Hello and thank you for you participation and support of the Johnstown Little League for the upcoming 2018 season. We would like to take this time to inform you of some important upcoming dates and important information for this season. This year we will again be doing a candy bar sale for our first fundraiser this year. Each player will be given one box of candy to sell (or more if you would like). Each box contains 50 candy bars and will collect $50 when sold. Please sell all the candy and return the money to each player’s manager by the date listed below. Candy this year will be handed out by your players manager around March 20th. All money for the candy bar sale must be returned to the team manager no later than April 21st. Our second fundraiser for the season will be a tag day in which the players will stand outside of local businesses collecting donations from customers coming in and out of each location. Tag day will take place on Saturday April 21st. This is a mandatory fundraiser for all players, schedule of times and locations will be released in the weeks prior to tag day. Our final fundraisers for this season will be the 4th annual JLL Hit a Thon and the 2nd annual JLL chicken BBQ which will take place on Saturday June 2nd. More details will be sent out as we get closer to opening day.

Just as fundraisers are an important part of our organization volunteering is another vital part of the organization as well. We are always in need of managers, coaches, umpires, and volunteers for concession stand and other fundraisers. If you have already signed up for volunteering at registration thank you, if you would like to sign up you may contact me at the information provided below or by contacting any other board member. All volunteers must fill out a background verification form and cleared through the background check, even if you just work in the concession stand.

In closing we would like to thank you for everything you do to help support our organization as without you or your children running a successful league would be impossible. We look forward to another successful season again this year. If you have any questions you may contact Chris Tallon at 376-1292 or by email at .


JLL Board of Directors


March 10 Player evaluations at TBD (only for players receiving notice)

March 13Minors and Majors division drafts

March 14T ball and Bantam division drafts

March 19Coaches Meeting (Mandatory for all coaches/Managers)

April 21Tag Day and candy money due

May 5 Opening day and Picture day

June 2Hit a Thon Fundraiser and chicken BBQ

June 8JLL night at the Mohawks

June 16Closing Ceremonies