Assignment II
Gigin Paulose
IT 202
Prof James Mchugh
Registration Form (register.html)
Registration Form (HTML Code)
<!DOCTYPE html>
label { width: 150px; float: left; background: yellow;font-size:12pt ;}
fieldset {margin:auto; margin-top:70px; width: 40%; moz-border-radius:30px;border-radius:30px;webkit-border-radius:30px; }
if(p1 != p2){
//if dont match erase value in p2 empty
document.getElementById("password2" ).value=""
document.getElementById("password2" ).focus()
document.getElementById("warn" ).innerHTML=" <b> Password Dont Match</b>"
if(p1==p2){document.getElementById("warn" ).innerHTML=""}
function pwdtext1()
if (document.getElementById("change" ).checked)
{ document.getElementById("password1" ).type="text";}
{ document.getElementById("password1" ).type="password";}
function pwdtext2()
if (document.getElementById("change2" ).checked)
{ document.getElementById("password2" ).type="text";}
{ document.getElementById("password2" ).type="password";}
<BODY BGCOLOR="#00FFFF" text="#FF0000" link="##ff0000" alink="#ff0000" >
<form action="check.php">
legend>Registration form </legend>
<label for ="password1" > Instructor password </label</center>
<input type=password name="password1"id="password1" required autofocus="on" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Enter the Password"<input type=checkbox name"change" id="change" onclick="pwdtext1()">check Password<brbr
<label for ="password2" > Confirm password </label>
<input type=password name="password2"id="password2" required autocomplete="off" placeholder="Comfirm Password" onblur = "chkpwd()" <input type=checkbox name"change2" id="change2" onclick="pwdtext2()">check Password <span id = "warn" font:20px</span</center<brbr
<label for ="uname" >Student Username</label>
<input type=text name="uname"id="uname" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Enter the username" <brbr
<label for ="email" > Email</label>
<input type=text name="email"id="email" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Enter your email" <input type=checkbox name="ckemail" id="ckemail">email details<brbr
<label for ="fullname" > Full Name</label>
<input type=text name="fullname"id="fullname" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Enter your full name" <brbr
<label for ="address" > Address</label>
<input type=text name="address"id="address" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Enter your address" <brbr
<label for ="major" > Major</label>
<input type=text name="major"id="major" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Enter your major" <brbr
<label for ="phone" > Phone Number</label>
<input type=text name="phone"id="phone" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Enter your phone number" <brbr
<input type=submit<br
<h1<center<a href="grade.html">Click Here For Grades.html</a</h1<brbr
center<a href="images/Gigin-Web-Experience2.PNG">MY Experience </a<brbr
center<a href="register.txt">My PHP Code for Register</a<brbr</center>
Registration Form (PHP Code)
//echo "<br>hello<br>";
include ("account.php") ;
( $dbh = mysql_connect ( $hostname, $username, $password ) )
or die ( "Unable to connect to MySQL database" );
print "Connected to MySQL<brbr>";
mysql_select_db( $project );
$uname = $_GET["uname"];
$uname= mysql_real_escape_string($uname);
$email= $_GET["email"];
$email= mysql_real_escape_string( $email);
$fullname= $_GET["fullname"];
$fullname= mysql_real_escape_string($fullname);
$phone= $_GET["phone"];
$phone= mysql_real_escape_string($phone);
$address= $_GET["address"];
$address= mysql_real_escape_string($address);
$major = $_GET["major"];
$major= mysql_real_escape_string($major);
$time= date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
include ("function_inc.php");
$count =REGISTERED_count($uname,$email);
{die("The Username ' $uname ' already taken GOOD BYE");};
{die("Email '$email ' Already infile GOOD BYE");};
$s= "insert into REGISTERED values('$uname', '$email', '$fullname', '$phone','$address',now(),'$major')";
( $t = mysql_query ( $s ) ) or die ( mysql_error() );
print " Registered successfully Dear $fullnamebr/>";
print " your username will be :$unamebr/>";
print " Email: $email<br/>";
print " Phone No :$phone<br/>";
print " Address :$address<br/>";
print " Major :$major<br/>";
print " Time Of register: $time<br/>";
print " Thank You!br/>";
$to = $email;
$subject="Registration Info for $uname";
$message="Dear $fullname,
Username: $uname
Address : $address
Email : $email
Phone : $phone
Major: $major
You successfully Registered ! Welcome Aboard and Good Luck with your course of study !";
mail ($to , $subject , $message);
print" $to $subject $message";
print "DetailsEmailed to $email ";
Grades Form (grade.html)
Grades Form (HTML Code)
<!DOCTYPE html>
label { width: 150px; float: left; background: yellow; }
fieldset {margin:auto; margin-top:70px; width: 60%; moz-border-radius:30px;border-radius:30px;webkit-border-radius:30px;}
<BODY BGCOLOR="#00FFFF" text="#000000" link="##ff0000" alink="#ff0000" >
form action = "grade.php"
oninput = "y.value = x.value;
v.value = u.value;" >
fieldset style = "border:#0000ff 2px solid;">
<legend style="color:#0000ff; font:20px;">Grades form </legend>
fieldset style = "border:#F00 2px solid;">
<label for ="password" > Password </label>
<input type=password name="password"id="password" required autofocus="on" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Enter the Password"<brbr
<label for ="uname" > Student Username</label>
<input type=text name="uname"id="uname" placeholder="Enter the username" onclick="chkpwd()"<brbr
<label for ="course" >Course</label>
<input type=text name="course"id="course" placeholder="Enter your course" >
fieldset style = "border:#F00 2px solid;"<br
<label for ="x" > A1 </label>
input name="x" id = "x" type="range" value="0" step=1 min=0 max=50>
<input type=checkbox name= "A1ck" id="A1ck">
<input type=date name="A1S"id="A1S" placeholder="Enter the data"> A1Sbr
<output name="y" </output<br
<label for ="u" > A2 </label>
input name="u" type="range" id ="u" value="0" step=1 min=0 max=50>
<input type=checkbox name= "A2ck" id="A2ck">
<input type=date name="A2S"id="A2S" placeholder="Enter the data"> A2Sbr
<output name="v" </output<br
<label for ="PARTIC" > AdditivePartic Pts </label>
<input type=text name="PARTIC" id="PARTIC"<brbr
center<input type=submit<br
<a href="grade.txt">Click here for PHP Code for Grades</a<brbr
Grades Form (PHP Code)
include ("account.php") ;
( $dbh = mysql_connect ( $hostname, $username, $password ) )
or die ( "Unable to connect to MySQL database" );
print "Connected to MySQL<brbr/>";
mysql_select_db( $project );
$uname = $_GET["uname"];
$uname = mysql_real_escape_string($uname);
$course = $_GET["course"];
$course= mysql_real_escape_string($course);
$A1 = $_GET["x"];
$A1= mysql_real_escape_string($A1);
$A1S = $_GET["A1S"];
$A1S= mysql_real_escape_string($A1S);
$A2 = $_GET["u"];
$A2= mysql_real_escape_string($A2);
$A2S = $_GET["A2S"];
$A2S = mysql_real_escape_string($A2S);
$PARTIC = mysql_real_escape_string($PARTIC);
$x = $_GET["password"];
// checking password hashed
$sts="select * from SECRET where hashed= sha1('$x')";
(mysql_num_rows($tot)!=0)or die("Password is wrong! please check your password BYE");
include ("function_inc.php");
// If $username not REGISTERED then exit & message
if($count=="0"){die("The Username ' $uname ' is not registered. First register before trying to grade. GOOD BYE");};
// username is there but no course
$onlyname=GRADES_count ($uname,$course);
if ($onlyname=="0"){
$newrow = "Insert into GRADES values('$uname', '$course','0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')";
( $row = mysql_query ( $newrow ) ) or die ( mysql_error() );
print "New Row for the course $course created";}
// both username and course are there.
$boththere=GRADES_count ($uname,$course);
if ($boththere=="1")
$upa1 = "UPDATE `GRADES` SET `A1` = '$A1', `A1S` = '$A1S' WHERE `username` = '$uname' AND `course` = '$course'";
($uprow = mysql_query($upa1)) or die (mysql_error());
print "A1 n A1S updatetdbr/>";
$upa2 = "UPDATE `GRADES` SET `A2` = '$A2', `A2S` = '$A2S' WHERE `username` = '$uname' AND `course` = '$course'";
($uprow = mysql_query($upa2)) or die (mysql_error());
print "A2 updatetdbr/>";
$upa3 = "UPDATE `GRADES` SET `PARTIC` = `PARTIC`+'$particGrade' WHERE `username` = '$uname' AND `course` = '$course'";
($UpPar = mysql_query($upa3)) or die (mysql_error());
print "Partic grade added <br/>";
// updating total and per of 150
$total="UPDATE `GRADES` SET `TOTAL` = `A1`+`A2`+`PARTIC` WHERE `username` = '$uname' AND `course` = '$course'";
($stot = mysql_query($total)) or die (mysql_error());
$percent="UPDATE `GRADES` SET `PERCENTof150` =100*`TOTAL`/150 WHERE `username` = '$uname' AND `course` = '$course'";
($upPer = mysql_query($percent)) or die (mysql_error());
print"TOTAL & PERCENTof150 <br/>";
Snapshot of a results of JavaScript test for mismatched passwords
Snapshot of the DB table for the hashed passwords
Snapshot of before and after for a GRADES update including the update data.
Before update
Html update to update
After update
Snapshot of REGISTERED table after inserting an entry [just a sample of the table rows]