2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
National Volunteer WeekGrantFunding Report
We hope your National Volunteer Week celebrations were a success! We look forward to reviewing your report.In order to evaluate the impact of National Volunteer Week (NVW), supported by the Government of Alberta, please complete the following report.
Enhancement Funding Reports must be completed and submitted using the online report.Please use this word document as a tool to prepare your report and to save a copy of your report for your records.
Thank you for your participation in National Volunteer Week celebrations in Alberta!
Report Deadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
Organization Information
Coordinator Name:
Lead Organization Name:
Street Address:
City/Town: / Province: / Postal Code:
Email: / Phone:
Which site did you apply for? □ Feature □ Host
Community & Collaborations Information
Host municipality/village/county:
Did more than one organization participate in coordinating these NVW celebrations? □ Yes □ No
Are participating organizations located in more than one municipality? □ Yes □ No
Municipality (if applicable) / Organization (if applicable)
Alberta Constituency Information
Constituency Name:
MLA Name: / Did MLA attend? □ Yes □ No
If applicable, please describe how your MLA participated.
Did other municipal, provincial, or federal (elected) representatives attend? □ Yes □ No
If yes, please describe:
Activities & Engagement
- How did you celebrate National Volunteer Week 2017 in your community/region? (Please select all that apply)
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- luncheon
- evening reception
- picnic/BBQ
- workshop/seminar
- guest speaker
- awards/recognition
- open house
- volunteer fair
- group photo
- music event
- other (please specify)
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- Identify the key aspects of National Volunteer Week that were included in your celebrations (please check all that apply):
- Recognition of volunteers
- Promotion of volunteerism
- Recruitment of volunteers
- Please briefly describe your celebration(s). Include how you achieved the above key aspects.
- Please indicate the total estimated attendance of your celebration(s).
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- 0-50 people
- 50-75 people
- 75-125 people
- 125-150 people
- 150-200 people
- 200-250 people
- 250+ people
- Other (please specify
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- Please indicate attendance levels at your National Volunteer Week celebrations in comparison to last year.
[Rate] - significant decrease
- decrease
- about the same
- increase
- significant increase
- Please provide a brief explanation.
- How did you ensure these activities were available to the entire community?
- How would you describe the impact your NVW event(s) had on volunteerism in your community?
- Reflecting on the impact you just described, how would you rate the impact NVW celebrations had on the awareness of volunteerism in your community?
[Rate] - little to no impact
- low impact
- moderate impact
- high impact
- In your opinion, will your NVW celebrations affect volunteer engagement in your community?
- not at all likely
- slightly likely
- moderately likely
- quite likely
- extremely likely
- Please share a special moment or story that took place during National Volunteer Week.
- Did you have a speaker for your event?
- Yes
- No
Promotion & Awareness
Briefly describe the promotional activities you did to raise awareness of National Volunteer Week, volunteerism and/orthe celebration(s) in your community.
- Did other local nonprofit organizations promote the event to their volunteers? □ Yes □ No □ Not Sure
- Please select the media promotions and/or outlets you used to promote National Volunteer Week.(Please select all that apply)
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- my organization’s website
- newspaper article(s)
- newspaperadvertisement(s)
- radio interview(s)
- radio advertisement(s)
- magazineadvertisement
- television
- local community events calendar(s)
- other (please specify)
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- Please select the generalpromotional materials you used throughout your community and networks.(Please select all that apply)
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- printed invitation
- e-newsletter
- posters
- flyers/postcards/handouts
- public banners
- public displays
- other (please describe
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- Please select the key messages you featured in your NVW promotions. (Please select all that apply)
- Inviting people to your event
- Thanking volunteers in your community
- Recruiting new volunteers
- Other (please describe)
- If applicable, please briefly describe any volunteer recognition items you distributed.
- Did you use Volunteer Canada’s National Volunteer Week resources & promotional materials? □ Yes □ No
- Did Volunteer Canada’smaterials meet the needs of your community? □ Yes □ No
- If applicable, how could these materials be improved for next year? Are there additional resources you would like to see? Please describe.
- Please describe how the Volunteer Alberta and Government of Alberta logos were used in your promotions.
3. Financial Impact
The intention ofGrantFunding is to supplement overall costsof National Volunteer Week celebrations, including staff time and organizational resources.
- Please indicate the amount ofGrantFunding your organization received:
- $500
- $1000
- $1250
- $1500
- $2000
- What percentage of Grant Funding did you allocate to the following? (Answers must total 100%)
- Media Promotion (television, radio, newspaper, advertising, other media, etc.)
- General Promotions (posters, banners, displays, newsletters, postcards, flyers, etc.)
- Volunteer Recognition Items (awards, certificates, ‘volunteer rocks’, pins, t-shirts, pens, etc.)
- Event (facility rental, decorations, door prizes, and speaker/presenter/facilitator fees)
- What was the overall cost of your National Volunteer Week celebrations?
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- $500 - $1000
- $1000 - $1500
- $1500 - $2000
- $2000 - $2500
- $2500 - $3500
- $3500 - $5000
- $5000+
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- If applicable, please indicate the estimated value of in-kind contributions.
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- $0 - $100
- $100 - $250
- $250 - $500
- $500 - $1000
- $1000 - $1500
- $1500 +
- Other (please specify)
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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2018National Volunteer Week
Grant Funding
- If applicable, please briefly describe in-kind contributions.
4. National Volunteer Week Grant
We want to ensure that we are serving your organization and community in the best way possible - please take this opportunity to let us know what you think.
- Volunteer Alberta would like to acknowledge the variety of National Volunteer Weekcelebrationsthat GrantFunding supported. Do you authorize the use of your comments for this purpose?
□ Yes □ No - Please use this space for any additional comments or suggestions to Volunteer Alberta for future improvements to Grant Funding.We welcome your feedback on the new application/reporting structure.
ReportDeadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018 by 11:59p.m.
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