MINUTES of the 239th meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council held on Thursday 28thJanuary 2016 at 7.20pm in the Parish Centre.
PRESENT: Reverend Father David Finegan, President of the Council, Mrs Josephine Lea, in the Chair, Mrs Christine Cannon, Mrs Elaine Durbin, Mr Andrew Duxson, Mr Richard Hall, Mrs Yvonne Hannan, Mrs Gillian Millyard, Ms Rosemary Muntus and Mr Allan Scott.
IN ATTENDANCE: Frank Lea, Clerk to the Council
APOLOGIES: Mrs Carole Kelly
Father David led the meeting in an opening prayer.
01/16 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: It was agreed that the MINUTES of the 238th meeting of the PPC, held on 19th November 2015, constituted a true record. They were signed and dated by the Chairman.
02/16 MATTERS ARISING: There were none.
03/16 ANY OTHER BUSINESS NOT SCHEDULED FOR THE AGENDA: Father David said he wished to say something about the Bishop’s visit and this year’s Parish AGM under any other business. No other matters were raised.
04/16REPORT FROM THE PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Chairman gave the report on the meeting that had taken place on 12th January.
- PROPOSED EXTENSION TO THE PARISH CENTRE: The matter had been discussed by the Finance Committee and will be further discussed at this meeting under item 8.
- CHURH RE-DECORATION: This is to be undertaken in the late spring/early summer 2016 when the heating has been turned off. The Blessed Sacrament Chapel will be done by the chosen contractor and not on a self-help basis as had been previously proposed.
- PARISH ACCOUNTS: These have been prepared and will be presented to the Parish at the AGM in May.
- CRIB OFFERINGS 2015: £253.10 had been raised and had been sent to Aid to the Church in Need.
- WORKS UNDERTAKEN: Various small works had been completed including the laying of a new carpet in the Presbytery guest bedroom and the replacement of the fuse box in the Play Group area.
- NEXT MEETING: Will take place on Tuesday 3rd May 2016.
05/16DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF LAITY: No meeting is currently planned for this Council.
06/16 DEANERY COUNCIL OF LAITY: The next meeting is scheduled to take place in Bury St Edmunds on Wednesday 13th April.
07/16 PROPOSED EXTENSION TO THE PARISH CENTRE – UPDATE: Father David said that little had been happened since the last meeting and the matter was on hold for the immediate future. The matter should probably now best be progressed with a meeting with Tim Bunn and to include one or two members from the PPC and the Finance Committee. It was now a question of resolving the internal layout of the building so that the whole plan can be taken to the Parish for comment. Father David will talk to Tim and ask for some possible dates, Thursdays seemed to be favoured for any meeting.
08/16 REPORT FROM THE PASTORAL GROUP: Gillian Millyard reported. She said that the Group’s next meeting would take place on Thursday 3rd March and that the next Mass for sick and housebound would take place after Easter on Sunday 17th April. Gillian also said that since the last Mass we had lost three regular attendees. The Group’s board in the church porch had now been largely updated with recent photographs of area contacts.
09/16 NEWS FROM CAFOD+: Rosemary Muntus reported. She said that the group had had a post-Christmas celebration evening where members had provided a variety of hot food and desserts. Rosemary gave a brief update as to where the Group was in its application for gaining the award of being a Live Simply parish. The paperwork is virtually complete, but what is needed now are pictures and documentary evidence in support of the application. Members were asked to contact Rosemary direct on this matter. The most recent meeting had taken place on 26th January when the Lent programme of study sessions, based on the Pope’s encyclical, “Laudato Si” had been planned. Four Friday afternoon sessions will run from 26th February till 18th March. The sessions will start at 4pm and will last around 45 minutes. For those unable to attend on Fridays there will be a Saturday session on 5th March from 11am to 4pm. All four programmes will be presented, two each side of lunch, which will be soup and bread for all comers. This year’s Lent Fast Day proceeds will once again be match funded by the government. A short presentation will be given at Masses on the week before the Fast Day. The next “Prayers for Peace” event is provisionally planned for Sunday 5th June.
10/16 PARISH SOCIAL COMMITTEE: The Parish World Food day will take place at the Cedars on Sunday 7th February. Nine tables are booked at the present time. The opportunity would be taken to advertise the Lent programme of study sessions mentioned by Cafod +.
11/16 NEWS FROM STOWMARKET CHURCHES TOGETHER: Father David reported. He said that the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity had gone very well. There had been good support from the parish at the daily prayer sessions at the URC. The Sunday service at Our Lady’s had been very well attended with a virtually full church and this included a good number of people who had never been into Our Lady’s before. The retiring collection had raised £308.17 and was being put towards the Salvation Army’s work with flood relief in Skipton, North Yorkshire. Father David thanked everybody who had helped in any way throughout the week. This year’s Women’s World Day of Prayer service for Stowmarket will take place in Coombs Parish Church at 11am on Thursday 3rd March. The Good Friday “Walk of Witness” would start at the Old Post Office and would be well advertised prior to the event. The Christian Aid door to door collection would be organised as usual and there would be a concert in support of Christian Aid at the URC on Saturday 21st May. Father David finally reported that Tony Ciorra, long time co-ordinator of the Stowmarket Town Pastors, was not at all well and unable to carry out his role, but the Town Pastors continued with their work.
12/16 STOWMARKET & DISTRICT FOOD BANK – UPDATE: The Chairman reported. Jo said that a leaflet giving urgent needs had been placed at the back of church. It was also reported that there was a link on the Parish Website to the Stowmarket Food Bank where up to date information on requirements could be viewed. It was reported that during school holidays the Food Bank organised a Wednesday Lunch Club for children who would otherwise have been given a meal at school during term time. It was also stated that there had been a CAB led session on budgeting and financing for beneficiaries of the Food Bank. Jo said that Our Lady’s continued to be the leading church in terms of giving, both in food stuffs and monetary contributions from parishioners. She also said that Stowmarket Tesco was doing great things for the Food Bank. The Manager of the store had gone to great efforts to support this local amenity.
13/16 PARISH SOCIAL MAGAZINE: EditorYvonne Hannan reported. She said that she had received quite a bit of material for the next issue and was hopeful that she would produce the next edition in time for Easter. She said that she would like to see more input from younger elements of the parish. It was suggested that a chat with Debbie Kerry might bear fruit in this direction. In the meantime Yvonne asked that the items and articles keep on coming. It was suggested that a further appeal might be made in the Parish Newsletter and Yvonne agreed to do this.
- VISIT BY BISHOP ALAN HOPES: Father David said that the visit had gone very well and he thanked everybody for their participation. As yet, there had been no feedback from Bishop Alan, but this was anticipated in the none too distant future. In a visitation that had lasted barely 22 hours Bishop Alan had seen a great deal and got a good feel for the way in which our parish operates. It was hoped to get some photographs of the visit into the next edition of the parish magazine and Allan Scott agreed to send a short article, with photographs, of Bishop Alan’s visit to the Diocesan Newspaper.
- AGM 2016: This will take place on Tuesday 17th May 2016 following the 6.30pm Mass.
15/16 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting, the 240th will take place in the same location on Thursday 26thMay 2016. The meeting would start at 7.30pm.
Father David drew the meeting to a close with a prayer and blessing.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 8.31pm.
PPC Mins 239