and Layout
- Cut Fabric
- Construction
-Press / Fit / Fabric and Dress
Clothing Construction
Technology and Home Economics IV
Prepared by :
Ria A. Cortez Jennelyn E. Sibayan
Teacher II Head Teacher III