NASCI vzw,

Centre for Infant Aid

NASCI, Centre for Infant Aid, is a Brussels based non-profit organisation dedicated to helping pregnant women, single mothers with children or families facing particularly difficult living conditions and who do not have any income or the means to satisfy the basic vital needs of their family.

Over the last years, poverty has increased significantly. The figures speak for themselves: in a big city like Brussels, around 20% of the population lives in poverty, mostly mothers and children.

Poverty and exclusion are extremely complex and need a multiple approach. With a unique approach in Brussels, NASCI offers professional support based on educationand on actions coming straight from the heart.

NASCI is a ‘solidarity house’ for mothers and familieswhere compassion prevails over pity; a bit of relief in difficult moments. By helping mothers, we try to make the children happier.

The organisation ensures that its aid is easily accessible for everyone and of high quality. With a multicultural and tolerant approach, this democratic and pluralist organisation does not make any difference between cultures, religions or ethnic groups. The happiness of children prevailsover everything else!

NASCI is subsidised by the ‘Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie’ (Flemish Community Commission).

NASCI wants to bring back a smile on the faces of the mothers and their children and wants to revive hope in difficult moments.

Who can benefit from NASCI’s help?

All mothers in need and with no or little income who live in the Brussels’ Region can receive some help from NASCI.

To ask for support, mothers in need can obtain an application form “aanvraag voor hulpverlening” (Flemish) or “demande d’ aide” (French) from several Brussels organisations such as ‘CPAS’ or ‘OCMW’ (Public Centre for Social Help) or ‘ONE’ or the 'Kind & Gezin' (Child & Family organisations), a general practitioner, a social worker of their municipality, a hospital or any other aid institution.

Once the application form is completed, the aid institution should set up a registration interview for the family or the mother with NASCI’s manager. Also, the application form should be duly filled out.

The aid institutions can download the application form from NASCI’s website [ The mothers in need will receive a copy of the form for their first meeting at NASCI.

Each application will be analysed. The period of time for which the family will be materially assisted depends on the individual situation but is limited to a maximum of 12 months. This allows NASCI to support a maximum of families.

Once the period of material assistance comes to an end, it is still possible for the mothers to participate in the other activities organised by NASCI.

What does NASCI?

NASCI vzw, ‘Centre for Infant Aid’ offers support to pregnant women, single mothers and families requesting help, for a specific period.

The five main activities are:

  • providing material support;
  • being a house of trust for mothers and children;
  • offering educational support, giving advices and referring to other

organisations providing legal advice, medical aid and housing aid;

  • offering a surrounding for recreational, cultural and didactical activities;
  • offering to our volunteersa centre based on diversity and tolerance.

NASCI has a specially equipped bath-space for babies, a recreational space for small children and a multi-functional space for diverse activities.

NASCI does not provide financial aid and does not give food-aid!

How to support NASCI?

NASCIneeds your support more than ever. All material and financial aid is much appreciated.

  1. Financial donation:

a. If you wish to receive a tax certificate, please donate at least 30 euros and use NASCI’s bank account 001-4095646-91, mentioning‘Donation for NASCI with tax certificate’

b. If you do not need a tax certificate, please us the following bank account 091-0121984-84, mentioning ‘Donation for NASCI’.

  1. In kind donations:

NASCI accepts donations and goods from companies, stores, schools and other public institutions, associations, services clubs and private persons.

  1. Volunteers:

NASCI is continuously looking for socially moved volunteers to help at the reception, in the kitchen, sorting clothes and toys, refreshing and repairing goods, washing and drying clothes, making of clothing parcels, taking care and supervising children, …

Which goods are collected at NASCI for the mothers in need and are thankfully accepted?

Baby- and children clothes, gymsuits and bathrobes – shoes and slippers for children and mothers – clothes for pregnant women and young mothers – all needs for babycares – baby follow-up milk and babymilk – diapers – small furniture such as little beds, small bathtubs, child boxes, walking chairs, little tables, etc… new toys– bookbags, backpacks and school materials in good shape – babycare, childcare and mothercare articles – cleaning products – wash powders – bedding linens and bathtowels for small and big – prams and buggies, batteries (of 1V and 1,5V) for the toys – solid plastic bags, …

We request strongly that all delivered materials are in good shape and well maintained. Every article that is broken, damaged, incomplete and or dirty, will not be accepted.

In the meantime we thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Contact us

NASCI is situated in a nicely renovated house in Schaerbeek.

The building is easily accessible and has been especially designed to welcome children.

Moreover, thanks to the skills of the employees and the enthusiasm of the volunteers, everything is done to create a comfortable and safe environment.


Rue d’Anethanstraat 4 in 1030 Brussels (Schaerbeek), close to Verboeckhoven Square.

[tel.] 02 216 88 85

[fax] 02 216 88 86



Opening hours

!!! Except holidays and closing periods or in case of absence of the instructor or the host!!!

- Material supply

Tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 16:30 PM

Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00

- Registry of new families

Limited and only after a first contact by phone to make an appointment

- Mama's Club (Mothers Club)

Every Thursday, from 13:30 to 16:00, the mothers meet to have a drink, a snack and a chat. On the agenda: baby bath and activities for the children, making new friends, educational advice,a meeting with people from “Doctors from the World”, hairdresser, lady’s boutique…

There is also the presence of a caring ear and the possibility to discuss in private.

Other activities (workshops, events,...) will be communicated in due time.

Engelse teksten Website NASCI vzw

Vertaling van de originele Nederlandstalige teksten

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