Team Goal Setting & Team Contract Exercise

The purpose of this exercise is for group members to have an open, frank and comprehensive discussion about norms, behaviors, expectations and responsibilities for which they will hold themselves and other team members accountable. Whereas team culture cannot be controlled or created explicitly, developing a team contract is a mechanism whereby the team can attempt to create the conditions conducive for maximizing team goals.

The following guidelines should be followed when developing the team contract:

1.  Involve all group members. For this reason, it is never appropriate for one person to write something and ask the other members to look it over and sign. This fails to create buy-in. More importantly, it fails to reflect the thinking of all group members.

2.  It is sometimes a clumsy procedure for all group members to attempt to write a document together; there is a strong pull to some efficient use of labour. The group should resist this during the formation of the group contract. Group members can take turns writing on board or have group members independently submit their ideas for discussion on paper.

3.  All members should sign the document. This procedure may seem overly formal or silly in some contexts, but it can set important norms and help the group avoid pitfalls.

4.  The team contract should be revisited on a regular basis.

5.  Set SMART goals (see below)

6.  At a minimum the team contract should contain procedures for: (1) attendance and participation in team meetings and (2) a method or procedure for dealing with violations of established rules.

SETTING SMART TEAM GOALS (adapted from Janasz et al., p. 282)

Identify specific goals and objectives for your team

Begin with team’s long-term goals and discuss what your team goal is with reference to final deliverables, such as the quality standard, time frame, deadlines etc.

Write down the team’s short-term goals and objectives that are needed to ensure the end result. Short-term goals may encompass meeting behaviors (e.g., we will all be on time for group meetings), commitment levels (e.g., we will have all have our work completed by date assigned), and means for resolving conflicts etc.

Work together to help each team member set individual goals that are necessary to clarify their contribution to the project (e.g., deadlines etc.)

As a team, evaluate the goals for the team and for individuals. Analyse them to ensure they are SMART. Identify resources needed for successful completion, potential barriers, plans to overcome or adjust to barriers.

Provide feedback on means for supporting the team and individuals throughout the project

A Sample Team Contract

Goals to be achieved / By When / Resources Needed (from whom, where) / Potential Barriers / Plan to overcome potential barriers

To achieve these:

1)  We will be on time for group meetings.

2)  Each of us will attend all group meetings. If unable to attend, the team member will notify the group of the intended absence and make necessary arrangements

3)  We will come to each meeting with assignments completed.

4)  We will have meetings every ______month/week lasting ______hour(s).

5)  We will encourage open discussion and be willing to try new ideas.

6)  We will learn from each other.

7)  Other______


Name: Signature:

Name: Signature:

Name: Signature:

Name: Signature: